Feed Hungry Crowd Great Relevant Content and Get Paid

That title sums up my job as an internet marketer. Up until now I have not seen how the puzzle fit together. I get all the concepts but I couldn’t see how I was going to be able to use the information in a profitable manner.

I was willing to do the work.

I did lots of work but I just couldn’t see how to fit it all together.

My current project is to take some Private Label Rights – PLR – and make it my own original, up to date and sell it to an audience that can use it. The fact that the tools you will need or that will at least make things easier, are also products that pay an affiliate commission for referring sales is a bonus. I can use the info, organized in a specific way to either sell as an info product or put it just on my website and in both cases I suggest users to buy the tools I am using and I get paid when they buy from me!

The next part of my experiment, the set up phase, is to have a product I create from a PLR product to sell via Solo Ads. The object of a solo ad is to create a self liquidating offer – SLO – which is where your offer in the solo ad pays for the solo ad and you get all the subscribers for free.

I have to create the product. I also have to already be successful to sell a product I create that is how to do what I am doing.

At first it feels “cheesy” like the slick salesman in the old magazine or newspaper ads that wants to sell you his method for getting paid $20 for everyone he helps learn how to get paid to help people make money. When you send the money and your self addressed, stamped envelope he sends you a copy of the ad you responded to and instructions that say to post that ad with your contact info in as many magazines and newspapers as you can!

I always get suckered in to the fast easy buck for doing practically nothing because I always miss the word “practically” and get frustrated when it take more than my initial $7 investment to get rich!

Solo ads are a traffic method. They work if done properly.

Email marketing works.

List building works.

These are all part of the same market.

They are used in the make money online markets to sell lots of ways to make money online but they are also used in other markets. In a way, as an affiliate marketer you are building an email list of subscribers interested in your niche and sending your emails to sell affiliate products to them, you are sending “free” solo ads for the product creators.

They only pay you when you make a sale. Solo Ad sellers take the payment up front and you can sell affiliate products or your own or both! I find most solo ad vendors are in the make money online niche. They have a broad audience, usually or at least in my limited experience.

When I was using the “Easiest System Ever” I was able to get lots of subscribers using their system. As I sent out the broadcast messages I got from clickbank products I was sure I was going to get rich overnight and when that didn’t happen I knew next week was the latest I could expect and when I still wasn’t making sale after sale I hoped I would get at least one sale with the next solo ad!

I have been looking at keywords, Adwords & Adsense, Solo Ads and affiliate products all with SEO or paid competition. I used Solo Ads and was disappointed but I think I was going about it wrong and I didn’t how to use my data to make more sales because I wasn’t making any!

The Solo Ads PLR product I purchased and my experience with solo ads gave me some insight into my next experiment. Now I’ve run into another dilemma. How am I going to sell a product that I create that I don’t even know if it works or not? Even if I know it works how can I honestly sell it?

With affiliate marketing or any product I intend to sell, how can I do it if I don’t use it myself?

I am talking myself into my product and my method right now…

I have used Solo Ads to build up my email list, fast.

It was very expensive.

Now my goal is to build an email list and get paid to do it.

I know that it is hard to sell something I don’t use.

I have the blueprint to a business, that drives traffic using solo ads, to offers that sell a product that produces income to cover the cost of the solo ad and builds up a list of email subscribers that you can sell to over and over again.

This is where I am starting to test and where I intend on producing an income.

Once I get this model working efficiently for me I will move on to another subject.

I have some ideas swirling around, all pertaining to solo ads marketing using PLR products.

Here’s one I am using right here and I may be able to use it as a survey on a website and in an email – repurpose content – I can possibly create a membership site around PLR projects.

I can get a list of subscribers who pay me a small amount, like $7 I think is the cheapest the PLR resellers already charge. I can get a small list of paid subscribers and offer access to a growing list of PLR products. I can also have someone rewrite the whole PLR product for me and resell that to a select few or set it up myself and profit from it.

There are too many possibilities to fantasize about. I already have a plan. I am re-doing the Solo Ad Professor PLR product I just bought and setting up a site just like the one I set up to sell the Solo Ad Professor.

I am going to look at a few related PLR products to possibly do the same process with and possibly offer some sort of all inclusive, comprehensive product that helps you through it all for a buy in bulk type of deal. I will also have content to post on the websites I create to sell the products. With this content I may be able to transition into a PPC Adwords type course.

I keep getting ahead of myself and that is the trap I keep falling into with the next shiny object syndrome!

Keep watching me collect data on solo ads. I am putting together the PLR product and email autoresponder system to send to a solo ad offer. I will send out an offer to my current email subscribers too when it is available. You will also get updates as I figure out what’s working, what’s frustrating and what was a waste of time.

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