What I Do When I Need $100 Dollars Now!

This is a common theme encountered in the make money online niche. People need $100 now and there are plenty of clickbait youtube videos and unethical warrior+ products out there preying on the desperation of the uneducated and the lazy gullible gamblers. There are marketers who pose as hard workers who have been, “just like you”, struggling to make ends meet and then suddenly, as if by magic, they all of a sudden get it and are now on the fast track to multi million dollar days on demand by simply copy and pasting while just watching Youtube videos! While they make it seem like all you are going to have to do is simply copy and paste a few paragraphs here and there you will also be able to make a fortune almost instantly, online, it isn’t that simple.

We all know that it is possible to make a great living online these days most of us don’t have clue where to start and it is not likely that you are going to find yourself in need of $100 right now and just watch Youtube and make that hundred today. It may be possible, you may get lucky, or you may find that magic bullet but for the vast majority of us all those ridiculous claims are just titles for entertaining articles and videos. Most of us need to focus. We have to make educated decisions on how to spend our time and efferts to make any money online. In fact, most people who try never make anything online. We end up funding all those gurus to entertain us with their outrageous videos on how to so easily make money online and we never see a dime from our replication efforts.

Is there an simple way to make money online?

Is there a fast way to earn a living from the internet?

I do believe both are possible but it is not EASY! It will take considerable effort and requires a great deal of knowledge, focus and perseverance. Having a mentor and the will to push through roadblocks is imperative to success. There is a mountain of opportunities waiting to be worked. When you search for something as simple as make money online you get 3-3/4 billion results to start with:

Most of these results are going to try and sell you some program or the latest fad to make a quick buck online. This market is mostly geared to get the desperate to part with what little cash they have in exchange for the promise of a quick, easy buck. It is aimed at the gamblers who don’t really want to spend the time to actually learn something that they can use. It sells the promise that you can do something once and it will return waterfalls of cash without any effort whatsoever.

We are all aware that it is possible to earn a very comfortable living online. We are led to believe that because we aren’t digging ditches or performing brain surgery that it is going to be pure passive income after a 5 minute copy and paste session. It’s not! There are ways to make a lot of money online without large investments and without tons of manual labor. There are copy and paste elements of the methods but it is not a one and done thing. It takes some creativity. It takes some knowledge of your market. It takes market research. It takes focus to find out what your market is, what it wants and how to deliver it to them.

Let’s look at affiliate marketing:

At 419 million results you can see there are way less options to consider but still many lifetimes of info to look through. Much of the top results are also aimed at the same make money online crowd. It is a promise of easy money for little to no work. However, the actual concept is very valid. There are people earning huge sums of money by simply directing customers to certain products. There are even some marketers that get paid when you simply put in your zip code into their special form! It is simple, easy and pays well with very little work. The hard part is knowing how to find the offer, then find the customers interested in the offer and getting them to perform the desired action.

That means, you have to be able to find or create the market for these offers and you have to do it ethically and legally. There is also the actual building of all the moving parts. What then would I focus on, what can I do, right now, to get $100?

I believe the answer is to sell something using paid advertisements such as Facebook ads or Google Adsense. I would have to have a product or service that I could sell for more than $100 in order to pay me my $100 and pay for the ads. Or, I could sell something that lots of people want, for less than $100 but enough people buy that it also pays me my $100 and pays for my ads. That little concept of paying for traffic to buy something from me and generate a profit is important but that is the easy part. Now comes the million dollar question, what do I sell?

In order to get paid right away you need to have inventory on hand or it needs to be a digital product that you can sell easy and lots. Actually, that is not entirely accurate. If you are able to get the offer in front of the right customer at the right time then you can get paid right away. That is going to take some knowledge. You have to have studied your market and know how to sell using ads or get really lucky. There is also compliance with advertising guidelines.

Just like regular businesses can’t sell chicken and tell you it’s tuna you can’t mislead people online either or you will be banned. Not only that, you have to be aware of the types of products the ad platforms frown upon and penalize you for selling even if you have the best intentions. Healthcare products like vitamins and supplements can fall into this category, as an example. So, I ask again, what would I sell if I needed $100 right now? Is there a service or a digital product that I could offer that will follow all the guidelines and sell for enough to make me the profit I seek?

A special report or instructions on how to do something like woodworking or website building might work. That is going to take some effort to accomplish, especially the woodworking (at least for me) since I have to actually do the thing that I am suggesting and I have to write a useful guide to do the thing. Then there is content-less books or coloring books. That has lots of competition. I’d have to have some brilliant ad copy and sell tons because it is a low cost item. I could research and compile some sort of templates. That might be profitable. There is also the idea of aggressively selling domains.

That last idea is resonating with me. Can I find, research and then sell valuable domains to local businesses for a quick $100? That is a possibility. That is going to take some work but I don’t have to build a website. I don’t have to figure out how to write ads. I don’t have to invest in tons of inventory. I could buy a website for around $10 and potentially sell it to the right business for hundreds to thousands of dollars. There isn’t a whole ton of market research necessary either. Something like NYPlumber.com may be valuable to the right business.

As a disclaimer, I do have some experience researching keywords and domain values. Expired domains and auction domains have the potential to deliver targeted traffic that businesses are already targeting. The expired domains often have backlinks, from relevant domains, that allows the search engines to pick them up and rank them quickly. Established businesses can capitalize on the traffic already being generated from these links or they can put in some time and effort and quickly increase the rankings and also add new content targeting other keyword terms and since they are already getting noticed they will quickly be indexed and picked up for that new content.

The right auction domains often come with already ranked, relevant keywords that are an already performing asset driving valuable traffic to the business! My job is to find that value, purchase the domain and then flip it to the proper customer. As long as I can buy the domain right now I can flip it almost immediately in order to make that $100 right now! The next part of this journey is to put it into practice. If this concept is of interest to you and you would like to follow my journey into domain flipping please sign up to my email list below and you will receive updates to my progress. Leave questions in the comments below and I will gladly answer to the best of my ability. I have more ideas, tips and tricks on how to make a profit online without having to sell the other gurus crap! Make your own way. Be diligent and prosper.


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