What Comes First, Traffic or Offer?

Have you ever found yourself thinking, “WOW! This is a really great offer… I just need traffic and it will sell like crazy!”

Or have you ever had a great piece of content ranking in the searches and you think, “if only I had a high converting relevant offer to place here I bet I could make a few sales with all this traffic!”

There is a belief that the traffic is already out there, especially if you are willing to invest in it.

You can always get traffic, if you know how.

The offers are all over the place… ClickBank, JvZoo, MaxBounty, Amazon Associates and many others… and there are many marketers making a good living promoting their offers.

How do I tap into this?

I need unique content that is informative, compelling and honest that I can place in front of the right audience at the right time to make money.

There are sites like AdWords, Taboola and Bing to name a few that offer traffic for a price. There are also Solo Ad vendors who will send your offer to their email list, for a price.

So, my understanding is that the content or your offer is what needs to be worked on. It is our job as affiliate marketers to find an offer to promote, create the promotion and then put it in front of the right audience.

Sounds simple enough, right?

Maybe it is that simple but it sure ain’t easy!

First of all, each traffic source has its own unique requirements that you must adhere to. Then, you have to be creative enough to put together a “presentation” of sorts for your target market.

There are sales tactics and psychology strategies but it is simply a matter of telling the right person in the right way about the offer you are promoting.

How do we do that?

Copywriting, not to be confused with copyrighting which is legal protection for your work.

Copywriting is the art of selling with written words.

That psychology and those sales tactics on a webpage or a piece of paper that convert those eyeballs into buyers for your offers.

Having that skill, copywriting, is the most important, in my opinion. Being able to construct an advertisement with visually appealing graphics and the right colors that subtly influence your potential customer into a buying mode along with the technical know how to get the reader who does want your offer to be able to click the button and they get the product and you get paid is also a skill.

As you can see, the recipe is simple but again the execution is not easy. You need to be a tech geek, a psychologist and a great writer to be successful.

There are ordinary seeming people making a living as affiliate marketers. Many have no college degrees and they don’t have special programming skills and they are making a killing.

How do they do it?

What am I missing?

Is it work ethic?

Is it intelligence?

Is it time or people management abilities?

If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

We have to keep trying stuff and find what works.

The traffic is out there, you can get in front of it but you must have a good compelling, relevant offer to supply your audience in order to be successful. Work on your offer. Build it on a web property and send the traffic to it.

You will have to experiment but you will see success if you continue to take action, evaluate and adapt.

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