Quick Update – What Do I Do Now?

I finally realized a crucial difference in the way to go about selling different products and services online. There are certain things that sell better when approached a certain way. It goes along the same lines as finding a market and providing them with what they want or need.

You have to find a way to let people know about a product or service that solves a problem they are having or will have if they are going down a certain path. You find them by researching what they are searching for online. When you find the market you have to find a way to tell them about the product or service you’ve found, how it has helped you and how it will benefit them and get them to buy it from your referral so you get paid.

It sounds and is simple but it is DEFINITELY not easy for me. I have mentioned that I found a youtuber that does a good job explaining the how to make money online market to me. Marcus Campbell. He does a good job of explaining how to find and how to market to specific niches. He also talks about marketing ethically.

He talks about how we’ve all been marketed to by less than ethical salesmen. He talks about how that perception we have of “seedy” salesmen make us feel like sales is a subject for sleezy scum bucket sales people and makes us want to not be salesmen.

We do feel inclined to let folks know when we find something helpful and useful though and we feel no guilt or shame but feel useful for sharing the info about a good product and those who take our advice find it helpful too.

As I learn how to be the kind of salesman who helps people find what they are looking for and continue to find ways to bring the products to those searching for them in a way that brings me profit I will share the mentors I find who are helping me. That’s why I mention Marcus Campbell.

Marcus does have a few different products that he offers to the public and they are in the make money online niche. He even has an offer that we can promote through Clickbank. I am a customer of his and I believe he is the real deal. I am not selling or promoting his products yet because he says that’s his job and I am not profitable from following his advice yet.

He has helped me see the different ways to go about marketing different products in a way that works for the offer. There are different types of landing pages that have different uses depending on the product, market and your own style.

Some markets require you to set up a landing page that collects names and emails for a list of leads that you can market to over and over. Other markets require a more one and done type of approach. They are both viable and both have a specific time and place for their use.

I had been struggling with the concept of buying traffic to send to another sales page of a product I am promoting when I could instead use a different approach where I target keywords related to the product I am promoting and solve the immediate problem on the landing page I create, with an article or free download and I get their name and email for the free gift that solves their problem.

Once I have their name and email I send them info about the market and how I am dealing with a problem and offer a product that helped me.

I hope my vagueness can be understood and stretched to a situation you’ve experienced before. Being exact in the how to make money online market is not cut and dry. It is not exact. If it were easy then everyone would be doing it!

That easy button I’ve spent years looking for instead of building continues to elude me. I haven’t used my knowledge to make me better I’ve just searched for the next best thing and it still hasn’t made anything better.

Now that I understand that part of the process is to find the right way to market each product I have a better idea on how to use my knowledge to make money online.

A few posts ago I mentioned that I do have tools and skills in certain areas of online marketing but I don’t have the knowledge, shill or time to do everything myself. I have to hire people to do certain things for me. I can focus on doing some things and outsource other things and then I have the plan to put all the work together in a profitable way.

I do have decent skill in SnagIt, Aweber, WordPress and HostGator.

When I say skills I mean technical. I do not have the skill, yet, to develop an email autoresponder that sells on autopilot or a way to get the computer to spit money at me because I know how to put a wordpress blog on a domain hosted by hostgator but I can build a blog and set up a lead capture page. I just don’t have the savvy to put it all together in a profitable way for me, yet!

I also have the ability to find low competition keywords that also have high search volume. I know that is the target to create content for traffic to your website. I have seen the videos from Marcus on how to use that info and organize the pieces in a way to lead some dollars into your bank account.

I have to find the path to use what I know and have the money too. I see where the money is I see my tools and I am being made aware of the work that nee4ds to be done to join the pieces profitably for me. Now to try stuff and see what is going to be the best way for me to share my skills and knowledge to put money in my pockets.

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