Lots Going On – But It’s Coming Together

I have been working on PLR products, improving my email marketing, using SEO to rank a site, setting up facebook ads, working on PPC in Adwords and signing up for and getting accepted to many different affiliate networks.

Check out my FREE pdf How To Use Solo Ad Professor Newbie Mind Map

I am still not making money!

My efforts are beginning to bear fruit though. I am getting some traffic. I am getting some new subscribers to my email lists and I am finding out about lots of ways to market that don’t work.

With the PLR products I am having some difficulty figuring out exactly how I want to market it. I have many products in the email marketing and list building niche.

I have figured out how to set it up on a site and put an order button to accept Paypal payments. I learned how to edit the lead magnet ebooks and how to build the sales page on my blog.

I also have a site that I had built for me that is actually ranking for some keywords related to products I am an affiliate for.

My PPC Adwords campaign is not getting much traffic because I lowered my bid significantly.

I am also getting very little exposure with my Facebook ads also probably because I am bidding too low.

All this experience is making me a better marketer but it is very discouraging to not be making money.

How To Use Solo Ad Professor Newbie Mind Map

This experience also makes it harder for me to market clickbank products that are in the affiliate marketing and make money online niche since I am not making money online yet!

There are things that I can honestly sell that I know work but they don’t make me money, yet.

I have built an email list of over 1500 subscribers and have deleted the unsubscribes plus the 6 month unresponsive members and now my list is around 1250 subs.

I am having some interaction and responsiveness from my subs but I am not sending consistent info because I am not yet sure how to market to them. I am now looking at copywriting PLR that I can buy and learn from then turn it into a product I can sell and make money with.

There is some information overload going on and I often find myself zoning out trying to figure out exactly what to do next.

This post should have a title that I researched a keyword for but I didn’t. I want to keep this more natural. I will be using my SEO more on my other sites to help me drive more organic traffic but this is more like a journal of what I am doing.

I have a site set up called Solo Ad Professor that has a few “mindmaps” that are flow charts of how to funnel your leads. I need to figure out how to get all the parts flowing together in an organized fashion so I can start sending Solo Ad Traffic to a squeeze page and have a plan for directing my subscribers down the paths that their interactions with my content dictate they go. Here is a PDF I just put together with my plan on How To Use Solo Ad Professor Newbie Mind Map.

What I mean is I need to set up a system where subscribers are led down a path based on if they buy from me or not. It is ok if they are getting help from my content for free but if they do buy then I don’t want to be sending them the same content that’s trying to convert them into a buyer for something they’ve already purchased.

I also need to figure out how to give free, helpful content without having a sales message all the time. Or maybe the copywriting will show me how to be selling all the time without being a pushy, desperate salesman that everyone wants to avoid.

At least I’m now convinced that there is no easy button and consistent, persistent work will get me the results I desire.

How To Use Solo Ad Professor Newbie Mind Map

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