New Developments

As I listen to some youtube videos from Marcus Campbell I get tons of ideas and I feel confident that what he says is going to work for me. He tries to give an accurate depiction of what internet marketing is like but he is coming from the experienced side of things. His experience does help me have confidence that the stuff I’m doing because of the info he shares seems like a good idea. He make sure to give his disclaimer in just about every video he makes how the results are not typical, implied or guaranteed and that makes him believable.

I have bought tools and products based on his recommendations. I believe that I can use at least one of his ideas and run with it to make money online, consistently!

You can check out his stuff on youtube yourself and see what I’m talking about. The hardest part is getting a good step by step, start here and do this then do this, guide to know the best course of action for you. It makes sense though. You have to do some work no matter what.

The gurus that make outlandish claims are going away because the real folks are getting a voice these days. The concept of why would someone sell or even give away their marketing plan is making sense, especially in the make money online niche market. Once you get past the clickbank products made for you to learn how to make money selling their how to make money scheme it starts to make some sense.

For me, finding little hacks and tweaking little codes is kind of fun. Also, finding keywords with some sort of angle and low competition is like a treasure hunt. Once I find a treasure I’m ready to go look for another. Going through and cataloguing all the individual pieces of the treasure is too tedious and doesn’t interest me.

What I’m trying to say is I can find the right keywords, the right offer and the right traffic method but I don’t know how to say hey buddy here’s that thing you were looking for, buy it now for just$99.99 and not feel like some opportunistic a-hole!

That being said, I just watched Marcus find weird random facts that he is using for their high traffic searches and their nonspecific search to offer some more generic products that pay for a simple email submit for maybe some coupons.

I want to make money from what I’m already doing. I am paying for keyword research. I think it may benefit you to see some of that research. I’v seen people on Youtube make money by giving things away. My main product I just started offering is to buy a domain, set up a profit grabbing niche blog and get some content up on it for free search engine traffic. I will put together a little package where I will provide a list of relevant keywords, a product suggestion to go along with the niche and a few expired domains you can go out and buy.

There are also ways to get free traffic using free sites where you can market your affiliate products. If that interests you please leave a comment and I will make more content covering that method and possibly do an experiment with free resources to make money online.

That gives me another couple of projects to put up a page offering a product and a splash page to offer a lead magnet to get some email subscribers!

I have a list of words that can be used to find a niche. I will use some of them and find some low competition high search volume keywords in a general market. I will take some of those and go deeper into a few of these terms and put something useful together.

I hear there’s a web hosting company that pays when you refer someone who wants web hosting and they give a free domain with it. Please comment or email me if you are interested in more information on buying hosting if there’s a free domain in it for you, one year of hosting is about $100.

The upstairs wheels are spinning, it hurts, but I think I’ve got something valuable to give to you. Even may be possible to use free web resources like facebook, pinterest and weebly. When I get the offer up I’ll let you know.

I hope this helps!

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