The Struggle Is Real!

Staying focused is extremely difficult sometimes. When building a business to make money online there are not only a massive amount of opportunities available but also so many nuances and methods within each opportunity that it makes taking meaningful action a difficult task!

Here’s an example:

I recently found out that getting subscribers on my email list is easy using a high converting – generic offer – squeeze page and cheap solo ad traffic – @$0.25 per click. Now I am tasked with converting these subscribers into paying customers and I am stumped!

I am convinced that selling my products, a PLR product or my creation, is the way to go. If I create a product it has to be about something that I can do and since I am not making tons of sales I can’t honestly talk or teach about how to make money online. 

The issue of being insincere when trying to sell people something to do something that I haven’t already done is amplified when acting as an affiliate for some make-money online system or coaching program.

How do you avoid the “fake it til you make it” path?

Here’s where this has led me – Do I focus on creating a guide that helps my subscribers create a landing page that converts solo ad clicks into subscribers or do I try and “teach” or sell courses on how to write great sales copy (copywriting in general)?

Should I do a study on different landing pages and publish my results? Where is the money in that?

Do I just write the guide on how to build an email list using solo ads – plug in affiliate links to the tools I use and give away the report?

There is a formula I recently found that goes into the upsell, down-sell, and how to offer high ticket items to my subscribers. Which brings me to my next problem – How do you decide which path to follow and when do you decide it isn’t going where you want and need to switch directions?

Here’s another angle that may be leading me where I need to go – Because my landing pages convert well I know that the information I am giving for it is valid. If I continue to perfect it and improve its already high conversions using the copywriting advice from the ebook I am selling then it might do the trick of convincing my mind that I am not a fraud. I am doing my best to follow the advice of those who’ve gone this path before me and I want to be sure I don’t lead my subscribers astray or misrepresent myself as an expert at something I am not.

Now I have to come up with an implementation strategy. That’s where the copywriting advice comes in. I need to be assertive, honest, and helpful. That means I am going back to my plan of giving away my landing page templates. That gives me a good opportunity to get sign-ups for AWeber as an affiliate. I may be able to get into some hosting affiliate programs too. Also, I will have ample opportunity to release more guides as I gain experience and sales and will be able to offer more helpful advice too.

Next, I need a way to segment my subscribers so I can market something different to people who have already bought from me. It’s something I need to study and understand because, at this very moment, I am lost in this endeavor.

There is a PLR seller who has these products that are spread out over weeks if you buy the whole product line. He has an offer for about 30 products or more that you can market to your list in an ongoing manner. I don’t know if it is a membership type of deal or if you just market a new product every few weeks or how exactly it works but it is a neat product that takes care of either customers who are also members or it takes care of my need for coming up with new products every few weeks myself.

If only there was an easy way to make decisions with confidence that your plan will work as out and all will be good.

That’s where my mind is wandering this morning. My plan now is to take what I know and parlay it into a massive – mostly passive – monthly income!

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