My Hub of Operations

I have been trying to figure out how to go about putting all my projects in one place, a place to speak rationally and cover all my online activities. 

A website to host my landing pages, and a page there to sell my own products and host projects. 

My site, can be my business hub. 

I have so many ideas that are connected but there isn’t a site that I know of that would appropriately house them. 

I can talk about the wheel strategy, credit acquisition and use, and business-building activities. 

It is my name so there is no need to register a DBA or FBN for it. 

I can have one email list that caters to different interests and segregate my list accordingly. I have many ideas but now I have the right idea back. 

I read some of Garret Gunderson’s books and used his idea of the cash flow index to decide which bills to pay first. I can talk about how I do it and send subscribers to Amazon affiliate links. 

To get subscribers I may use YouTube or scrape Google for emails. 

Scraping is free. YouTube is also free but requires more work. 

I need a compelling message and a great giveaway or reason to subscribe. 

And, here I am again at the point of where do I start? 

I started when I was born. I have been through many trials and tribulations, so to speak. 

For some reason, I always felt like banks were bad or evil somehow and I wanted to rob them. I felt like Robin Hood inside, needing to steal from the banksters and give to the poor. 

As I got older I realized that I wouldn’t change anything by doing that and the banks would keep making money off the backs of the working man. 

A few years back I learned about the Sovereign Citizen movement and the tax protestors. I read many of their rationalizations and it made sense but it ended up being more of their ideals and bucking the system which would lead me back to the same conclusion that they still have the upper hand and the only change is my descent into darkness and despair. 

There is a get out of debt Guru called Dave Ramsey who kinda cleared things up for me… 

I at first liked his idea to do what he calls the debt snowball where you take the smallest debt you have and put as much of your income as possible toward paying it off and simply pay the minimum on the other debts. Take the amount you were paying on the smallest debt, once you pay it off, and apply it to the next smallest debt and snowball that payment up through all your debts. 

It is a good plan but it leaves me wanting more. I do not want to wait until I am an old man to be able to spend the money that I earn. I want to invest it multiply it and make it return to me faster. 

Then, I studied the methods of the other gurus and they were against his ideas too. Later, I heard him do another show and he was deriding his callers and belittling them and he asked one man if he was really arrogant enough that he believed he was going to be able to beat the banks! 

That’s when it clicked for me, I don’t need to beat the banks. They have the tools I can use to amass cash and use it for my gain. 

Banks are in the business of lending money and the rules are stacked in their favor. To fight them would be silly. They have been in the business for millennia! 

Banking and finance is more like a game. There are rules and it is a tough game that is definitely rigged against the working man. Without the working man, the banks lose everything. They make him feel like there is no other way and have him work hard to keep their coffers full! 

There was a book by a CPA that I read and the guy shows how all bank loans are fraud. He had a plan to get rid of bank loans and he had a plan for commerce thatcommerce planthe central banking system we are under now. 

I was really into it and ready to go to court as soon as I could wrap my mind around it and understand what exactly I was arguing and how to present the evidence for my case and it would take a lifetime to accomplish, or even make headway. 

Then, I discovered consumer protection laws. I have been reading, watching, and studying these laws and how to use them to get what I want. 

It is there for me. I don’t need it now, but having it in my back pocket ready to be deployed when necessary is a bonus! 

My studies also made me proficient in credit. Credit building, repair, and business credit. 

I am in California and having a business structure from the cheapest LLC to the largest C corp will cost a fortune annually regardless of profits. That is leading me to run a sole proprietorship. 

My next step is figuring out how to classify my business so I can avoid as many of California’s fees as possible while maintaining my creditability. 

I have looked into some gimmicks like ‘Velocity Banking’, ‘Paycheck Parking’, ‘Debt Snowball’, and ‘Debt Avalanche’ while concocting my plan. 

I mentioned Garret Gunderson’s Cash Flow Index to help decide which debt makes the most sense to payoff first and it is what I use since these other methods lack this insight. 

My website will go deeper into each of these topics and I will have plenty of topics to keep myself busy. 

The ‘Wheel Strategy’ for stock investing is another big part of my plan and also let’s not forget real estate investing. 

All these topics are enough to write an email on a regular basis and there are enough products available to be promoted as an affiliate and there are enough product ideas to make some of my own and sell them. 

All of this can be run from my website which shares my name. It can be my business that I am building up business credit for which in turn will help me have enough credit to borrow money to invest. 

I have to organize it all and decide where to start. I have to procure a list of email addresses to begin driving traffic to my squeeze page once I create one! 

All of these things are content for my business. I can write about it in a newsletter. I can make videos about it and I can write books to sell or give away. 

I also have other websites that I can write about, build up, and sell… all of which will be chronicled on my hub site! 

One last thing, all this internet marketing, learning, and credit building is a bonus to add to my investment account which allows me to increase my cash flow. 

I have been fighting a sinus infection and as I’ve been getting myself all excited about this project I forgot and I’ve been feeling good! 

That’s another area of interest for me, self-help and it is big. I have plenty to say about it and I will be happy to share my success! 

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