How To Use Medium To Get Free Traffic

I keep hearing about being a means to generate traffic quickly on low competition traffic. That’s great to get your content ranked quickly. I am now wondering how I am going to post something on medium and use it to drive visitors to my site.

Let’s take a closer look:

  1. Find low competition keywords with high search volume
  2. Write content to post on medium about those researched keywords
  3. Send that traffic to my website – then to affiliate offer? Have ads on my site? Get small portion of traffic from article then get a few of them to convert to customers?

As you can see I am still a little confused as to the flow of traffic and the efforts my work takes versus the rewards from it.

I am not sure where to send visitors or how to go about sending them anywhere.

How do I write an article to send visitors to my site then from my site convert them into customers?

What exactly is the flow and how do I get it to work right for me?

It sounds basic enough when the gurus tell you to do it but implementation is a whole other ball game.

Let’s try this again, so I can try and wrap my mind around it.

Find relevant keywords and write content about it. Easy enough. What is the mission and method with this work?

A little deeper – write the content to satisfy the need of the person searching. Put together a give away, on your site, that you send the “searcher” to after they read your content. Collect the email of the visitor and send your offer to promote to them.

Again all that seems easy but what can I do to find the right give away?

How am I going to deliver it?

How am I going to say way to go on getting this information that you were looking for now buy this thing I’m selling!?

How do I make it relevant and helpful?

Also, are there better subjects or instances where this strategy should be implemented and times when it shouldn’t?

I am beginning to see that not all goods and services are able to be marketed the same. Not everything has an obvious free give away to entice future customers to give you their contact info.

Finding a good search term that is relevant to your niche and can be remedied by a simple free give away could be an easy traffic generating method that would be a natural for this technique.

And since I am building my own list and finding my own methods AND sharing it with you here is another tip – Go Here to get on my list where I share some of my keyword research with you.

As with all methods there is more than one way to use the data and there are numerous ways to make money with it come back here for more ideas on how to profitably use keywords to drive free traffic to your affiliate offers and make money!

Getting back to, how do you use it to drive traffic, that converts, to your website?

Here’s how I am going to use it…

I will target my keyword and get my content about it up and ready to be published on medium. In my content I will link my landing page, where I have an email capture form. I will have a description of a give away I am offering to visitors that will help with their issue that they searched for, giving them a reason to visit my site and get on my mailing list.

I think this may be the real work in affiliate marketing. Finding keywords, building mailing lists, putting together ebooks and building spreadsheets is the easy part, putting them all together to earn you a living is the hard part!


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