How to Lower Credit Utilization
Credit utilization is one of the highest weighted values to determine credit scores.
The ways to lower your utilization ratios are to either pay down the debt or increase credit limits.
Sometimes, you can manipulate this statistic.
Knowing the report date for your credit cards transferring a balance off the card before it reports and having it report a low or no balance will improve your score.
The problem many will face when trying to transfer a balance is the balance transfer fee.
Most cards charge a 3 to 5% fee, or a dollar amount like $5 or $10 depending on the amount transferred and if the percent or the dollar amount is higher.
Having a line of credit, not a credit card, but an actual line of credit allows you to transfer cash into your checking account which you can use however you like.
There are also cards that have no balance transfer fee. Having 2 or more of these types of cards with enough available credit can allow you to continually shift the debt away from the card that is reporting to look like you are not carrying any balances. This will also raise your score.
Another potential option, which depends on your credit cards and their offers, is where the credit card allows you to take out a loan against the balance of your card which acts like an installment loan. There is not usually a fee for this. No credit check either.
The same applies when you use one credit line to transfer the balance before the reporting date and then, instead of another transfer, you take the card that allows you to borrow against your credit line, and get the money into your account.
You use the cash to pay down the card you used to make the balance transfer to and then, repeat the process until you have paid off the debt, got the score you want for the reason you needed, or have no need for a good credit score.
I don’t know for sure that the credit card companies will continue to make the same types of offers in the future or if they will allow me to keep doing this every month but as long as it is available I know of no laws prohibiting anyone from doing this.
You must be meticulous with timing and must have the right credit tools available or you will end up in a very expensive situation that is hurting you in the long run, even if it helps temporarily.
When you pay a balance transfer fee of 3% it is not bad. If you have to pay it on each card each time you transfer the balance you end up paying way more interest than if you just let it sit on one card.
If doing this for one or two months allows you to raise your credit score to a high enough level to acquire another line of credit or loan then it may be worth it, otherwise, it will be extremely expensive.
While you are not really lowering your utilization you are making yourself appear as having a lower utilization which will raise your credit score.
The higher score doesn’t do anything for you unless you are planning on applying for new credit or refinancing debts and the higher score helps keep borrowing expenses lower than if you leave the balance where it is easily seen and reported.
There is a way to help speed up paying down debts and when used in conjunction with this idea of shifting debt around to get a higher credit score you end up with a high credit score, no debt and a healthy positive cash flow.
Check out this post on What Can Velocity Banking, The Wheel Strategy, And A Clean Credit Report Do For Me?
What Can Velocity Banking, The Wheel Strategy, And A Clean Credit Report Do For Me?
For many years there has been this deep interest in Velocity Banking and what it can do for me.
The Wheel Strategy for investing in stocks has led to many ideas to give me financial freedom.
Having a clean credit report with a high credit score is nice but how do I capitalize on my hard work?
There are many methods and strategies out there to make money and generate wealth. Combining the concepts mentioned here is one idea that may help you like it is helping me.
Not all strategies work and some work better depending on you and your situation. If there was a “best way” they should have been found by now but there are still many ways to do almost everything and the best seems to depend on those involved, their understanding, and their preferences and this post is about one person’s point of view based on firsthand experience.
Let’s start with an overview of these concepts, starting with Velocity Banking. This concept, to me, is a means to put idle dollars to work immediately to thwart paying excessive and needed interest charges on any debt I may incur.
That means that when I have a positive cash flow in a month the cash does not sit in a checking or savings account to be used by the bank and have its value quickly eroded away from me due to inflation. The money is put toward a line of credit, either a credit card or other revolving credit line – personal, business, or home equity line of credit.
Revolving lines of credit, that allow you to access cash without fees, like balance transfer fees, can be used to transfer debt, then, when income reaches your bank account it is paid toward the debt. This lowers your debt and eliminates the need to make a “payment” because you, effectively, used the line of credit more like a checking account than a line of credit.
The idea is to methodically pay down the revolving credit line with your income, use the credit line to pay expenses and save on interest because the dollars are put into the credit line which lowers the amount owed and means there is less amount to be charged interest on.
Large installment loans can be “chunked away” by transferring a large portion of the balance to a line of credit and when it is all transferred the payment becomes positive cash flow. Yes, the same thing can be achieved, maybe even faster, by simply paying the debt with income as planned and putting the extra income toward the installment loan. But, when you use income to pay an installment loan the money is gone.
What I mean is that you can’t access those funds from your credit because it is an installment loan and isn’t revolving. Having the credit available after funds are used to pay down some of the debt is important since there are no savings available for emergencies and unexpected expenses.
Let’s move on to the Wheel Strategy.
Basically, the investor pledges cash as a security for the sale of a put option against a stock. The cash needed is dependent on the price of the stock. Each option controls 100 shares of a stock. The investor must have the cash to cover the cost of 100 shares of the stock equal to the strike price of the option.
After the option’s expiration either the investor purchases the stock at the strike price or it expires worthless. If the stock is “put” to the investor the investor then sells a covered call against the stock he now owns.
The process continues indefinitely and produces an income for the investor.
There are nuances to this strategy too. The length of time between selling the put and its expiration date. When is the best time and best setup to sell the put?
For me, the implementation is as follows:
- Sell a put with an expiration 4 Fridays from today.
- continue the procedure every week with the same stock
- when the stock is put to me I sell the call also 4 Fridays from now
This is how I am getting started. As I progress I will need to use more than one stock. I have a plan for building up a portfolio to implement this strategy for the long term.
Once I have 4 weeks’ worth of the first stock I chose I am going to find another stock and sell a put 1 Friday away if it is Monday or Tuesday and 2 away if it is after Tuesday when I decide to sell.
The plan is to continue selling the puts until I can afford to sell 4 puts like with the first set of puts. I want to have a put sold each day of the week, and I say put but it depends on whether or not depending on if I own the stock or not.
When the whole thing is going the way I plan I will have 5 stocks I work with to create income selling options in the wheel strategy.
As time goes on and my wealth increases I plan to scale up the number of contracts I sell of each stock each week.
Now, how does a clean credit report and velocity banking play into all of this?
A little story:
A “friend” was struggling with a low credit score. He also found some ideas about how money works, how the laws work, and how religion has a major impact on everything in society today.
The rabbit holes on those topics are DEEP!
This friend showed how the banks have perpetrated a scam on the world’s citizens in an attempt to enslave humanity.
This friend was enraged, to say the least. He went crazy trying to find an escape from this evil plot.
The “conspiracy theorists” in this realm advised him that the laws are written in a cryptic manner and when interpreted properly show the scam and how to protect oneself.
Then, the unscrupulous “influencers” use the pain and anger to turn the consumer against himself for their own greed.
Then, that friend realized that there are laws to protect consumers and there are legal methods to fight against unfair practices and it lies in the consumer report.
There are numerous books and YouTube videos with tons of tips, tricks, methods, and techniques to get rid of any negative information on a consumer credit report.
Some are good and many are the same gurus spewing clickbait at unsuspecting consumers looking for a way out.
The victims are easy targets and are already known to be malleable mentally and easily bent to provide profit for the “wolves”!
But, there is some truth in what they claim. They just sensationalize their claims and the unsuspecting are easily convinced because of the manipulation readily available for use against them.
This friend found the real teachers who give the information to protect consumers and clear up the credit reports. There are methods that must be followed by both consumers and creditors.
By clearing negative, inaccurate, and incomplete information from a consumer report leads to a higher score or at least sets up the consumer for the highest likelihood of securing beneficial accounts to build up a credit score quickly.
Higher credit scores, due to clean and clear consumer reports, lead to better interest rates and higher lending limits.
Successfully utilizing credit lines and loans in the aforementioned strategies can lead to higher cash flows, faster debt elimination and a method to live without needing to run a service or business.
There is no desire to sell you something. I have no need to convince you of anything. I also have no need or desire to lie about what I’ve found.
There is plenty to do. There is also plenty to learn.
Why would I waste my time writing about this?
I need to think about it. I want to make sure I understand what I am doing. I want to show how this is working for me. In the future, I may change my mind or an opportunity to generate profit may arise.
In the past, I studied marketing for online businesses, email marketing, and copywriting – along with many other seemingly simple online money-making methods.
With my training and my knowledge, if there is a demand, I can recommend products I use in my wealth-building activities and if those products also have commissions available for recommending them I could build myself another income stream by sharing what I am doing and what is working for me.
I have recently seen some stock market gurus being blasted for not providing honest, transparent, accounts of their actual experiences and I do not want that for myself.
The wheel strategy I am using does have some risks associated with it.
My plan is to use the options to generate income. If the underlying moves against my position rapidly I could lose lots of value in my account. While that seems like a big detriment to my plan I think that there is more likelihood that the income will exceed the cost and risk but only time will tell.
By having good credit, quickly paying back debt with velocity banking, and choosing the right stocks I see an opportunity to prosper without needing to go work for someone else and it can be done online from anywhere there is an internet connection and that is what I have been searching for!
Websites For Sale
send an email to ghernandez@gilberthernandez.com for pricing and details
Deciding to Promote 1 of 2 Ai Products
I recently started working on a promotion for a product called, “Ai 30K Copy & Paste” and while researching it I came across another product that I am not registered to promote yet called “PLR Funnels”.
They are both Ai products and both inexpensive warriorplus products.
There are upsells that can make a hefty commission for affiliates and the front-end offers are very attractive.
As I was reading through the sales page for the 30K product it talks about creating bonuses for people who buy through your affiliate links.
The product helps automate the bonus page for you. Learning how to do this and having a way to automate it could be very lucrative.
Before I can offer a valuable bonus for promoting either of these offers I have to get it and use it and see if it delivers on its promises.
While PLR Funnels can create more than enough products for me to sell to my list I would still have to keep paying for traffic until I learn to sell.
With Ai 30K there is a free traffic component that is reported to help you generate a large email list. It is intended to help you promote affiliate products.
I think I’ve made up my mind on which of the two programs I am going to choose.
The deciding factor is that I am already approved to promote Ai 30K Copy & Paste Commissions and PLR Funnels wants you to already have 100 sales before they approve you. Plus, the free traffic feature has my interest highly piqued!
Once I get it and start making bonus packages to give incentives for subscribers purchasing through my links I should be able to make enough sales to qualify to promote other products.
I really like the idea of creating my own products too with PLR Funnels. I may get that product real soon too. I could gain experience with what sells which will help me decide the best types of products to create. It seems like a good product and these warrior plus products are inexpensive so I should be able to generate enough cash to buy and review more or create more of my own to sell.
I know how to make ebooks with Ai but being able to create a whole product, with bonuses and landing pages would be nice.
FREE Traffic is the deciding factor for me today.
Different Words Different Perspective
Being able to focus and get something done in order to make forward progress continues to be a big problem for me.
I know that the Law of Attraction and this thinking are bringing me down.
Reframe my situation:
I get to figure out how to create the right habits to get me from where I am to where I want to be.
There’s still probably something wrong with the way I’m phrasing that but I know what my issue is…
I keep flip-flopping on the path I feel is best to follow.
Learning to build an email list, based on the make-money-online market, has built me a small audience. I have courses I’ve purchased and books I’ve read that taught me how to build an email list.
I am working on getting my subscribers to click on the links in the emails I send. I have read about how to improve my copywriting, and how to write compelling subjects that get opened, and have read many ebooks about improving that click-through rate.
I am also reading a new ebook called “300 Email Marketing Tips“, by Meera Katha. She has a little different outlook than Some of the others in the market and it is giving me some new insight.
She has a worksheet that she links to from her book. It is her lead magnet. She practices what she preaches.
Igor Kheifets also has an email marketing system that he promotes in multiple ways. He teaches how to build an email list mostly using solo ads. He also teaches you how to sell solo ads.
His eFarming course teaches you, in-depth, how to build landing pages and how to write emails that sell.
Of course, he gives away a sales “funnel” that promotes his course. The first traffic I ran to it using his methods I got a 70% opt-in rate.
That is the best I’ve ever done!
It didn’t lead to any sales yet, just like all the rest.
I can see how email is supposed to work and the studies used to sell courses on email marketing make a compelling argument about why it is so lucrative. I can’t figure out how to make it pay, yet.
The countless ways you could monetize a list make it difficult to be able to get a grasp on what is the right way to go about it.
I am liking this new book the, “300 Email Marketing Tips”, because she makes it more about focusing on what you actually need to do to figure out your plan before making landing pages to promote make-money-online affiliate programs.
Igor shows you and provides templates that you can adapt to any market to promote many different types of products.
Igor also focuses more on solo ads traffic and email drops, where you pay others to email your offer to their list.
Meera seems to be steering me toward SEO traffic instead of paid traffic.
Both are viable and can be used together.
Meera is focused on the emails, how to build a relationship with your list to make the sale easier.
I have KindleUnlimited and Meera’s book is available for free to read with it. I have lots of work still.
My New Newsletter
Hello and welcome to my weekly newsletter dedicated to helping you make money online! My goal is to provide you with valuable insights, tips, and resources to help you build a successful online business, earn extra income, or even turn your online ventures into a full-time career.
Each week, I’ll be sharing practical advice, industry news and trends, success stories, and reviews of products and services that can help you achieve your online money-making goals. I’ll also answer your questions and provide expert insights from guest contributors.
Whether you’re a seasoned online entrepreneur or just getting started, my newsletter is designed to help you stay informed, inspired, and motivated to take action towards your financial goals.
So, sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into the world of making money online together!
Control Web Properties For SEO
Creating content to rank in search engines is a process that can work wonders. There is no doubt that organic search results can create high-traffic sources for you when done properly and effectively.
Interestingly, there is a strategy to get someone else’s site to rank highly for your keyword and you get the benefits?!
At first this sounds insane. You already know how difficult it can be to get those rankings. Why would anyone want to rank a site they don’t own?
One of my mentors, Marcus Campbell, brought this strategy to my mind and until this morning I was confused by it.
I get the idea that you can find a highly searched keyword that has little competition and you target it for yourself, you optimize your work to be picked up by the search engines in order to get “FREE” traffic.
There are books and coaching courses that cost thousands to teach and instruct you on how to get search engine rankings. I am not an expert by any means and I don’t have tons of success to report to you about how great it is.
What I did realize, however, is that there are more than one way to use other, free digital real estate plots, to promote your own content and use the rankings.
The first idea to use other people’s sites to get benefits for yourself is to use a press release. You write up a press release that links back to your site. You use the popularity of the press release site to quickly gain the attention of the search engines to get your content noticed.
The content ideally gets noticed and ranked in Google and other Search engines. Now, you have content that is getting seen by both people searching for the keyword you are now ranking for and you put a link back to your site and drive traffic to your site from the ranked content.
This is where it was getting fuzzy for me. If another site is getting the traffic for my desired search term then how am I going to get that traffic to where it actually makes me money?
Well, there is a choice about how to utilize the power of your ranking works…
One way is to link the ranking content directly to an affiliate offer. That is a powerful method to get traffic and results fast.
The other way to use the ranking content to boost your site is by using backlinks. Linking the content you submit to the press release sites back to your website can potentially give the search engines a reason to look at your site plus the traffic you are receiving on the ranked content should also be led back to your site from your message.
The press release sites have a “no follow” linking policy so using anchor text doesn’t seem to be a strategy to get backlink power but there are other free sites that you can post your content to and get that benefit of anchor text backlinks that give both direct links to visitors plus the hyperlinked text to your keyword that you are ranking your site with give lots of credibility and power.
For example, if you have a site that talks about “toy trucks” then you write an article about “Boy’s Toys” that links back to your site about “toy trucks” using the term “toy trucks” to hyperlink back to your site then you are getting some power in the eyes of the search engines. The link will be followed by the search engines spiders and get you indexed so more of your content will be reviewed by the search engines, allegedly.
So, when you create a site that you are promoting an offer or it is a sign up page for your email list that would be your “hub site”. That hub site is being linked to from other pages on your site, pages that are optimized for search engine rankings. There are also press release sites that link to your hub site.
Ok, now I’m getting mixed up in my head again…
The press release sites are “no follow” links. They rank on their own and are used to funnel traffic to your hub site. There is not any effort needed to rank your hub site because it is not an information point. It is a way for you to collect email addresses.
That is confusing me…
Let me clarify for you and for me…
Your hub site is not going to rank in the search engines. Your “spoke” pages, the ones that funnel traffic to your hub page should be optimized for search results.
That means, your “spokes” can also be hubs.
In order to pump up the search rankings in your favor you can use the “free” web properties, like Medium.com, Google Sites, Pinterest, and so on…, to link back to your pages.
I don’t think I am explaining myself right…
Basically, you are using powerful sites, the ones that already get “crawled” by the search engine spiders often, to get your content noticed faster and ranked higher in the search results.
The most important thing to remember is that the traffic you get from the search engines is to be funneled to your “hub site” which in turn funnels that traffic to your email list and again to your promotional offer.
If you can control someone else’s property for your own gain without paying out your own money or even paying out less than you earn is a good business practice to make money.
You can use the power of authority sites to get your content picked up right away and you can strategically guide that traffic back to your offers in order to make a healthy profit.
ChatGPT: Build Me An Online Real Estate Investing Business
Running an email affiliate marketing business in the real estate investing niche can be a lucrative way to earn passive income. Here are the steps to get started using free web properties and an email autoresponder:
- Choose a niche: The first step is to choose a niche within the real estate investing industry. This could be anything from house flipping to rental properties to real estate crowdfunding.
- Choose affiliate products: Once you have chosen a niche, research and select affiliate products that are relevant to your niche. These can include courses, software, eBooks, and other products.
- Build a website: Use a free web property, such as a blog or landing page, to promote your affiliate products. You can use platforms like WordPress, Wix or Blogger to create a free website.
- Create valuable content: Create valuable content related to your niche to attract visitors to your website. This can include blog posts, videos, and other resources that provide value to your audience.
- Build an email list: Use a free email autoresponder service like Mailchimp, Sendinblue or ConvertKit to collect email addresses from your website visitors. Offer a lead magnet such as a free eBook, a video course or a cheat sheet to incentivize visitors to join your list.
- Create an email sequence: Create a series of automated emails that promote your affiliate products. These emails should provide value to your subscribers while also highlighting the benefits of the affiliate products you are promoting.
- Promote your affiliate products: Promote your affiliate products within your emails and website content. Use persuasive copy and highlight the benefits of the products you are promoting to encourage your subscribers to make a purchase.
- Track your results: Use analytics tools to track your results and adjust your email sequence and promotional efforts as needed.
By following these steps, you can use free web properties and an email autoresponder to run an email affiliate marketing business in the real estate investing niche. Remember to always provide value to your subscribers and be transparent about your affiliate relationships.
What I have chosen to do:
- Judgement Liens – Buy the rights to the judgement from a creditor – get paid when house sells or refinances.
- I have to study the laws in the areas that I intend to invest in these liens. I will make some guides to using the websites for the counties I invest in and talk about how I initiate contact with creditors plus how negotiation goes. This info will be published in a newsletter where I can place ads for affiliate products and possibly sell space.
- For the website I will use AWeber to build a squeeze page and a thank you page where my offer will be promoted. My offer is to buy judgement liens for a discount.
- Negotiating debts with creditors can make property more affordable. Showing my methods – as I learn them and document them – is a valuable service to my newsletter subscribers. And, I want to keep all this through email, text and regular mail… to keep me free from the phone. Plus I want to be able to do everything from a laptop in case I want to travel.
- I have AWeber as my autoresponder already and they have a free version up to 500 subscribers and there are limits on available features on the free plan.
- My subscribers will receive daily updates based on what I DID to make my business work. See what the process is and how to find out the information you need.
- There are tons of info products I can create and sell or give away, that are related to judgements and credit plus real estate investing that I can branch out into naturally.
- Testing email promotions and newsletter layouts are part of the plan. Just have to start generating an income.
I can put up videos too when I search for and provide information specifically how to do some aspect of the business that can help drive traffic. There are tons of places to go and interact with people already doing what I intend to do. ChatGPT can help me come up with a plan to get started. I want to both make money as a marketer and as an investor. I have spent countless hours going through courses, reading books and “checking out” all sorts of investing plans. This is going to be an organic style business meaning I am going to market through forums and social media. I am going to ask chatGPT to help me do things like where to get info and how to write up a contract.
I will most likely get into business credit and note investing. I want to market for note buyers and note sellers. I can cherry pick the best deals and sell to the highest bidder.
Marketing is at the heart of all this which is why I am writing about it here. With the liens, I can help both sides, I can negotiate to buy debt from creditors and offer to negotiate to reduce debt for debtors.
I just need to learn some laws or how to find an affordable attorney to do that for me. I need to find a way to get leads without paying too much. I need to learn how to negotiate! Those are the types of things ChatGPT is going to help me solve.
If you would like to receive this newsletter I am creating leave a comment below and I will get you the info as soon as I make it.
Talk Soon,
Test, Test, Test, and Repeat
You have to run tests if you’re trying to make money online.
Find an offer, set up a squeeze page to collect leads, and send them from there to your affiliate offer. Send an email follow-up to get the sale.
Repeat the process over and over and bump up traffic to higher converting offers.
Create And Sell Your Own Info Product?
An Experiment with A.I., PLR, and Email Marketing:
There are already a huge amount of people giving away ChatGPT money-making strategies on YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram, and affiliate products that are being promoted on WarriorPlus and Clickbank…
There are multiple traffic-generating plans out there. There are many differing copywriting philosophies.
You have to take an action, get results, improve, and repeat.
Everything is a test.
You may find yourself going in too many directions, with all these bright shiny objects designed to grab your attention and make you spend your money… and you want in on that ability to get people to spend their money on your products or the products you promote.
This experiment is going to test a strategy using solo ads. People sell their lists of solo ad sellers that they’ve had success with and the ones they won’t use again. I will post the results on this blog.
There are better, more effective advertising methods but solo ads are easy. I have an email list already, a few of them. Most are in the make-money-online niche. With the squeeze pages I have set up I know I can get at least 35% opt-in rates.
I will test a few different sources and I will invest an average of $10/day into solo ads. That means, obviously, I will not be able to send as often the more I pay. I will have to pay some higher fees to test the quality of traffic.
I will be sending traffic to affiliate offers after they sign up on my email list. I will have a 3-10 day follow-up campaign that subscribers will be automatically enrolled in. Once on my list, I will be sending daily offers for make-money-online products.
I have to test headlines and emails that get clicks plus find the highest converting offers to promote. It’s kinda the affiliate marketing dream. Once I find a good combo of an offer, traffic, squeeze page, email subject lines that get opened, an email message that generates click-throughs, and offers that convert traffic to customers.
In this experiment, I am going to be developing my own system to help you use ChatGPT to write product reviews, info articles, and press releases for SEO. I am testing solo ad sellers. Until I can find a way to get clicks on email links or get a big enough list where a low CTR is enough to get sales.
Later this can be a special newsletter where I conduct these experiments for myself and for you. It is a lot cheaper to see what is working for someone else and just do that rather than invest in all the ways that don’t work.
If it works, how long will I be able to keep giving away this info for free?
I have a text document that has some of the ChatGPT prompts I am using to generate content for my sites. This is all me here but lots of my other content is from the A.I.
My latest product that I bought and reviewed is called Secret Email System
I have seen dramatic improvement in both my opt-in rates and my email open rates. My email click through rate still leaves much to be desired but I am working on it.
- Pick a product
- Set up an autoresponder series
- Set up a squeeze page
- Buy a solo ad – send clicks to squeeze page
- Squeeze page sends traffic to product sales page
- Report Stats
- Make adjustments
- Send broadcast messages to my growing list testing headlines and different messages and message styles.
- Repeat