PLR And A Plan

I keep getting sidetracked…

My plan is coming together just not as fast or as neatly as I hoped.

Organization is not my strongest skill.

I have been mentioning for sometime now how I am using PLR products that I am setting up on subdomains of my sites to have products to sell.

I choose evergreen products so I can have something good to sell no matter if it’s today or 10 years from today.

I am in the marketing niche and selling products that have lasting value, not the latest & greatest scheme to make a quick buck!

It takes time to process the information and it takes more time to understand how to utilize the information in an effective manner.

I have read through a few courses on how to buy solo ads and they all mention how you should be asking the solo ad vendors a series of questions to qualify them before blindly buying their products and hoping it’s right.

I listened to one guy and decided to sell Solo Ads myself through and I followed his advice and sold a few solo ads. I made a few bucks.

I felt bad because I made no sales to the products I am marketing through this wholesale source and I didn’t get any reported sales from the customers I sold ads to.

After this fiasco…

I found a report that cautioned against buying these kinds of “cheap” ads because the experienced vendor selling these ads knows well that they don’t convert and that’s why they are willing to sell so cheap.

Now, as a new solo ad vendor, with no professional looking website of my own, how am I going to offer Solo Ads at a competitive rate with no results to show?

What I have to do is vet my sources and charge a premium for my services.

I have access to the right questions to ask the solo ad vendors to help get a higher likely hood of converting subscribers into customers.

As a “Solo Ad Middle Man” I can help ask vendors the right questions to see what they are best suited to market and who should buy from them for the highest chance of getting sales.

In order to get good at finding the right vendors for certain products offers I need to practice.

That all is part of my own testing and needs to be tracked too.

As I buy solos and get results I can rate the sellers and document my results.

I need to be careful not to give away too much but my testing is really my product right now.

I am testing an idea, a product and a technique.

My products are made up of experience and PLR products.

My idea is to set them up and then market them through Solo Ads.

I am learning to track everything and I need to build my own rolodex. I need to build a filing system to help me track everything and figure out the most important metrics to best help me improve.

I write these brainstorm blog posts to help me power through some ideas and issues.

I was battling with how to be better than before. I care about what I am doing and selling Solo Ads, although I was successful, I couldn’t do it in good conscience.

Now, I have a new idea where I can do what I was doing, charge more for it but probably not earn as high of a commission.

Since I have not yet implemented, or even planned out how exactly, my strategy I don’t have any true sense how it’s going to work.

I was testing a landing page and getting decent results but I was not getting any positive results from the offer I was actually promoting.

That is why I want to implement the next phase in my testing to be improved upon by 2 factors:

  1. Ask qualifying questions to solo ad vendors
  2. Split test landing pages

The 2 easiest sources I know of to find Solo Ad Vendors is and Facebook pages.

How do I track, test and report this info as a product plus sell my service as a solo ad seller?

Steps to take:

  1. get my questions ready
  2. compile answers in a report
  3. sell the report – or give it away – to attract customers
  4. continue setting up evergreen PLR products
  5. test traffic – report – rinse repeat!

What I hope to accomplish –

  1. By asking questions I should be able to get a good idea or sense of whether or not the vendor has the right audience for the offer I am promoting
  2. With a well constructed swipe file I can get a better – more pre-qualified – prospect
  3. Similar to segmenting my own list into buyers and leads I can also segment sellers
  4. I can both sell my own products as a information marketer and sell solo ads because I have an idea where to market certain products
  5. I can sell my curated solo ad vendor list
  6. I would have the ability to sell coaching to teach or done for you ad campaigns to earn a premium

Here I find myself again with a great idea and tons of work to make it happen.

This is a must have topic for me to research and offer a product on because it is a difficult concept to overcome and that is focus.

So, in order to focus on one thing I am sticking with Solo Ads.

But, there are so many ways to use solo ads that I have to make more distinctions and decide on a clearer path.

I am going to use solo ads to sell my own PLR products or affiliate products. – I have to decide.

I have to sell something in order to test out the process I am going through.

I am excited and I want to see the numbers in my bank accounts get bigger!

In order to get better numbers in my accounts I have to do something that someone finds useful enough to give me money.

By offering my services to communicate with and purchase solo ads from certain vendors, with the right kind of customers for my customers’ promotions, I will be providing value for both newbs and experienced marketers.

Experienced marketers that don’t already have their own list of quality ad vendors understand the value of having a buyer for their product ready to go and will pay a premium if they are going to grow their list and pick up qualified leads in the process – probably make more front end sales too!

At first, I had this notion that I would easily buy solo ads to build my list then sell solo ads to generate a consistent positive cash flow.

It isn’t that easy, unfortunately.

Less than half the clicks you buy end up converting into subscribers and even less of those are converted into paying customers.

The math ends up with you spending lots of money on a list of freebie seekers who don’t want to buy anything.

Now, I’ve armed myself with information and I have lots more experience.

What I lack is experience in consistent success. I have been able to find buyers and I have been able to build a subscriber list with relative ease. I have very low success rates in creating a self liquidating offer.

That is the goal of a solo ad for me. I buy it, build up a subscriber list and my front end offer converts at a high enough rate that my ad pays for itself and I have a list of subscribers that I can follow up with and, eventually, convert them into customers.


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