More Brainstorming

Couple of things on my mind:

  1. How and what should I be tracking
  2. should I sell in every post update and email?

Lately I’ve been delving into this kick of producing my own products. I don’t know how to track my traffic and sales effectively.

I don’t have a great funnel either.

I need to focus on sending traffic to my offers enough times to make sure they have opportunity to buy.

Lots of what I read says to be effective you need to put your offer in front of someone 7 times before they trust and know you enough to buy from you.

Many of the Clickbank products that offer email swipes only give 5 part email follow-ups, even though they just told you that you need 7 contacts before a prospect will make a purchase…

I also noticed that the gurus are setting up these campaigns for their clients, and charging hundreds and even thousands of dollars for you to get access to these same campaigns.

When I try and watch their 2 hour webinars to “welcome” me to their program and help me set up everything I get anxious then bored and am ready to leave after a few minutes.

Lots of moving parts, lots of stuff to track and lots of ideas on what I should be doing but I don’t know how to read the data so I know exactly what I need to do.

All aspects of my business need constant work.

I have met my goal of being able to drive traffic to my offers. Now I need to work on converting prospects to customers.

My sales pages are meant to do that.

I need to have a better sales page.

I am talking to myself and I find that writing this stuff down, if I come back and go over it or not, helps propel me in the direction I am trying to go.

I just mentally and on my keyboard went through what’s working for me and what needs my attention most.

I went back to what I just proved to myself again this morning that I have a squeeze that builds my list by converting visitors to subscribers at above a 35%rate.

Now I need to implement a sales page and a follow up email series to drive more sales.

My main offer right now, and the easiest to make a profit with is selling Solo Ads.

All the other products I am working on are all important to my business and can help others in the same situation as me. We are trying to make a decent living from the internet and we want a real business that doesn’t take all our time and energy to make money.

I don’t want to pay the gurus thousands of dollars so they can send me on the run around buying all these contraptions that are supposed to help me make money online and end up costing me lots of time to learn and implement and cost a ton of money that I can only make back if I figure out how to sell the same products to other folks like I was sold to.

I’ve been at this for a long time and I know lots of stuff that doesn’t work. I still don’t have a clear path, laid out by any make money online guru, that shows me step by step what to do to make money online. They say to do this then do that but most are selling a program to just sell more of these pie in the sky get rich quick dream businesses that only work in fantasy.

It’s like a vicious cycle… buy a program that promises you’ll never need to buy anything else to make money online then you get hit with the upgrade option that will catapult your success to the fast lane and make you rich before you even finish reading the program! You fall for it because the offer is so compelling you almost feel silly not to buy it then after a few days of studying and working the system you find out it was just someone else’s idea of a get rich quick program that got matched with some good copywriters that have no morals so they convince you to part with your money once again…

The funny thing is I still believe that there is some part of it that is true and I know there is a way to make a living selling from an online platform.

I chose to stay in the make money online niche.

My product is traffic.

My lead magnet is a squeeze page that converts the traffic I buy and will convert the traffic I send to my buyers.

Converting subscribers to customers is the new goal.

How do I sell traffic to my customers and get them to trust me?

What do I need to write on my landing pages to get people to want to buy from me?

I am still building a site to sell a copywriting course I am creating based on a PLR (private label rights) product I purchased. I am reading some of the pdf’s, checklists and ebooks about copywriting and most of it says the same stuff.

I am going to run traffic to my high converting squeeze page one more time to triple verify my conversion rates. Before I do that I am going to have my page more prepared to make sales. I am deciding between selling solos and selling copywriting courses.

They are complimentary products and so is my solo ads buying course.

There is also the idea of combining these products into one and charging a higher price.

I could also put together this course that teaches you how to buy solo ads as profitably as possible, give you a squeeze page that converts well and shows you how to sell using your newly learned great copywriting skills as a gift when you purchase a solo ad from me? What do you think? Would you pay $50 for 100 quality clicks if you get a high converting squeeze page and a copywriting course that helps you sell?

Here goes the what if’s again…

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