Blinded By Choices

I know what I need to do but I am stuck on a different part of the process and I get analysis paralysis. I need to find a niche market first. I jumped the gun on a few domain purchases and just thought I was going to make an easy profit.

I get ideas from youtube videos and I go over in my head a whole bunch of them and I get stuck on the next steps and I get frustrated and move on to something I think I can do instead of figuring out a way through, over or around the obstacle I end up starting over a whole bunch.

Then I waste a bunch of time trying to get a plan together and I get started on something I can do and if it doesn’t give me immediate success I feel like I have to start again. Why am I talking about all this?

I am fighting through the analysis paralysis and morphing my ideas into a working plan. I have generated an offer and I put together a way for the transaction to take place. I priced it low to attract attention since I haven’t generated any success stories yet. In my mind this is more like a partnership that I need to conduct more experiments.

I do the work and order work to be done. I put all the work together in a way to make everyone involved money. I pay for the domain, keyword research tools, website building tools and relevant traffic generating content and you pay for me to put it all together to make you money.

There are ways to use free web properties and resources to generate a profit. I can always go to those and do my experiments. I want to go out and find a hungry audience, find a product to feed them and build a website to deliver it to them.

Here’s another time where I am contemplating how to segue to the part that makes me money. I am not making a decision because I have so many ideas and and I can’t decide how I want to continue.

Do I want to put an offer here or do I send you to another page?

Do I put a text link or a graphic, like a banner?

Do I publish this page then come back and link to my new page or do should I be working backward, sending my readers to my old works? I mean should I have my offer ready to go and then write up this content and send you to my offer?

These are the types of things that I am dealing with constantly. I don’t think I have ADD but I can imagine how much of a struggle it would be if every decision was this complicated by your subconscious mind.

Since I don’t have a page set up yet and I don’t have the details worked out I will just go through my idea and also discuss my keyword research and how it can benefit you.

I have previously written about Marcus Campbell who I found on Youtube, and I am able to grasp the concepts when he talks about them. He gives me so many ideas and he also give good action plans to get things going. I recently watched him outline how to make money using free websites. I have to use the same keyword research I’d normally use to find a niche and for articles.

My new product will have to do with that. I will write out the sites I am going to use, the way I’m going to tie them together for maximum profitability and how I’m doing market research too. When I think these things up I get my mind all clouded up because I am thinking about how I’m going to write a guide or if I should give away some of the keyword lists I’m using to look for good profitable niches to get into.

While going through keywords for my forex site I realized how difficult it is to go out and find a profitable niche that I have an idea of how to use my knowledge and skills to do what it takes to build a cashflow machine out of. I also want to showcase my ability to do the research necessary to find profitable keywords for my customers and for myself. I also want to help out those who may not have the resources to hire others to do the work for them yet but are ready to learn.

That leads to my next project and the product needs a give away. I am going to be researching and there may be things I find but don’t have the time for. Also, there aren’t tons of people getting this material yet either. That means this is fresh now and as I try stuff out and it starts working right for me I won’t have much extra competition from my readers because I will already be working on something else, niche-wise.

I want to find a domain for you. To do that I need a niche to target so I have an idea on what to call the website. That means I have to do some keyword research first. I believe I will be able to find plenty of these niches and I will share some of them to show proof of what I can do in order to build trust.

Once I do a few of these for free web site properties like blogger or I will put my offer up for me buying the domain and doing the keyword research. I will also be able to compile my free site research into a small pdf report that I can give away to new visitors to my site that may be interested in my services. It is a record of my successes and an example of what to expect from my research if you purchase a domain and research product from me.

Now, I have just outlined a process that I am going to go and do. Here’s another look at what is going to happen here:

  1. I am going to do some niche finding research
  2. I will compile that research into some spreadsheets for my readers to download for free
  3. I will then set up some free web properties with content meant to sell to the niche I researched
  4. I will compile that into the ebook/pdf with the spreadsheets as a free giveaway for new email subscribers
  5. I am putting together a sales page to offer my service of finding you a niche and a relevant domain to use to to market to the niche

Keep an eye out for my Niche Finding Post that I am going to work on now since I just wrote it in my list of what I am going to do.

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