Is It More Complicated Than You’ve Been Told

Many of the make money online products and coaching programs make it seem like there is one super secret that is holding you back from millions and millions.

There are countless products available that guarantee you will make tons of money if you pay them $997 today only!

I do know that people are making money online today in 2022. I’ve also recently been shown that advertising hasn’t changed much since the early 1900’s, at least!

Making money without leaving the house is a very appealing concept to me. Figuring out how to do it has proven difficult.

It’s one of those simple things that isn’t easy. Things have been coming into focus in a good way lately. I have a solid plan.

Today I did some planning and wrote some content for my email list and my blog. I really need to get after my keyword research and getting some content written.

I also have to come up with some sort of giveaway for building up my email list. It’s hard to imagine putting in all this planning and work to sell my site. It’s going to be tough to let go.

I have to set some goals for my earnings and some limits to time spent on these blogs.

Awhile back I read a book called “The 4 Hour Work Week” by Timothy Ferris. He was heavily in favor of outsourcing things you don’t want to do and things that are mundane that keep you from the profitable activities and from the things you want to do.

With unlimited funds and no care for return that would be nice. In order to achieve anything like this you have to have a good plan and good systems.

What value am I going to provide to allow me free time? I am helping people find what they are looking for. I am helping vendors sell more.

I am employing writers. I may have to hire programmers and lawyers. An accountant may be in order and some customer service employees.

With the right plan I can feed lots of people. With the right system I can make it easy and almost automatic feeding.

When I first got into this I fell for the ads that made me believe a little work would pay me huge sums of money for the rest of my life. I am shaking my head at my old self.

Now I am able to see that the easy button is just a metaphor for being able to do what you enjoy and prosper for it.

How can I help, enjoy it and make a living?

I have always been a seeker. I want to know about things. How they work. Why they work the way they do.

Keyword research and marketing, learning about different markets and sharing my findings is a joy for me.

Now I am finding ways to earn a living from my hobby. Selling my services allows me to afford to do more experiments and learn more.

In the morning I have to find my path to profit with my forex website. I have too many theories and lots of work to get this moving in my direction.

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