
Build A Buyers List

As an internet marketer you should be building a list of buyers to build a relationship that pays you well into the future.

How do you track which subscriber buys from your link? How do you move them from your prospect list to the known buyer list to market differently?

I am not sure if that is even possible or how you’d go about doing that.

You can track who’s bought from you though.

When you create your own product or sell a PLR product you can segregate that customer out of the prospect list and put them on a special buyers list.

Having a responsive list of these people is marketing gold!

These people trust you and like what you have to offer.

The problem as an affiliate is that you have to have a product to sell. And to be sure they will buy again and are getting the quality they bought from you already you have to vet the products you are promoting.

Recently I began selling Solo Ads on and I don’t have a personal list of ravenous buyers, yet.

I need to build a product that I can sell and build up a segregated list to help me profit more. I will also be catering to a specific group that want the niche products I am promoting.

I will also be giving my Solo Ad customers better quality leads that I know have bought and give them a better chance to make money too.

The folks on my list, if I vet the product I’m promoting properly, will be shown a product that complements what I’ve already sold to them.

Traffic generation is easy, it’s the targeted traffic that gets tricky.

The most recent program I’ve been promoting does most of the heavy lifting for you.

John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program has a webinar that explains the program. The follow up campaigns are in place to sell more products related to the original offer to help customers with the exact problems I’ve outlined here.

You don’t have to build a website, put together fancy landing pages, find affiliate products to promote and be an expert copywriter to sell the products you’re promoting. Those things are all built in.

You use his promotional materials to build your own buyers list and nurture them with personalized email campaigns curated to their interest and needs.

Here’s a link again for you to go and check out if this program may be a fit for you.

The best thing about this offer is that it comes with ClickBank’s unconditional 60 day money back guarantee. That means you get to try this out, start building a subscriber list, get all the follow up campaigns loaded into your autoresponder and if you decide that it doesn’t work you can cancel and get your money back.

The Problem With Affiliate Marketing

Have you ever thought how nice it would be if you could make the price of the product cheaper or more expensive to make you more money?

If you could just lower the price a couple dollars you could increase sales so much that your overall profits would increase greatly? For example, you are selling a $100 product and you sell 100/month which brings in $10,000 a month.

If you dropped the price you to $90 you lose $10 per sale which is $1000 but you also gain 20 more sales each month which is another $2000 in sales so you raise your income by 10% or $1000 per month!

Or, if you were to raise the price $50 but you lose 20 sales per month you get 80 sales times $150 which is a total of $12,000 of income each month and a 20% increase in income!

Of course both of those examples are just for demonstration and I have no way of knowing if these numbers are in any way accurate or indicative of what you should expect but they show how adjustments could raise your income…

But you can’t mess with the price of a product you’re an affiliate for.

That leads to you having to create your own products that you can market and sell and you have total control over what you charge, and you can test more.

There are tons of courses that “teach” you how to do this and there are PLR products that you almost have to make a new product from anyway to make it current and your own.

Marcus Campbell, a YouTuber who teaches affiliate marketing and other make money online business methods, talks about how easy it is to get traffic but knowing what to do with the traffic that takes work.

You’ve probably noticed that many emails you get and websites you visit (in the make money online market) all have similar headlines and hype-y claims.

When you start marketing affiliate products in the make money online market you get “swipe” files and landing page templates with the same stuff as everybody else.

If you are at all like me you probably ask yourself, “how do I stand out?”

There are Bible verses about there being nothing new under the sun and marketers that want you to sell their products and courses who tell you not to re-invent the wheel…

Just do what’s already proven to work…

The money is in the list…

There are so many paths and so many things that work but how do you make it work for you?

What should you focus on where should you spend your time and energy? What is going to give you the best returns?

Some coaches say that you have to get out there and work hard while others say just do what you love and the money will come!

You are probably ok with a little hard work but what exactly do you need to work on in order to produce a positive income?

When are you going to have an Ah-Ha moment that leads to you overnight success that you hear so much about?

Right now I am exploring the make your own product, using PLR and/or using my own knowledge to create a product I can sell.

Stay tuned, my list building is improving. I am making sales here and there. I am working toward consistency. Improve my efficiency is a high priority.

Til next time…

Done For You Affiliate Marketing?

You may be wondering why anyone in their right mind would want to setup an affiliate marketing program “funnel” for you.

Why would they want to help you make money by doing all the hard work of setting up a website, email campaigns and marketing videos?

What’s in it for them?


They are actually recruiting you to sell their products for them and they use your “word of mouth” to get their message out in front of more eyes.

When done properly it can be a mutually beneficial relationship, at the very least it can help newbies learn about copywriting and marketing.

There are tons of products are out there doing just this in the make money online market.

These experienced marketers setup a webinar or video sales page that they then instruct their students on how to send visitors to that page in exchange for some of the profits.

These funnels can be simple or they can be very complex. They use upsells and downsells and cross marketing to add streams of income that you can cash in on if you buy into the program.

These pro marketers are constantly repackaging the same ideas in new software, apps and delivery methods to make a living, a very comfortable living.

Of course anyone can find out any piece of the puzzle by spending their time figuring it out and building their owns sales funnels.

The experienced guys have professional sales copywriters working for them and they have the money to test out their marketing materials to see what converts the best.

Somewhere I recently heard the comparison of doing it all yourself because all the info is available on the internet for free to building a house, there are trees in the forest you can go cut down, shape into boards. You could mine some ores, smelt them down and forge some nails and wires. Do whatever it takes to make roofing shingles… and build your house yourself but do you have the time and energy to do all that?

If you are serious about making money online and you want to get on the fast track to success it may be in your best interest to invest your money in a program that has done the “Heavy Lifting” for you and learn how to drive traffic to the offer to help others trying to do the same and help the teacher earn a living at the same time.

It’s a way to help others and yourself at the same time.

Earn while you learn!

John Thornhill’s Ambassador program sets you up with a lead capture page so you can build your own email list, it has a webinar to sell the program for you and it also sets up a year’s worth of email follow up campaigns to get you making money on the back-end too.

The idea is to get email subscribers first and foremost.

He has an email autoresponder that automatically sends out a series of emails that are written by a professional copywriter to help get your offer in front of your subscribers eyes and also has more related products that your subscribers will also be likely to find beneficial.

If you are interested in learning more and seeing the product in action go watch the free webinar here.


Getting Stuff Done

I’ve had a PLR product on my site for some time now but I didn’t really do a solid promotion on it. I had some struggle with some previous promotions so fear of failure was holding me back along with procrastination and analysis paralysis.

Today I reworded a few things and reworked some landing pages, set up a better delivery system and now I have what I believe to be a decent landing page to collect email when I send traffic to it.

I had to re-direct some links in PayPal to help me protect my work a little better, and by my work I mean my effort not that I wrote any ebooks or anything like that. I only have so much time.

Here’s a breakdown of what I did:

  1. Acquired a PLR product with a lead magnet
  2. Built the sales page for Email Marketing Success ebook and checklist onto this blog
  3. Created a download page in Google Drive
  4. Made a folder with the ebook and checklist also in Google Drive
  5. Created a PayPal Button to collect payment and send customers to that product download page
  6. Put together the Squeeze page that gives away the Lead Magnet – 5 Ways to Nurture Your New Email Subscribers – to collect subscriber emails
  7. Made an autoresponder message in AWeber to send subscribers the Lead Magnet
  8. Created a thank you page to promote Email Marketing Success ebook and checklist
  9. Also uploaded the Lead Magnet to my site

The last thing I plan on doing today is editing the pdf of the lead magnet (special file) that is used to send to my current subscribers to promote the Email Marketing Success ebook.

It takes some planning and “work” and rework to make sure everything loads right on your site, links go to the right place and the product stays hidden rather than on a page that anyone could go to and just download the product, like I had it for the past few months.

I have been researching copywriting but I didn’t edit the sales page to reflect what I’ve learned, yet.

The work I did took me a few hours and it took lots of concentration. It’s a little exhausting and I didn’t swing one hammer or dig any ditches!

I like building like this. It is kind of fun putting this together kind of like a puzzle. If I had to write the whole ebook and create the lead magnet too I would have to go on vacation!

Please check out the links to my work and let me know what you think. Send me an email @ or just post in the comments what you think.

If you like this information and want more like it let me know.

These PLR products are decent. I acquired them because I am learning this stuff myself. I have a few other PLR products on another site, that show how to use Solo Ads to earn a profit while you build your list.

The other product, AWeber Crash Course 3.0, is a FREE video course that shows how to use AWeber to handle your email list autoresponder, build landing pages and manage your subscribers.

Once I have some results from a Solo Ad that is promoting the Email Marketing Success course I will most likely put together a copywriting product promotion using PLR.

I am going to double check my product licenses and see if I can adjust the price on the AWeber and Solo Ad Professor courses down to $7 like this Email course I put the promotion together for today.

Like I said, the info seems solid and the squeeze page looks decent. to me, so I expect decent opt in rates and the low price should allow for at least a few conversions.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot what I learned in the Solo Ad course, I have to learn how to track my results and how to segment my list so the buyers won’t keep getting follow up emails to buy the product they already purchased.

I don’t have any outlandish earnings claims to report but I feel like it is important to mention that there are no guarantees that you will make any money online and most people who try to make money online make nothing and can even lose money. Please do your own research because there is risk in any business and this is a business. The products I am promoting through the links on this page may be affiliate links that pay me a commission if you click on them and make a purchase.

There will be another part to this post because I still have lots of work to do so be on the look out for the Solo Ad, autoresponder follow up, list segmentation and new product promotions to learn how to make money online with PLR and email marketing.

Get Buyer Traffic With Effective PPC Campaigns

Let me tell you a little story about my list building experience…

I signed up for a done for you list building service called The 12 Minute Affiliate.

After a month of the service I generated a list of over 1000 subscribers.

The service worked.

I made a couple of sales but the traffic was costing me more than I was earning in sales.

The product also re-launched under a new name, Easiest System Everand I was not making anymore sales and to add insult to injury, all of the sales I made returned the product I sold them.

Now, I had a large, for me, email list that doesn’t buy from me.

I am sure you’ve heard that the money is in the list and you should earn a return of at least $1 per email subscriber on your list… I was banking on that.

It didn’t happen.

I did learn from that experience… an expensive lesson.

The program teaches you to buy solo ads and then market affiliate offers to your newly creates list.

I followed the instructions and built up the list and started marketing to that list.

The problem is that I didn’t do any relationship building.

I failed to listen to the advice about where to buy traffic from.

I didn’t give anymore value to my subscribers and I just kept sending out email after email promoting affiliate products just hoping for a sale and it never happened.

From my prior experience of rushing out to buy the next greatest product that alleges to solve my marketing problems I have refrained and instead spent time researching ideas that are readily available all over the internet.

The problem is that you have to search for this stuff, read it or watch it, process it and implement what you have learned.

You also have to understand it and test it all out which can lead to more costs in marketing and time.

Just today I was watching a sales webinar for another done for you email marketing course. This one was going to cost nearly $3k if you pay in 3 easy payments or save $495 if you pay just one low price of $2495 today.

What I was paying attention to was the delivery of the sales message.

There were assurances and guarantees all over the place.

There is a concept out there that you appear to be giving so much value that the potential customer feels almost stupid not to take you up on the offer.

This guy did that in a way that was straight forward and probably even sincere but I didn’t buy.

The fear is that I won’t be able to afford what ever else I need to invest into the system to buy traffic, hire the right people or get the necessary tools and that it will end up like all my other attempts to make guaranteed easy money.

I have watched hundreds, if not thousands of sales presentations, read so many sales emails and sales pages that it is almost like a broken record in my head.

Knowing that I’m being sold something makes me apprehensive.

The way these sales messages are put together is nearly all the same.

It seems like it shouldn’t work because it is so repeated and recognizable but it must work because people are still doing it and still making money doing it.

It feels like a trick when you see it so often but is it?

Being around for so long and looking into this industry as much as I have it is finally sinking in that I must go above and beyond in some sort of way in order to make money in the online marketplace.

That leads me back to the fact that I want to show people what works to make money online but I haven’t done it. I have generated a decent sized email list but it is mostly unresponsive.

That means I have to learn and adapt my strategy. I have to do something that works to actually make a profit online.

I recently wrote about how one of my websites is starting to rank for keywords, organically. That site is one that I paid a lot of money for and I expect it to be ranking and making me money.

By following what I have been taught by the creator of my website I have a plan that I know can generate SEO rankings.

Taking what I learned from The Easiest System Ever ClickBank program I know how to build a large email list, fast.

I have to put something together using that information. I’d like to sell it but I don’t think telling people that I don’t know how to make money online but buy this guide on how to make a huge list of email subscribers and get some low ranking organic keywords that don’t even generate traffic yet, will make much of a urgency for anyone to spend their money with me.

But the opportunity to make more than you spend using PPC ads to build a list of buyers is so tantalizing.

I am going to create an email capture/squeeze page and send paid traffic to it and send that traffic to a sales page once they sign up.

That is the idea.

Then, I must have a plan for those who subscribe and an email follow up series for those who subscribe and make a purchase.

In order to do that I need to find a great offer.

Some questions I am asking myself right now is what do I have to offer to entice buyers to sign up and make a purchase?

I have an idea of what to say in order to get buyers to sign up but I don’t know what to sell to them and I don’t know how to sell it to them.

Using the email swipes from the ClickBank product vendors hasn’t produced any positive results for me, yet.

PLR products haven’t made me any money yet.

Reading about copywriting I have been given the idea to tell my story and to create interest.

Here’s a tip I learned and I have lately noticed marketers doing it in almost all their videos and on sales pages, actually read to the end and I’ll get it to you…

That’s it, they mention something that you want to know about that they’ll get to later and you have to watch til the end to get it.

That’s a psychological trick that builds interest in our brains and almost forces us to read or watch to the end.

I have to get good at this.

I need an angle.

Or I need to focus on creating content or having it created for me.

Here I go again…

Too much time too little urgency to focus on or finish anything.

Actually, I did an experiment with an Adwords PPC campaign and It did send me traffic but it didn’t bear any tasty fruit.

I was sending traffic directly to a sales page and it got me one sale and I wasn’t collecting emails so I didn’t get any list that I can market to again.

It’s back to the drawing board now armed with knowledge and marked with real world experience.

I must improve, adapt and prosper.

What’s my next move and when do I have to have it done by?

PPC is the fastest way to generate traffic that I know of, whether it be Adwords, Facebook ads, Taboola, BuySellAds or Solo ads it’s the fastest way to get results.

Right now I’m working on a lead magnet that I received through a private label rights give away or something I bought a long time ago. I already have it set up on this site but I’m reworking it to make it more appealing and more mine. Check it out here and watch what I do with it.

What Comes First, Traffic or Offer?

Have you ever found yourself thinking, “WOW! This is a really great offer… I just need traffic and it will sell like crazy!”

Or have you ever had a great piece of content ranking in the searches and you think, “if only I had a high converting relevant offer to place here I bet I could make a few sales with all this traffic!”

There is a belief that the traffic is already out there, especially if you are willing to invest in it.

You can always get traffic, if you know how.

The offers are all over the place… ClickBank, JvZoo, MaxBounty, Amazon Associates and many others… and there are many marketers making a good living promoting their offers.

How do I tap into this?

I need unique content that is informative, compelling and honest that I can place in front of the right audience at the right time to make money.

There are sites like AdWords, Taboola and Bing to name a few that offer traffic for a price. There are also Solo Ad vendors who will send your offer to their email list, for a price.

So, my understanding is that the content or your offer is what needs to be worked on. It is our job as affiliate marketers to find an offer to promote, create the promotion and then put it in front of the right audience.

Sounds simple enough, right?

Maybe it is that simple but it sure ain’t easy!

First of all, each traffic source has its own unique requirements that you must adhere to. Then, you have to be creative enough to put together a “presentation” of sorts for your target market.

There are sales tactics and psychology strategies but it is simply a matter of telling the right person in the right way about the offer you are promoting.

How do we do that?

Copywriting, not to be confused with copyrighting which is legal protection for your work.

Copywriting is the art of selling with written words.

That psychology and those sales tactics on a webpage or a piece of paper that convert those eyeballs into buyers for your offers.

Having that skill, copywriting, is the most important, in my opinion. Being able to construct an advertisement with visually appealing graphics and the right colors that subtly influence your potential customer into a buying mode along with the technical know how to get the reader who does want your offer to be able to click the button and they get the product and you get paid is also a skill.

As you can see, the recipe is simple but again the execution is not easy. You need to be a tech geek, a psychologist and a great writer to be successful.

There are ordinary seeming people making a living as affiliate marketers. Many have no college degrees and they don’t have special programming skills and they are making a killing.

How do they do it?

What am I missing?

Is it work ethic?

Is it intelligence?

Is it time or people management abilities?

If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

We have to keep trying stuff and find what works.

The traffic is out there, you can get in front of it but you must have a good compelling, relevant offer to supply your audience in order to be successful. Work on your offer. Build it on a web property and send the traffic to it.

You will have to experiment but you will see success if you continue to take action, evaluate and adapt.

A Little Update

There is an internet marketer, Anik Singal, who’s been around for quite some time. I recently saw a Youtube Shorts video he made where he talked about his interaction with Mark Cuban. He talked about sending Mark a message asking for advice about the 5 projects he’s trying to run.

Cuban wrote back that he advises Anik drop 4 of the projects and focus on one.

That’s the advice I am taking to heart.

I have so many projects going, poorly, and one starting to pick up some momentum.

I keep myself busy all day switching focus from one thing to the next.

I am getting burnt out!

My solo ad idea is still in the works. Learning how to write better sales copy is a high priority.

Learning how to organize my sites to generate SEO traffic is another top priority on my huge list of concepts to master.

Recently I purchased a domain and I paid someone to build a wordpress site on it and it is getting ranked for some keywords. The rankings are not first page, yet.

Getting better rankings and building up the site go hand in hand.

My top priority should be to use what works and do more of it. Since I don’t currently have the funds to continue to buy domains and have the same guy build them up for me I have to reverse engineer what he is showing me and build up my sites like he did for me and improve my habits and focus to get more traffic and convert them into buyers.

Another improvement I can make is to implement what I learn and I learned something yesterday that should help me improve myself.

I learned about “Analysis Paralysis” and how to overcome it.

Here’s the caveat, I watch too much Youtube about how to make money online ideas and I get too many ideas without ever profitably executing what I learn. This one bit of advice I learned, last night, to overcome analysis paralysis is to set deadlines for myself. The youtuber equated analysis paralysis with having too much time to do things.

She said that setting a deadline forces you to take action and I agree with her. The only problem is that I have too much time and I know that the deadline means nothing except that it is a goal to do something in a set amount of time or there will be no consequence except I don’t meet the deadline.

Now I am faced with another dilemma, do I research how to set a real deadline with real consequences to force myself to take action, find out more about how to write better sales copy or work on adding content and improving a website that’s starting to get ranking in the search engines?

How do I measure which of these activities will be the most profitable to me?

Whatever I choose to do I need to work on it until I get measurable results.

All these things I struggle with and talk about are topics for other posts and could be made into their own blog, time management, how to get SEO traffic to a new blog, how to set up a new blog and drive traffic to it, how to write emails that convert and how to write ads that sell.

There are so many topics and so many ways to approach them and lots of ways people are having success with these methods. How do I tap into at least one way, stick with it and make money?

This is the place where I am investigating these things and bringing you a real world experience of what’s working, what’s keeping me up at night and what’s getting positive results.

Please leave a comment on what is working for you, what you’d like to know more about and what you are struggling with too.

Lots Going On – But It’s Coming Together

I have been working on PLR products, improving my email marketing, using SEO to rank a site, setting up facebook ads, working on PPC in Adwords and signing up for and getting accepted to many different affiliate networks.

Check out my FREE pdf How To Use Solo Ad Professor Newbie Mind Map

I am still not making money!

My efforts are beginning to bear fruit though. I am getting some traffic. I am getting some new subscribers to my email lists and I am finding out about lots of ways to market that don’t work.

With the PLR products I am having some difficulty figuring out exactly how I want to market it. I have many products in the email marketing and list building niche.

I have figured out how to set it up on a site and put an order button to accept Paypal payments. I learned how to edit the lead magnet ebooks and how to build the sales page on my blog.

I also have a site that I had built for me that is actually ranking for some keywords related to products I am an affiliate for.

My PPC Adwords campaign is not getting much traffic because I lowered my bid significantly.

I am also getting very little exposure with my Facebook ads also probably because I am bidding too low.

All this experience is making me a better marketer but it is very discouraging to not be making money.

How To Use Solo Ad Professor Newbie Mind Map

This experience also makes it harder for me to market clickbank products that are in the affiliate marketing and make money online niche since I am not making money online yet!

There are things that I can honestly sell that I know work but they don’t make me money, yet.

I have built an email list of over 1500 subscribers and have deleted the unsubscribes plus the 6 month unresponsive members and now my list is around 1250 subs.

I am having some interaction and responsiveness from my subs but I am not sending consistent info because I am not yet sure how to market to them. I am now looking at copywriting PLR that I can buy and learn from then turn it into a product I can sell and make money with.

There is some information overload going on and I often find myself zoning out trying to figure out exactly what to do next.

This post should have a title that I researched a keyword for but I didn’t. I want to keep this more natural. I will be using my SEO more on my other sites to help me drive more organic traffic but this is more like a journal of what I am doing.

I have a site set up called Solo Ad Professor that has a few “mindmaps” that are flow charts of how to funnel your leads. I need to figure out how to get all the parts flowing together in an organized fashion so I can start sending Solo Ad Traffic to a squeeze page and have a plan for directing my subscribers down the paths that their interactions with my content dictate they go. Here is a PDF I just put together with my plan on How To Use Solo Ad Professor Newbie Mind Map.

What I mean is I need to set up a system where subscribers are led down a path based on if they buy from me or not. It is ok if they are getting help from my content for free but if they do buy then I don’t want to be sending them the same content that’s trying to convert them into a buyer for something they’ve already purchased.

I also need to figure out how to give free, helpful content without having a sales message all the time. Or maybe the copywriting will show me how to be selling all the time without being a pushy, desperate salesman that everyone wants to avoid.

At least I’m now convinced that there is no easy button and consistent, persistent work will get me the results I desire.

How To Use Solo Ad Professor Newbie Mind Map

Purge Your Email List?

Should you delete inactive subscribers from your list?

How long should leave new, inactive subscribers on your list?

When you buy solo ads you don’t know who the ad vendor is sending your offer to. Sometimes the visitors are not good, maybe the vendor is not good.

The emails you send that don’t get opened bring down your open rate.

Low open rates means either your writing is not good or the leads are not good.

One way to improve open rates is to eliminate subscribers that do not ever open the email you send them.

According to AWeber, lists with numerous inactive email addresses typically have higher rates of bounces, spam complaints and unsubscribes than ones that don’t.

When your subscribers aren’t opening your messages the email providers start sending them to spam. That hurts your credibility and the ability for legitimate, active subscribers to receive your messages.

AWeber suggests you clean your list after the subscriber has been unresponsive for about 6 months. They say that a 3 month purge will keep it squeeky clean and longer than a year without a cleaning is strongly advised against, so 6 months is a good place to start.

There are many tools, tips and instructional videos within AWeber to help you with your email marketing efforts.

There is also this AWeber Crash Course 3.0 that you can get, for FREE, that has a series of 7 videos to help you quickly get started and become an AWeber expert right away!

I have been using AWeber for a few years now and it works. If you don’t have it yet or if you’re tired of what you are using go over to AWeber and sign up for a free account (up to 500 subscribers) and get access to all the marketing tools they have available today!

AWeber Landing Page – No Website Necessary?

When you are just starting out in email marketing it takes some time to figure it all out. Besides trying to figure out what to write and make sales you also have to have a big plan to get visitors to your sign up page, entice them to sign up and open your emails…

AWeber helps a little by allowing you to sign up for free, build a list and email them. You get a free account for life, up to 500 subscribers.

The cool thing is you can also build a professional looking landing page to get subscribers and a thank you page to send your them to after they sign up.

If you are using a downloadable lead magnet give away you can use a free cloud based storage, like google drive, and host your give away there for your subscribers to have easy access to it.

AWeber is fairly easy to use and there are tons of features to aid you in your email marketing ventures. It does have a bit of a learning curve though.

Here’s a free video series, The AWeber Crash Course 3.0, that gets you off to a fast start and helps shorten that learning curve dramatically.

The course is where the idea for this post came from.

Aside from the basics there are also tactics in there meant to help advance you quickly beyond just being functional and right up to pro levels!