It’s Working!

I have been sending emails to my list for a few months now, off and on. I have had issues with making decisions, sticking with any decisions and getting people to interact with my communications…

Until now that is!

I finally decided to delve seriously into copywriting.

I followed some advice and cut lots of unresponsive subscribers who hadn’t opened anything in over a month. That increased my open rate substantially!

I also started writing my own emails.

I used ChatGPT to write lots of emails but I decided to do it myself and use what I am learning from the courses I set up for sale on my subdomains.

I have initiated a few conversations on looking for the right seller and the right offer I can promote by strategically putting the two together.

Copywriting works!

The latest broadcast I sent got a measly 2 clicks on the link inside but that’s more than I’ve been getting – EVER!

Maybe It was coincidence but only time will tell. It does give me hope and some excitement to keep going and put up more products and run more campaigns.

But… I have a funnel set up. I have a mission. I really like solo ads and I am becoming a believer in the power of effective copywriting.

I just realized that I need a front-end product even if I promote an affiliate product, or do I?

I sometimes try and follow the advice of too many sources at the same time. That leads me to do or not do certain things because I get my methods or strategies crossed up.

For right now I have what I need to send out a solo ad.

I still have some down-sells to add in and some higher priced products or services or put a campaign together to promote a related affiliate product. I am curious to see how my squeeze page does.

I am exploring my options and I am moving forward. I am expanding on what I have or what is available to me.

The vendors I am researching have the info I’m looking for listed in their profiles – at least most of it.


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