Get Buyer Traffic With Effective PPC Campaigns

Let me tell you a little story about my list building experience…

I signed up for a done for you list building service called The 12 Minute Affiliate.

After a month of the service I generated a list of over 1000 subscribers.

The service worked.

I made a couple of sales but the traffic was costing me more than I was earning in sales.

The product also re-launched under a new name, Easiest System Everand I was not making anymore sales and to add insult to injury, all of the sales I made returned the product I sold them.

Now, I had a large, for me, email list that doesn’t buy from me.

I am sure you’ve heard that the money is in the list and you should earn a return of at least $1 per email subscriber on your list… I was banking on that.

It didn’t happen.

I did learn from that experience… an expensive lesson.

The program teaches you to buy solo ads and then market affiliate offers to your newly creates list.

I followed the instructions and built up the list and started marketing to that list.

The problem is that I didn’t do any relationship building.

I failed to listen to the advice about where to buy traffic from.

I didn’t give anymore value to my subscribers and I just kept sending out email after email promoting affiliate products just hoping for a sale and it never happened.

From my prior experience of rushing out to buy the next greatest product that alleges to solve my marketing problems I have refrained and instead spent time researching ideas that are readily available all over the internet.

The problem is that you have to search for this stuff, read it or watch it, process it and implement what you have learned.

You also have to understand it and test it all out which can lead to more costs in marketing and time.

Just today I was watching a sales webinar for another done for you email marketing course. This one was going to cost nearly $3k if you pay in 3 easy payments or save $495 if you pay just one low price of $2495 today.

What I was paying attention to was the delivery of the sales message.

There were assurances and guarantees all over the place.

There is a concept out there that you appear to be giving so much value that the potential customer feels almost stupid not to take you up on the offer.

This guy did that in a way that was straight forward and probably even sincere but I didn’t buy.

The fear is that I won’t be able to afford what ever else I need to invest into the system to buy traffic, hire the right people or get the necessary tools and that it will end up like all my other attempts to make guaranteed easy money.

I have watched hundreds, if not thousands of sales presentations, read so many sales emails and sales pages that it is almost like a broken record in my head.

Knowing that I’m being sold something makes me apprehensive.

The way these sales messages are put together is nearly all the same.

It seems like it shouldn’t work because it is so repeated and recognizable but it must work because people are still doing it and still making money doing it.

It feels like a trick when you see it so often but is it?

Being around for so long and looking into this industry as much as I have it is finally sinking in that I must go above and beyond in some sort of way in order to make money in the online marketplace.

That leads me back to the fact that I want to show people what works to make money online but I haven’t done it. I have generated a decent sized email list but it is mostly unresponsive.

That means I have to learn and adapt my strategy. I have to do something that works to actually make a profit online.

I recently wrote about how one of my websites is starting to rank for keywords, organically. That site is one that I paid a lot of money for and I expect it to be ranking and making me money.

By following what I have been taught by the creator of my website I have a plan that I know can generate SEO rankings.

Taking what I learned from The Easiest System Ever ClickBank program I know how to build a large email list, fast.

I have to put something together using that information. I’d like to sell it but I don’t think telling people that I don’t know how to make money online but buy this guide on how to make a huge list of email subscribers and get some low ranking organic keywords that don’t even generate traffic yet, will make much of a urgency for anyone to spend their money with me.

But the opportunity to make more than you spend using PPC ads to build a list of buyers is so tantalizing.

I am going to create an email capture/squeeze page and send paid traffic to it and send that traffic to a sales page once they sign up.

That is the idea.

Then, I must have a plan for those who subscribe and an email follow up series for those who subscribe and make a purchase.

In order to do that I need to find a great offer.

Some questions I am asking myself right now is what do I have to offer to entice buyers to sign up and make a purchase?

I have an idea of what to say in order to get buyers to sign up but I don’t know what to sell to them and I don’t know how to sell it to them.

Using the email swipes from the ClickBank product vendors hasn’t produced any positive results for me, yet.

PLR products haven’t made me any money yet.

Reading about copywriting I have been given the idea to tell my story and to create interest.

Here’s a tip I learned and I have lately noticed marketers doing it in almost all their videos and on sales pages, actually read to the end and I’ll get it to you…

That’s it, they mention something that you want to know about that they’ll get to later and you have to watch til the end to get it.

That’s a psychological trick that builds interest in our brains and almost forces us to read or watch to the end.

I have to get good at this.

I need an angle.

Or I need to focus on creating content or having it created for me.

Here I go again…

Too much time too little urgency to focus on or finish anything.

Actually, I did an experiment with an Adwords PPC campaign and It did send me traffic but it didn’t bear any tasty fruit.

I was sending traffic directly to a sales page and it got me one sale and I wasn’t collecting emails so I didn’t get any list that I can market to again.

It’s back to the drawing board now armed with knowledge and marked with real world experience.

I must improve, adapt and prosper.

What’s my next move and when do I have to have it done by?

PPC is the fastest way to generate traffic that I know of, whether it be Adwords, Facebook ads, Taboola, BuySellAds or Solo ads it’s the fastest way to get results.

Right now I’m working on a lead magnet that I received through a private label rights give away or something I bought a long time ago. I already have it set up on this site but I’m reworking it to make it more appealing and more mine. Check it out here and watch what I do with it.

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