“Figuring It Out” Takes Time

When you’re researching how to make money online you quickly get bombarded with hyped up claims of making millions with push button ease.

Inreality, the methods are simple, but that simplicity doesn’t make them easy.

I have recently come up with an idea for a market I would be comfortable entering.

Over the years I have become proficient at building websites.

I am not good at building tracking systems or knowing how to easily put ecommerce order buttons on any old page and then make sure everything is running smooth and is protected against cyber attacks…

I recently became proficient at getting subscribers on my email list using solo ads.

I also recently found a reliable source of wholesale-priced solo ads.

I had some success selling on Udimi.com and I want to break out and sell solo ads independently from a platform.

It is not easy to just put some PayPal buttons on a webpage and sell solo ads.

I have lots of parts that still need manual maintenance.

Short term I am planning to set up a system to sell solo ads and sell PLR products to help my customers learn how to be effective marketers using solo ads.

I feel like I need to have a better offer or a better package in order to get customers to trust me and spend money on my products.

I can give away a guide or solo ad clicks but not both.

I keep going back and forth in my head on what direction to take.

I can’t seem to get a clear path mapped out on what to do next.

It seems like I must put together a stripe account in order to offer subscribers the opportunity to place orders directly from the emails I send out.

It is a big headache because I don’t use stripe and if you use anything to get money, as a business, then you have to jump through all sorts of hoops and it takes a long time and lots of boring reading.

For now, that’s where I’m going to focus. I am going to get set up on stripe, figure out how to create an offer that sends subscribers directly to the order form from their email.



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