Keeping On Keepin’ On…

The latest solo ads campaigns I’ve run have produced significantly higher opt-in rates since implementing the copywriting advice I have been studying.

It works to get people to open and read emails, even to sign up to your email list.

The conversion from subscriber to a customer is a bit different.

If I continue testing I may go broke. That doesn’t sell how to make money online info products for sure!

Well, maybe it does make for a good story…

“Destitute Hermit spends last $25 on Solo Ads And, Shockingly, This Is What Happened…”

Does that grab you a little? Does it make you wonder what happened?

Would you read about that?

Maybe I can set up a sales page, squeeze page or just an article with that title and run it to see if I get traffic or conversions.

Is it just clickbait?

Should I set it up and run it as the destitute hermit?

Since I don’t want to spend all my money to build up a list of subscribers and still make no money I have shifted my focus to “free” traffic methods.

Free means I have to spend my time attracting my audience with SEO articles or with Safelists and Traffic exchanges.

I did get around 10 new subscribers from one traffic exchange. Still, no buyer traffic but my list is growing. I spent about 2 days clicking useless links in the exchange in order to “earn” views to my squeeze page.

Most of my sign-ups came in the first few hours.

I need to do more testing but my theory is that I brought a new offer to the rotation and the people, like me, spending hours clicking the same offers saw mine and were interested, then it became another one of the same.

I am going to run the same page on another exchange and see my results.

If I get 5 or more subscribers from 2 more exchanges then I am going to find more.

One other method I tried that has gotten me some traffic is

I found some questions that get lots of views and I answered it and it got a few hundred views. It didn’t get click throughs or sales but it got viewed.

In the past I was unable to get views or traffic at all, now that I have been studying copywriting I have been getting better and better results.

When I am just spitting out words on these rambling blog posts I am not targeting anything specific and while there are some phrases and word judo techniques going on the whole thing is unorganized and unedited. I am just writing to write and think things out.

It helps but it is not intended to make sales.

Things are coming together, slowly, but I can see my goals getting closer. They don’t seem like fantasies that I never will realize anymore!

I do wish that I paid more attention to words sooner. I’ve always known there power but I didn’t know that I could learn how to wield that weapon for my own personal gain.

But, just like driving a car or firing a gun, caution must be taken.

Quick Update:

My efforts are bringing in trickles of traffic. The flood of paid traffic is nice but it hasn’t paid off, yet.

ChatGPT has potential and I am using it to create content about topics related to some of my blogs. I haven’t ranked it yet and I haven’t unleashed it’s content on the social media sites yet. I may be able to leverage the content into a fine traffic source if I can just get the formula right.

I am hoping that my problem is mainly lack of fresh eyeballs on my offers. I am working tirelessly on improving my follow-up because it is reported that money is in the follow-up.

Another improvement I need to make is my plan. I need to be more disciplined in my content creation.

Yesterday I was on this kick, from listening to Esther Hicks, channeling Abraham, where I ask myself, “what do I want?”

The response keeps turning my inner dialogue to what I don’t want or the obstacles keeping me from what I want and the question must be repeated and my focus shifted back to what it is I really want.

So, I keep writing what I want which is… to make money online, fast easy, and ethically.

I want to find something that I can easily do without spending lots of time, and I can charge money for it and feel good about trading my information for your money! I want this to run on autopilot, for the most part.

I’ve noticed that I really enjoy researching certain topics and exposing the discrepancies between public perception and reality, mostly with public interactions like law enforcement and debt collection.

Those police the police type Youtube videos steal way too much of my attention. I am hooked.

I also really like the way people have figured out how to deal with debt collectors and creditors.

Of course, I also enjoy learning about how search engines work and how websites gain exposure from the searches so that I can market different products and services.

I need to slow down and focus. There’s too much. I need to stop looking around and get busy building up what I have already started.

Adding new material and refreshing or updating old material regularly will help my sites gain exposure. By making the content good and useful I will earn staying power and by perfecting my messages with great copywriting I will be making money the way I want.

How Do I Proceed?

I have a few websites all with low content. I am on a mission to improve on them before adding new sites. As an affiliate I need to get the products I promote out to the audience that is seeking it. I am like a matchmaker, I find audiences, through keyword research, and I offer solutions with affiliate products.

I use ChatGPT to produce content on the subjects found through keyword research, put my copywriting skills to work to produce a call to action and rely on the products to sell themselves.

By focusing on high search volume and low competition keywords I expect to start getting traffic. Once I get traffic coming in I can focus more on the copywriting.

It is this weird system of test, get results, optimize and repeat…

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