Offer A Service For Fast Income

This morning I am editing a PLR ebook I bought and the author wrote (or story is) about a newbie who found success by offering a service while building up passive income streams. That is something I am also working on but I want to provide a service with a clear conscience.

What I mean is that I wanted to sell solo ads because I know that there is money there. I know that there are people out there making a killing buying solo ads. The problem is that I am not making sales with the signups I get from the solo ad traffic I am buying. I am getting tons of email subscribers but I am still working on converting subs to customers.

Meanwhile, I have been learning more and more about copywriting effectively and product creation. That’s why I am editing this ebook to match my voice and as a secondary benefit from creating my own product by editing/rewriting a PLR ebook is that I learn different methods, and techniques and get ideas on how to implement what I am learning.

The author speaks about getting a copywriting gig because of her skill as a writer that she has been developing in an enjoyable manner since grade school. I am not a gifted writer. I have to work hard at it.

That’s probably the problem, I have been sold the idea that making money online is easy when in reality it is simple, but not very easy! You choose your market then you figure out how to bring that market what it needs and make money! Simple.

How do you find the market? How do you get the product for less than you can sell it for? How do you promote to the market? Where is the market? Do I feel ok being in this market? (you could make a killin’ selling illicit drugs to teenagers, but would you feel good about it?)

I have a few services I could offer, that meet my criteria. One idea is to create a guide with affiliate links that shows how to create your own landing page and sell those cheap solo ad clicks I have access to – not my favorite anymore – Another idea is to sell a guide – rewritten PLR – and promote an upsell on the thank you page and place a link to a product that pays me an affiliate commission. The third idea is to copy some of the ideas I see other doing which is to give a “just add traffic” DFY business that has affiliate campaigns done for you and a landing page that requires you to send traffic to it and it sends subscribers into your sales funnel that is automated to sort and sell your funnel products plus promote affiliate products to them.

I can pay someone a monthly fee and they give me access to squeeze pages that convert and email campaigns that promote your affiliate products for you on autopilot. Sounds like a good deal.

Another service I’ve considered is a PLR type business. I can do it a few ways too. I can do lots if I can get on with a good host that will accept me into their affiliate program. I can try HostGator again or BlueHost…

This idea ties back into the free guide that has affiliate products promoted in it. I can promote a free domain and I will build your website for you give you my squeeze page that gets a 35%+  opt-in rate plus a follow-up campaign for a PLR product and the same deal as above where you get DFY email campaigns to promote affiliate products.

I mostly want to get a solid system going for myself first but then I read ebooks like the one I’m revising now, I feel like making a couple sales a month could really help get my business moving in the right direction.

I like the idea of the self liquidating offer that you create to build an email list. The problem is I can’t find the right combination of product and traffic source to allow me to generate any self liquidating offers that I could immediately start scaling to maximize my list now.

That brings me back to where I’ve been for awhile now… How do I convert opt-ins to customers? I have to test more offers. The cool thing about affiliate offers is that they are all done for you.

I need a better offer I guess.

I keep building these ideas but I can’t seem to get enough momentum to get through the roadblocks. It’s too much work, It’s too expensive, I don’t understand it well enough to teach it, I can’t compete against these pros…

If I am facing these obstacle then so are others, I keep seeing opportunities pop up now I need a way to maintain the energy long enough to get them to market, even if I get in my own way!

I have other projects trying to steal away my attention and I am going to get back to them soon because of ChatGPT. I think an Adsense site may be a good idea. Now that I understand SEO a little more I can use ChatGPT to create content around easy to rank for – high paying – keywords. If I can’t get Adsense I can get CPA offers, affiliate offers or maybe even build up sites and sell them to my competitors.

I have too many options sometimes.

This post has revealed to me what I need to do.

  1. Stay Focused
  2. Finish My Projects
  3. Promote My Products
  4. Get Test Results, Analyze, Optimize and Repeat
  5. Create More Products
  6. Automate Email Marketing


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