Sales Funnels?

Have you been introduced to the sales funnel idea yet? It’s where you find a market that you can get traffic in and get their email addresses. Once you have their emails you begin offering products for them to buy. Each time they enter a different level in your “funnel” and begin to spend more and more with you.

It is a great idea and a great way to look at the sales process and it makes you, the marketer, able to focus on your customers based on where they are at. I just read through a short intro guide to the concept of funnels and that is what inspired this post.

Just the day before yesterday I decided to offer my mailing list a service where I find a niche for you, buy the domain, build a blog and add content to drive traffic to affiliate offers. I don’t have a funnel yet. I went for the final product before warming up my audience, you, for my big offer.

The offer is a great one, in my opinion, but it is $397 I’m asking without you really knowing me. I had the idea that as I show what I’m doing I will pique the interest and generate sales. Now, after reading the ebook I may go about it differently. I am putting together a product that I can sell or give away to generate more interest and as I build trust and add value to my readers I will be able to sell my higher priced products because the value will be real and trusted.

With that in mind, I have decided to use my site,, as my example site.

I bought the domain a couple of months ago and it had backlinks already. It was not ranking for any keywords that I could find and it’s not getting much traffic at all right now. I wrote some content and posted it on there but it wasn’t the right keywords or the right angle to either generate traffic or sales.

So, it’s back to the drawing board for this project and it’s a good place to start showing what I can do and the reality of what happens when you are marketing affiliate products. There is a lot more to it than putting your affiliate link all over the internet and hoping that you sell something.

Now, I am also working this funnel angle. How do I sell my services and sell affiliate products?

Here’s what I am going to do, in order to “funnel” those interested where they will receive the info they are interested in I am going to use my Aweber email autoresponder to create another list for people interested in my experiment with

As I work on the project and document the steps I am taking I will also be showing my skills as a market researcher. This is part of my main offer to find niche and build a website to profit from that niche, FOR YOU!

I am also thinking that I should put together a smaller offer where I find a niche for my subscribers. Maybe a free service where I post keyword lists of results from researching new niches. Then maybe a product where I buy a domain and offer my research for ideas to generate traffic and charge less and let you do the work to build it out.

I am just putting my ideas out there. I will have to refine them, see what is generating interest and see what actually makes me money.

I like looking at data and trying to figure out how to use it for marketing. I don’t like making content about the info. I also don’t like spending time learning about markets that I am not interested in, like dating. I am happily married and looking into how to get a boyfriend, since I am a man and have a wife, makes no sense for me but there is a huge market out there for that niche. There are people who need help in that area and there are experts who can help and I can be the affiliate to get them together, I just don’t need the service and don’t know about the tactics that work to get a boyfriend since I never needed one.

There are so many keywords that lead to so many markets it’s mind boggling. I don’t have the time to go into them all. I want to do some of the work and I want to use what I know to help others do the same in different markets. I know how to find the markets and I know how to find the products but I am still having a hard time being the middle man. I don’t know how to sell very well.

In order to follow along with my go to this page and enter your name and email.

I use Aweber for building an email list with an autoresponder to deliver a series of emails to my new subscribers. If you are interested you can use my affiliate link HERE and sign up yourself to be able to easily build forms or landing pages to bring your readers onto your email list.

As of this writing I don’t have the lead capture set up to send you to nor do I have the keywords I’m targeting, a great product to market or a detailed plan of action, for or for you.

On the site I do have a lead capture page that is giving away a pdf for an affiliate product I am promoting on there. I used Facebook ads to build an email list. It didn’t convert very well. I am basically starting over with new knowledge. I am going to set up the lead capture for those of you interested in following along with me. Go Here.

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