How to Start A Solo Ad Selling Business

You have undoubtedly heard by now that the money is in the list!

How do you get that list?

One of the fastest and low cost ways to get a huge list of targeted leads is to run a Solo Ad. And, how can you quickly profit from Solo Ads? By selling them of course!

There is a huge market for affiliates wanting to get their offer in front of entrepreneurs interested in starting their very own home based business.

Especially in these uncertain economic times and now that we have occasional lockdowns from the CDC people want something they can run from home without having to rely on a company to supply them with an income.

The easiest and least capital intensive project one can get into is sending out solo ads to build a subscriber email list of prospects interested in your product or service.

As an affiliate marketer, selling products and services to people who are running a practical business from the comfort of their own homes using solo ads is a no brainer because of the low barrier to entry and none of the bureaucracy found when buying advertising from the giants like Facebook and Google.

A solo ad selling business involves selling email marketing campaigns, also known as solo ads, to businesses or individuals who want to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. Here is an outline of how a solo ad selling business might operate:

  1. Identify a niche or target market: The first step in starting a solo ad selling business is to identify a niche or target market that you can serve. This could be a specific industry, such as health and wellness, or a particular type of product or service, such as e-books or software.
  2. Build an email list: In order to sell solo ads, you will need to have an email list of subscribers who are interested in your niche or target market. You can build an email list by offering valuable content or resources for free in exchange for an email address, or by running paid advertising campaigns targeting potential subscribers.
  3. Offer solo ads to businesses or individuals: Once you have an email list, you can offer solo ads to businesses or individuals who want to promote their products or services to your subscribers. You can promote your solo ad services through your own website or social media channels, or by partnering with other businesses or influencers in your niche.
  4. Set up the solo ad campaign: Once you have a client interested in purchasing a solo ad, you will need to set up the campaign. This involves creating the email content, designing the email template, and setting up the tracking and reporting for the campaign.
  5. Send the solo ad: When the campaign is set up, you will send the solo ad to your email list on behalf of your client. You will typically use an email marketing service, such as Mailchimp or Aweber, to send the solo ad.
  6. Provide tracking and reporting: After the solo ad has been sent, you will provide tracking and reporting to your client to show the results of the campaign. This will typically include metrics such as the number of clicks, the open rate, and the conversion rate.
  7. Rinse and repeat: Once you have completed a solo ad campaign for a client, you can repeat the process with other clients to continue growing your solo ad selling business. You can also continue to grow your email list and refine your marketing efforts to attract new clients and improve the results of your campaigns.


Go to Now to get more info on how to start and run your own Solo Ad Empire!

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