What about ChatGPT?

If you haven’t heard yet A.I. – ChatGPT – is now available to the public for experimentation. Content creators are all nervous about their jobs because of the power of this A.I. program.

It can write code for you.

It can come up with outlines for articles or even books for you.

It will take on the “voice” you command it.

It can help you come up with ideas for ad copy.

It can do much more and what I mentioned is just what I understand about it… It is huge right now!

I just finished up a post about my struggle coming up with a definite plan using my knowledge and experience to make money online. That post and this one are being created by me not a.i. at all.

What I am using ChatGPT for is to come up with ideas for different subjects such as book outlines and persuasive email subject lines to get open rates up. I also use it to help generate headlines that capture reader’s attention.

In other words, I am using ChatGPT to help me with copywriting.

I am also going to use it to help me put together this guide that will help me organize my business and help my subscribers start their own.

I have been watching Youtube videos about list segmentation. There are about as many ways to do it as there are people using the internet.

It seems that a popular method or segmentation is to simply divide prospects and customers.

There is automation that I can add in my AWeber that will help me create a segment of customers and those who are just prospects.

But… Let’s focus on using ChatGPT to help me create and market a product that teaches how to create a landing page that converts solo ad clicks into subscribers and how to test and optimize it.

I am also going to do some brainstorming here.

The prompt I am going to use to get this project started:

“What is a solo ad, a squeeze page and how do I use solo ad traffic to optimize my squeeze page?”

And here’s the response I received:

“A solo ad is a form of advertising where you pay another email marketer to send an email promoting your product or service to their list of subscribers. The email will typically include a link to your website, and the goal is to drive traffic to your site and convert that traffic into leads or sales.

A squeeze page is a standalone web page that is designed to convert visitors into leads by collecting their contact information. A squeeze page typically includes a form where visitors can enter their email address and other contact information in exchange for a freebie or other incentive. The goal of a squeeze page is to capture leads and build your email list.

To optimize your squeeze page for solo ad traffic, you should make sure that your page is designed to convert visitors into leads. Here are some tips to help you do that:

    1. Use a clear and compelling headline: Your headline should grab the attention of your visitors and clearly communicate the value of your freebie or incentive.
    2. Include a persuasive copy: Your copy should explain the benefits of your freebie or incentive and why visitors should sign up for it.
    3. Make it easy to opt-in: Make sure your opt-in form is easy to find and fill out.
    4. Use a clear call-to-action: Your call-to-action should be clear and obvious, and encourage visitors to sign up for your freebie or incentive.
    5. Optimize for mobile: Make sure your squeeze page is optimized for mobile devices, as more and more people are using their smartphones to browse the web.
    6. Use images and videos: Use images and videos to help explain your freebie or incentive and make your page more engaging.
    7. Use social proof: Use testimonials, customer logos, or other forms of social proof to build trust and credibility with your visitors.
    8. Use A/B testing: Use A/B testing to test different versions of your squeeze page and see which one is more effective.
    9. Track and analyze your data: Use tools like Google Analytics to track the performance of your squeeze page and see which areas need improvement.

By following these tips, you can optimize your squeeze page to convert the solo ad traffic into leads and build your email list.”

It’s pretty good!

There are some points that I have found differing opinions on how to structure a squeeze page as far as incentive is concerned. Some say to give away a freebie and others say that just attracts freebie seekers.

That is something I can test myself. First, I need to set up a product that I can start making money with so that I will be able to afford more testing.

I need to have a clear path to what I am doing or else I get confused or distracted and end up where I started. But, I have a place to start now, again!

Let’s go into the product a little deeper, but first let’s look at how this will transpire…

This project will use my product, a guide to creating and implementing a high converting landing page that works by converting solo ad clicks into subscribers to build an email list – fast.

That will lead into my PLR product I’ve set up for $27 that teaches copywriting. In that guide there is space to promote an affiliate product or to create another product that I can sell.

So, to get this off the ground I still need a product that teaches about the landing page build and where to get cheap solo ads.

I have other guides that go into greater detail about how to optimize your solo ad buys too. That could be an upgrade to my freebie guide to getting a high converting squeeze page.

As I go through this I am pulled back to PLR products that are already made and just need to be set up to be sold.

That leads me to another possible product where I buy a PLR product, set it up on a website for someone and give them my guides to getting high converting squeeze pages and how to test using AWeber.

Testing keeps coming up in my focus today too.

How do I get paid for doing all this testing when I don’t have any good results to report yet? Should I sell the report about 1,000 ways not to make money online? I’m pretty sure I’ve tried at least 1,000 things that haven’t worked.

While I conduct this research I need to find something that works, like a recipe, so I can be certain to have an income. That is what the past decade+ has been while figuring out the stuff that doesn’t work.

The number one thing guaranteed to not make you money online is to do NOTHING! No action creates NOthing.

I’m off to create this report about creating a squeeze page that converts wholesale solo ad clicks into email list subscribers. Somewhere I need to be tracking all I do in an organized manner.

A couple more things, 1. I am working on setting up a split test on AWeber. I want to test 2 landing pages.

In order to do the test I need to have a funnel to send subscribers into.

That means I have to have a front end or lead magnet offer.

I need my landing page.

I need the upsell product, sales page and download page setup.

I need a high or mid ticket product to promote.

I need email campaigns setup for sending to my lists as a solo ad.

I have to set up an email campaign for the upsell and the high/mid ticket item.

Plus I have to start putting more campaigns together for customers and for the prospects lists.

There is lots of work to get this going. That is the benefit of the DFY products like the Ambassador Program or the Easiest System Ever that you set up your autoresponder and load it with their email campaigns and then add traffic and you have a business ready to build your email list.

Having used and promoted both of those programs I have to say, be ready to spend money while you learn and while you build your subscriber list.

As a do it yourselfer I have run into plenty of difficulties too. When you see what they are charging you to do something simple it makes you cringe but when you try to do it all yourself you also see why the charge is fair for what you get. Especially if you consider all the time and testing that they have to do to get you something that works.

Would you be interested in a program where I set up a squeeze page, tell you where to get cheap traffic and set up affiliate email campaigns you can copy too?

Would you pay $20/month for 2 new campaigns for mid to high ticket Clickbank products in the affiliate marketing niche?

I was going to and even set up a stripe account to accept payments to sell solo ads. I don’t have a curated list and I am still struggling on getting a conversion rate above 1% so I don’t feel like it’s the right thing to do. I am still going to run some tests using this traffic source and I will give the link out in my report but I don’t really want to sell solo ads this way.

I just recently discovered that I can allow others to copy my campaigns and my landing pages with a share link from my AWeber account.

I really want to promote hostgator because I use them and have been for many years now. They didn’t accept me into their affiliate program.

I can’t recommend any other host because I haven’t used any others. That could be one of my tests, see if another host is good and if they will accept me into their affiliate program. That brings up some ethical concerns now too… Am I recommending products that pay me the most or the ones that help you the most if they are not the same product?

That’s what the affiliate disclaimer is for I guess.

So, my guide will recommend AWeber for your autoresponder service, HostGator as a webhost (until I try and can recommend another host or just become an affiliate and add it as an option), and will provide a guide to where to get low cost solo ad clicks, copy of my squeeze page and access to copy my email campaigns. The campaign will be from the vendors affiliate tools webpage and may be edited for personalization by me.

I can add a review of different Solo Ads sellers too, as I get more solo ads done.

My current solo ad provider doesn’t use my solo swipe, they use their own. I will use some other sellers and use my own swipe and that could be another product or feature of my products or services.

All this is inspired by ChatGPT, I can easily create reliable informative content now and just need to find a way to monetize that content.

As I write this stuff down I am reminded of product that are out there or can easily be created and sold and it feeds that loop of what should I do? There’s so much to choose from. I need to focus on one method and angle and get results, record them, make adjustments and repeat the process.

Just thought of another product – how to split test effectively.

Stick around here and ask questions and you’re sure to get useful feedback.

Here’s how I’m planning on running my first test – create 2 slightly different squeeze pages and run a split test on them with Solo Ad traffic.

Do I give something away as a lead magnet or do I pre-sell the report to attract “buyers” instead?

I am having difficulty wrapping my head around how to test 2 squeeze pages against each other and now I am dipping into testing 2 different philosophies?

This is starting to be a run on blog so come back for more tips and tricks and for an update on my progress.

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