Make Money With Ready Made Products

Many years ago I came across the idea of using PLR products to make money online. It seems easy enough. You just buy the private label rights, put a link up to your product on your facebook page and send out a couple of tweets about it and your “Golden!”

Next time I went in and said well, that didn’t work what else can I try and I found out about using Solo Ads…

I followed a course on how to use solo ads to make money and build a list at the same time. I did make some sales (that got returned) and I do have a list of over 1,000 subscribers.

I am beginning to see some responsiveness now that I have started sending my blog posts to my list. The pre-written sales emails aren’t convincing my subscribers to buy the products the course set up for me to sell.

Lately I have been trying to put all this info and experience together and turn it into something useful and profitable.

Now I know that solo ads work with a good opt-in message. I also know that sales isn’t new which means that many of the PLR products out there still have relevant information that can be re-packaged and sold.

I have experience setting up websites and using PLR as the content and I know how to edit the sites to make the products pay me. I also know how to create a squeeze page to get opt-ins to my email list. I have recently found out that my writing gets me a better response than the professionally written emails I paid to have written for me.

I am putting together an email marketing course that goes over the process of using PLR to sell to email subscribers that gives them what they are in need of for a small fee and makes me money by simply putting to use what I actually know rather than what I am believing in some guru telling me so I can sell his product and make him more money.

I am not trying to say that the gurus are only trying to swindle you or that them making money by selling you information is bad I am just saying that I can see beyond the hype and there is value in their products when you get past the psychological “tricks” they use to manipulate/persuade you into buying their products. The course I am putting together to sell using Solo Ads and an email capture squeeze page is my way to prove to myself that internet marketing is not only real but I can make money from it too!

I realized that the SEO and PPC traffic method (Adwords) are not the only way to generate traffic. I can use the work of other pros and get the traffic they are targeting and send my offer to join my email list and get my products that are in the same market as their target market’s interests. Let me explain more clearly…

Solo ads get a good opt-in rate. PLR products are already made for you. If you can put together a high quality landing page and set up a good thank you bridge page with a solid offer you should be able to not only grow your subscriber list for free but also make a good income selling in demand info to a market ready to devour it!

Of course I have to buy the PLR put it up on my website and buy a solo ad to send traffic to it. I also need to have my autoresponder set up to capture leads and send them appropriate follow up messages to encourage them to purchase my info products.

My niche is going to be using solo ads to build an email list and sell them make money online products that actually work!

I know how disappointing it is to spend way more than you want on a product that builds high expectations on the sales page and then feels like it falls apart when you actually receive the product. That’s why I am working on the stuff that works to put money in your pocket.

That brings me to the other fact that when you sell a PLR product you get to keep all the money you sell the product for, no more hoping your guru can convert all the traffic you are sending them!

For my next experiment, that I can actually see the whole process in my head and know how to set up all the moving parts to, I will do the following:

  1. Buy PLR
  2. Set up the web pages to collect emails and to sell the PLR product
  3. Put together my email autoresponder campaign
  4. Buy a 300 click Solo Ad to test my theory and procedure.

The main goal is to sell enough ebooks or video courses to pay for the solo ad. Getting the ad paid for means that I generate an email list of interested people ready to devour the info I am offering. Once I get them on my list I can also offer other helpful products and information that some will buy and I don’t have to spend more time and energy looking at keywords and paying for articles to be written about it, I can just write an email about the product and send out my own email to an audience that I already know is interested in the subject I am dealing with.

I have been struggling lately to figure out how to sell other people’s products, as in clickbank products. With PLR products I don’t have to spend all my time and brain power to put together a product. When I sell the product I put online I get to keep 100% of the sales I make. I do have to buy the PLR and I do have to do the work of setting up the webpages, squeeze pages and the other required disclosure stuff. I have to decide to get a new domain or just keep using the ones I have. Should I use the same designs? Should I edit the email autoresponder messages? I noticed that some products have affiliate offers that are no longer available so I have to update everything to make it current.

The point of this post is to say that I have something that is going to be work but I believe I finally have a clear path to generate both a marketing email list and a good amount of income. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or comments about PLR and email list building or even internet marketing in general.

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