Moving Along

There has been some progress since I last reported or wrote anything here.

I’ve read and learned.

Now comes implementation.

All the options overwhelm my tiny little mind!

The main revelation has been that I don’t have a long attention span.

I’m sure there’s all sorts of new age guru mumbo jumbo that could help me sugarcoat that but I get bored or run into a problem I don’t want to deal with and I take off for a while – metaphorically from real life and really from here!

What I’ve also rediscovered recently is business credit. I thought I understood it before but I didn’t. I think now I have a better understanding and I am building up business credit as a sole proprietor as I do it I learn and my contribution is going to be to share my story with others to help them along their way too.

I have to make decisions and I have to take action. I then need to analyze the results and do more of what’s working or something different if nothing is working.

I am going to use Copilot to help me create a useful newsletter where I learn how to create a business as a sole proprietor.

The newsletter is going to be a general overview of my plan and I may have to back up and share my personal get out of debt and raise my personal credit score plan first.

It is fairly straightforward, lower my debt-to-credit ratio. But, I could make a course or eBook out of it.

Giving away my process will allow me to build an email list of subscribers who want something similar to me. If they see me do it and they do it too then I can gain more credibility.

I can take my emails and put the steps that work in the book and warn against what caused me problems.

I have a specific plan to make money but these emails and eBooks are not planned, yet.

Once I have a list of subscribers I can promote products to them or sell them the products I create.

Focus on one topic and write about it and take consistent action on it to make it happen the way I want, that is the goal.

I want a business that I can safely run as a sole prop. with minimal paperwork. I will get more fancy in the future and use a different entity structure if that’s the best thing to do to get me where I want to go.

I will outline my plans and execution results will follow and that will be the start of my newsletter.

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