Thanks-For your Input!
How To Segment Buyers Into Their Own Email List
Once you get your new PLR product set up, have a email campaign setup to send traffic to your new offer and someone goes through your marketing and makes a purchase, how do you move them from your subscriber list to your buyers list?
I know that there is a way to track this info, especially since you are not sending your subscribers away to buy affiliate items, you are the owner and you can put code on any page and track who clicks what.
The trick is integrating the buy click with moving a subscriber to a new list or campaign.
Do I place a tag to put the buyer in a new campaign or do I completely remove the sub from one list and put her on a new list altogether?
I believe I am going to have them remain on my main list and also be tagged to receive an upsell or the next product I promote that is related to the first project.
For example, If someone buys Solo Ad Professor I will still keep them on my make money online list but I will automatically move them to the copywriting list, knowing how to write emails that sell is pretty important if you are running an email marketing business, especially if it is selling your own products.
Another question is about affiliates. How do I determine if they buy through my link or not?
I guess I could ask for a screenshot of their receipt and manually add them to a special buyers list once seeing that. I’d have to set up some sort of incentive for buying through my link. That’s lot’s of work for not having to do the work since supposedly, selling affiliate products is less work.
My goal for this PLR product buyers list is to put tracking code on the download page. Anyone getting to that page should go through the sales page and be directed to the download from the Paypal order page.
The course for $7 is a steal. I paid more, since I have the right to sell the product as my own I figures it’s worth it. If you like the concept of the site and would like to have a site like it send me an email to admin@soloAdsProfit.com and I will make a deal with you. It isn’t cheap to spend time and effort setting up these sites but it is fun when it finally works and has all your info!
I know that with PLR you’re supposed to rebrand everything and sell it as a new product. Since I am more interested in learning more and adding more products to my income streams I am going to keep the price low on this as-is product.
I am still brainstorming in these blog posts that you get to see, so I am thinking about changing up the product, the graphics and the price, not the sales copy too much. I can then package this new stuff up on it’s own domain and sell the whole business for a premium.
Or, I could do it and sell it as a ready made done for you income stream or both!
Setting it up on a domain could lead to selling hosting and getting Namecheap commissions for sending them a paying customer.
I just need to figure out how to do this stuff in a tactful and helpful manner.
I am not very good at interacting with others. I am either too nice or too much of an A-Hole! That’s part of the reason I chose internet marketing as my way to earn a living.
Another reason I’m going into copywriting as my next product too, I need some training on how to write persuasively and not just whatever I feel right now.
You should start seeing a shift in my posts. I am going to implement more of what I learn to offer more products I am promoting and less about how I feel.
Now, back to the tasks for today…
I must put tracking on the download page to let me be able to convert buyers to a new campaign and take them off the one selling this PLR product, Solo Ad Professor.
I also must upload the videos so that they work properly on the download page.
Also, there is a place to put a promotion for my next product on the download page for Solo Ad Professor.
That means, I may pick out which PLR course I am going to choose for my next project.
That will be the topic of my next post I guess, so stay tuned for how to pick your next PLR product sale!
I do gotta say, this is exciting, having a workable plan, that belongs to me that I’m not dependent on a product vendor to come up with all the moving parts for me…
As-Is Solo Ad Professor
I was able to create a sub-domain on my domain SoloAdsProfit.com and set up the PLR product Solo Ad Professor.
I checked the license and I can’t sell the PLR rights to this product. I have plr rights to change this product and sell it for whatever I choose.
I just wanted to show you how easily a site can be setup and ready to take orders. With all the editors and tutorials out there these days you can get the sites up and running in a few minutes if you really know what you are doing.
It took me all day because I don’t know how to edit html and setup websites using html and php and also integrate Paypal buttons. I was able to paste some code and get my buttons to work and now I need to learn how to add tracking and tagging.
Since this is technically my product now I can build a buyers list, which is important in segmenting.
I also have to figure out how to get buyers onto their own special list and I need to know what else is relevant to offer or promote to them.
I have a ways to go to be running a hyper efficient email marketing business but I’m on my way.
I think I will have to run the tracking through AWeber or through Analytics. That is a job for tomorrow I have to rest first.
I do want to let you in on some brainstorming I’ve been doing and what offers I am thinking about releasing for sale…
With A.I., clipart.com and snagit I can put together an offer on WordPress fairly easily. I have all the marketing materials from these PLR products and the products themselves. I could potentially sell a website with all the parts set up for you.
It’s a product I could profit from as an affiliate and as an independent marketer.
I could promote AWeber and a hosting account, a namecheap domain name and maybe some sort of landing page builder or CRM.
I think what I’ve realized is that I’m going to have to quickly come up with something to sell to my audience or I am going to lose touch.
These products I’m putting up as is and the email lists I’m building need to be refined constantly and they need to grow.
I have to get this campaign up and loaded with content and be ready to start on the next product and its content as soon as possible.
There are lots of moving parts to be doing this all alone. I need to look into how to automate more.
The less I do the less I make up to a point. I can’t do everything.
I can get A.I. to do some of the heavy lifting for me.
My autoresponder can be loaded and automated and I can add a few more products so that I will have more to offer future recruits to my list.
Once I have five or six of my own products and a few affiliate offer campaigns I should be able to simply run traffic and my system should do the rest.
I am beginning to see the light!
I am working on getting things set up and actually getting it done. My list building is working.
I am starting to see the problem with affiliate marketing in the make money online niche.
You don’t really have control over the price of the product or any way to give more to make the sale. It also isn’t easy to tell who actually makes a purchase and they could leave your link and come back moments later from a competitors link and you lose your commission.
Even though it took me a long time today to put together this simple PLR product sales site I can see how a little experience and immersion in the trenches here will pay off quickly.
I can set these up and get my link to get paid. I know there is a way to add code to my webpages to know who went to certain pages and how they got there.
I can track who buys from me and what they clicked on.
I can segment my list better with all that info.
Would a guide to editing html or uploading a PLR product onto a domain and how to get the paypal buttons to work or
How to write emails that get opened and the links clicked?
Here’s a Biz-Map For A Make Money Online Funnel
In the past few emails it has been revealed that fundamentals of businesses are not changing. The markets move with new products arranging and reorganizing activities and products to make things enticing but at the heart of it all nothing really changes.
What I’m referring to is the evergreen nature of information based business, or just the world in general. To make money you have to sell a product or service for more than it costs you to make or perform it.
More specifically, I’m talking about PLR products. I’m also talking about how I am going to use them to create new products to sell and make my own.
I want to take a minute and explore why I came to this conclusion…
PLR or Private Label Rights products are info based products that someone created. They may be outdated due to the tools or techniques used or maybe the graphics are sub-par for today’s consumer.
The information contained about how to write a compelling headline still stands. People are still intrigued by a catchy headline and our interest piqued by the chance that the info contained there holds the answer to our burning question.
If you look at old print magazines you’ll see the same old headline structures just different subjects. It is a formula that works and people are still having success with it today.
To get my piece of the pie I am organizing some of what I find to be pertinent information to help myself and whoever else takes the time to go over the materials I curate, to find a quick healthy way to generate an income online selling information to the right people using email.
There are multiple levels of learning and implementation of this information. First there is the concept, a plan that has working parts that need to be assembled in a way that is congruent with making money.
You need to have an understanding of sales and marketing and you need to have working knowledge of the tools used in each step to help you accomplish your sales and marketing tasks.
For example, you need to understand the steps needed to send an email but you also must understand how to acquire the email address ethically, create a subject line to pique the emails owner’s interest, write a compelling message that stirs up the desire for your product or service and then implement a technology allowing the subscriber the opportunity to make a purchase from you.
Again, you have to know how to send the email and you have to know what to say to get a sale.
The PLR courses from the PLR sites that sell the info have loads of content available to purchase and it is all laid out in an organized manner. You could learn a serious amount just going through the “menu” at one of the PLR stores.
When I was first starting out in internet marketing I feared having my own product. It is too much work. Now I feel like it is too much sacrifice to sell info products as an affiliate.
Most of the tools like webhosting and email autoresponders have affiliate commissions. That is a legitimate recommendation I can make as an internet marketer. I am running an email marketing business.
I am taking information that is available to everyone, organizing it into a specific plan to help you make money. You need the method and you need the tools. The tools may get fancier and the methods may get explained in a different way but it is not new it’s just new packaging. I am repackaging information for you. There are millions of people similar to me out there and my marketing is set up to find you and sell you my products because you are going through what I went through, you see the world similar to me and you have similar goals.
Understanding my words and empathizing with my story leads to you finding the right answer faster than I did if you are younger than me or finally having the answer revealed in an understandable way if you’re older than me.
I am currently reworking the solo ad course I purchased and figuring out a way to offer it at a fair price and also putting together a program where I can build a more passive income.
I enjoy finding old PLR programs that teach me new things. I also enjoy the topics of making money, the faster the better, and I enjoy psychology, sociology, economics and science. I don’t really see these topics as individual but as interconnected systems that having a few maps really helps navigate to the right paths to making money and being in harmony.
The plan is to get this email course set up with a whole email follow up campaign and a cross selling email system that will lead the products into other complimentary products that eventually lead to me reworking a new PLR product every month and selling it to my subscribers for a monthly fee.
The mental debate now is do I offer the PLR as I get it then rework it and sell that too or rework it a few different ways, like repackage it with 3 or 4 different titles and a couple different lead magnets and have a limited number of subscribers or just sell the product I rework as a stand alone product?
In other words, do I create a product for my subscribers to resell or do I just sell it to them and that’s it?
Some Gurus suggest using chat or FAQ’s to stay in touch with the specific needs of your audience others say to scour the forums in your niche.
I will have to do a little of both and keep putting info out there, offering it to you and taking in feedback and implementing an improved strategy to keep getting better results.
Be on the look out for my course on email marketing using Solo Ads to build your list, it has a video series that comes with it. I am just deciding whether or not to create new videos with A.I. voice over which could lead me to some tools that I could promote as an affiliate or just release the same videos but put together a better product course area that has better descriptions and maybe a transcript with a legend or something like that.
Both options take time and effort, they are things I could outsource and that could be a topic for another course!
Learn then teach, rinse and repeat. That is basically my business model.
If this seems to be going on and on and in no particular order it is because it is more of a brainstorm that I’m letting you in on because I am still figuring it out and I want you to know that you don’t have to be an expert to do your own thing to make money online.
It is a lot of work but doing it if you have the time or hiring someone else to do it for you if you have the money will build up the experience and expertise you need to be successful with making a great living from the internet!
I sent out an email yesterday that had a good open rate. My list is responsive. My ebook that I gave away, the one I plan on charging for didn’t get clicked on too much. That tells me it is not exciting enough or what this audience wants right now.
It also means that I need work on my sale’s copywriting.
That means I can invest in a PLR course or two that teaches copywriting also can scour the internet for articles and forums/blogs that go over it and share what I learn, implement it and report the results. I will also be able to practice my copywriting skills by putting together emails that sell, a website that sells and a lead magnet that will help generate interest in the product I am selling.
I also get to keep using email to sell and I get to keep practicing my skills as an email marketer and I am also mastering Solo Ads as a marketing medium.
The last topic I am going after is something that all businesses need and that is capital or money.
I know that business credit is available to everyday folks and it is not that hard to get but it is a mystery still and it would help to have a better working knowledge of how to get and grow my business credit.
I have 3 topics to get expert level in and 3 products to create. I need to get busy and I will report on my developments and let you know what I have to offer real soon go to SoloAdsProfit.com/plr to get all the details…
My First Product
I already went through and set up Solo Ads Professor, a course that teaches how to go about investing in Solo Ads to build your list and offset list building costs.
I am going to rework that offer and set it up as a campaign for my list. I have to figure out how to email my list now and have those emails show up later as part of my campaign for new subscribers.
I wrote a decent lead magnet to be given away to entice new subscribers to sign up to receive emails from me.
I am going to write some articles that cover what the videos go over in a PDF guide. I personally prefer PDF’s because I don’t have to wait for the host to say something and I can quickly advance or go back over something I need rather than try and search through a video where all the slides look pretty much the same and try and guess where in the video they are disseminating the info I’m currently in need of.
I do understand that many folks prefer video though. I may try out some A.I. voice software to put together a video course to go along with the Solo Ad Professor PLR course.
Once I get my own product up and available for purchase I will need to come up with new products and courses in related niches and possibly in unrelated niches. I will be using the most affordable and most interactive traffic I know until I feel like I am master of it, which is Solo Ads.
I will be going over email marketing type of topics and courses to start out because it is what I’m focusing on and mastering. I buy the PLR to gain knowledge for myself. I rebuild it and create a new course out of it to make money and share my real life experience with my subscribers and give them hope to be able to go out and do the same thing.
Technically, no one needs to buy these informational courses but they still sell because people don’t have the time to go out and find all the right info and organize it into something that is already known to work.
These blog posts give me a way to brainstorm and practice my writing, copywriting too.
Occasionally, I will come back and try out a “Johnson Box” type of advertisement that I create, as a way to test and practice my methods.
I have so many ideas but I must sacrifice and work one thing until I make it work or exhaust all resources to find out it doesn’t work.
What I am also doing is taking away my need to buy the DFY courses that are “high Ticket” items and focus on small topics for lots of small purchases that are also new and cutting edge but not such a huge commitment that takes all of your resources that could be spent on traffic and testing.
An Observation:
Looking at my own behaviour I’ve found that I buy into ideas that are sensationalized and I get discouraged and sent looking for the next shiny object often. Having lots of small specific courses that really buckle down on a specific niche topic help me and my subscribers to be able to focus on one thing and get it working, without going broke, and being able to move on to the next level when time and resources permit.
I know that building an active subscriber list from sending out solo ads works. I know that those folks have interests and want to get into the markets I have a product for. I can solve their issues because I’ve faced them. I also know that enhancing my abilities and knowledge makes me better and I can share that systematically and profitably with my subscriber audience. That is just going to take a bit of time and concerted effort.
To keep up with what’s developing with my business and to see what I’m actually implementing, get on my list over at SoloAdsProfit.com to download for free, my newest ebook:
“The Ultimate Guide to Solo Ads: How to Get the Most Out of Your Email Marketing Campaigns”
Again, be on the look out for my first product and campaign for my course on Solo Ads and how to use them profitably…
PLR, ChatGPT and AWeber for Big Profits?
Do you need PLR now that ChatGPT can pretty much create any product that you can buy from a PLR site?
I think there is still use for it and I think it will help me to have products to sell. There doesn’t need to be a whole reinventing of the wheel here. The PLR products are already divided up on the PLR wholesaler’s website. That can help me use for segmenting my list.
I can use a solo ad to send traffic to a generic make money online offer. I can then send out emails to my new subscribers and place them through a series of campaigns but if they show interest in one specific topic I can then send more offers in the niche that they respond to. They will remain in the generic list too so that I can see if they respond to other markets as well.
This is going to take lots of work. I wonder if I can get chatGPT to help me find a solution.
I once read a $7 report where a guy sold a low cost item a lot of times and ended up with a huge fortune because of that.
I look at PLR products similarly.
They are organized, have topics laid out in an organized manner and have good info that stays relevant today, it’s evergreen content.
As a service I could rebrand some PLR to sell to my list and I could put together a couple of versions of the same product and sell it to someone as a done for you business. I could even set it up and run it myself only. I also realized that I can repackage the same material for a different angle to target a different market with the same product.
That’s in the outlook but not in place yet.
I am going to sell info products inspired by PLR products, and I will sell that to my list and I will also send a solo ad to the offer to build up my list.
Each week I will add a new product and I can charge a monthly recurring charge to sell my new products on autopilot. I will be focusing on different aspects of the make money online market.
That means I have products ranging from email marketing to Youtube videos that don’t show your face!
There is a plethora of products and many paths to get the info out there, I am just focusing on solo ads for now.
A good idea, for me and my enjoyment of putting together a product and a landing page with buy buttons, I can repackage the PLR product, put together a quality lead magnet, set up an email campaign to sell the product and sell that package individually or as a monthly recurring charge for a bit less than the retail price.
I’m looking into a price point and a shopping cart system. I am using Paypal right now because it is easy and convenient. The only thing is that they charge too much. I think all merchant type accounts charge more than I’d like but I don’t know how else to accept payments to my website.
Be on the lookout for more product offers in your email and on this blog…
My Solo Ad Guide – Lead Magnet
I used ChatGPT to create a The Ultimate Guide to Solo Ads: How to Get the Most Out of Your Email Marketing Campaigns. I put it together to offer as a free gift in exchange for giving me your email. An “ethical” bribe. First of all, just check out the quality from chatGPT. Also let me know if the subject interests you. I can send more stuff like this if you sign up to that email list and read the guide.
I am going to create campaigns to add subscribers to my email list and also to add emails that sell to my list.
There are 2 ways I see myself going right now, the first is to sell solo ads as a middleman or just buy and segment those wholesale priced emails myself and see how it works out for me.
Selling Solos is a path and it can be lucrative. I can use my segmented lists to start sending affiliate offers and then create my own products for the most lucrative campaigns.
I sold some wholesale leads to a few Udimi.com customers and no one reported sales.
I am counting on the follow up to pick up the slack on some of my orders. I have to follow the rules from my lead magnet.
I have to have a campaign set up and have multiple offers for each segment to keep them engaged and convert them into happy customers.
I can generate content for emails with ChatGPT which is going to make it easier to create my own products to sell to my email subscribers. There are enough offers out there to keep me busy for awhile but learning how to track and how to optimize will lead to new levels of success.
I can sell clicks as low as $0.40 per click.
Here’s what I will do with your order:
- I will send a solo ad to the most relevant segment on my list
- buy your requested number of clicks from my wholesaler + 10-20% which overflow goes to giving extra 10% over delivery and the extras go on my list.
For now, the majority of clicks will be from the wholesaler. The opt-in rate to my list and to the people who bought clicks from me on Udimi.com was about 25-35%
Are You Using ChatGPT Yet?
By now you’ve probably heard of the new A.I. Tool ChatGPT and how it’s taking over the world…
Are you putting it to good use?
It seems like it is able to do lots of stuff for you that used to take lots of time.
It has taken lots of the technical time suckers away and left me to create more sales related content and products.
In this post I am just going over a few of the things I am using it for. It can write blog posts, make checklists, and write up business plans. It can also write code for creating apps or other programs. It seems that knowing how to ask it is the only object standing between you and what you want it to do for you.
Recently, I came to the conclusion that I would sell Solo Ads because everyone running an online business needs traffic and Solo Ads are a source of inexpensive traffic that can be scaled and can be tested & optimized without breaking the bank.
I am using ChatGPT to help me write sales copy, outline a business plan and write landing page copy. It also comes up with fill in the blank email follow up and sales copy for putting in my AWeber autoresponder.
I am organizing the info it has created for me into a squeeze page, lead capture offer along with the follow up emails to generate a product I can offer that builds my email list and makes me sales.
There are multiple directions I can take and there are customers available in both directions. Now that I have ChatGPT to help with the work load I can organize a campaign to target both sets of customers I am planning on marketing to.
What I’ve noticed from certain “Done-For-You” product vendors is that they come up with this elaborate funnel that pitches their revolutionary system that is all done for you and sells on autopilot for a “low” monthly fee of just$197 and it seems a bit too much to me.
I am going to set up a system that can be easily copied and set up to do the same without charging that “low” monthly fee.
I will charge a small fee and provide traffic to their offers that I will help them set up for free. I have to use what I have available to me to do it and my lead magnet will be full of my affiliate links including these DFY guru products. The DFY products are great if you are brand new and have no clue what to do. They even have services they charge a “small” one time set up fee of only $47 and they’ll do what they are telling you to do. It isn’t much if the product actually sells the way they let you believe it will in the sales letter.
As a subscriber to this blog you get to see the “behind the scenes” look at what I am planning and what is going on as I get this product ready for market. It is 11:30 a.m. here in San Diego on Friday January 6, 2023. I am going over to my WordPress created website:
By the time you read this I should have it set up to offer a lead magnet and collect prospective leads.
The lead magnet will have links to Namecheap, HostGator and AWeber as well as some minor tools such as ChatGPT and SnagIt. Most of them will be my affiliate links. I will also set up a product, maybe the product will be what I just mentioned was the lead magnet, but the product will be mine alone, no selling other people’s products.
Part of setting up your own product is figuring out what exactly to sell and what to give away. I put time and effort into learning about this stuff in an organized manner. Part of that work I expect to be compensated for. I know that anyone with some time on their hands could go out and find all the info I give, paid or free, on the internet themselves. You can learn to use ChatGPT, SnagIt, AWeber and any other program however you want but it will take time. My product intends to curb that timeframe by supplying you with a definite plan to achieve a specific outcome by using the tools laid out in the specific way I mention in my product!
I kind of went in a few directions in this post because I’m thinking of stuff as I go. This is more of a brainstorm than a well planned out blog post set up to sell you something.
Here’s some more:
I paid Udimi.com to promote me as a Solo Ad seller and it paid for itself and for the traffic I had to buy to fulfill the orders I received.
My recent research into selling solo ads has uncovered some perspectives for me that were unknown to me before.
All these programs that tell you to get paid to send out a solo ad, as an affiliate marketer are rather misleading. My eyes have been opened to the fact that your first contact with new leads from your solo ad are people who have most likely never heard of you, have no idea if they should trust you and don’t really know what you’re all about so they are not likely to buy your outlandish offer from a Sales email from some other marketer.
The money is in the follow up.
Armed with this new found wisdom and adding in my experience with DFY systems and seeing good conversions from certain lead capture Squeeze pages I believe I can offer a solid business plan that may work if implemented with the right expectations. I also get to sell Solo Ads as a business which should pay me to build my list.
While I work on this watch how things develop, for free by signing up for my lead magnet and get on my SoloAdsProfit.com email subscriber list. Once I get that setup I plan on creating an advertisement, “Johnson Box” to send traffic from this post to my squeeze page.
My plan needs more development in the testing and implementation stages but for now stay tuned and see how well this works.
How to Start A Solo Ad Selling Business
You have undoubtedly heard by now that the money is in the list!
How do you get that list?
One of the fastest and low cost ways to get a huge list of targeted leads is to run a Solo Ad. And, how can you quickly profit from Solo Ads? By selling them of course!
There is a huge market for affiliates wanting to get their offer in front of entrepreneurs interested in starting their very own home based business.
Especially in these uncertain economic times and now that we have occasional lockdowns from the CDC people want something they can run from home without having to rely on a company to supply them with an income.
The easiest and least capital intensive project one can get into is sending out solo ads to build a subscriber email list of prospects interested in your product or service.
As an affiliate marketer, selling products and services to people who are running a practical business from the comfort of their own homes using solo ads is a no brainer because of the low barrier to entry and none of the bureaucracy found when buying advertising from the giants like Facebook and Google.
A solo ad selling business involves selling email marketing campaigns, also known as solo ads, to businesses or individuals who want to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. Here is an outline of how a solo ad selling business might operate:
- Identify a niche or target market: The first step in starting a solo ad selling business is to identify a niche or target market that you can serve. This could be a specific industry, such as health and wellness, or a particular type of product or service, such as e-books or software.
- Build an email list: In order to sell solo ads, you will need to have an email list of subscribers who are interested in your niche or target market. You can build an email list by offering valuable content or resources for free in exchange for an email address, or by running paid advertising campaigns targeting potential subscribers.
- Offer solo ads to businesses or individuals: Once you have an email list, you can offer solo ads to businesses or individuals who want to promote their products or services to your subscribers. You can promote your solo ad services through your own website or social media channels, or by partnering with other businesses or influencers in your niche.
- Set up the solo ad campaign: Once you have a client interested in purchasing a solo ad, you will need to set up the campaign. This involves creating the email content, designing the email template, and setting up the tracking and reporting for the campaign.
- Send the solo ad: When the campaign is set up, you will send the solo ad to your email list on behalf of your client. You will typically use an email marketing service, such as Mailchimp or Aweber, to send the solo ad.
- Provide tracking and reporting: After the solo ad has been sent, you will provide tracking and reporting to your client to show the results of the campaign. This will typically include metrics such as the number of clicks, the open rate, and the conversion rate.
- Rinse and repeat: Once you have completed a solo ad campaign for a client, you can repeat the process with other clients to continue growing your solo ad selling business. You can also continue to grow your email list and refine your marketing efforts to attract new clients and improve the results of your campaigns.
Go to SoloAdsProfit.com Now to get more info on how to start and run your own Solo Ad Empire!
Top 10 Reason’s To Buy Solo Ads To Promote A Home Biz Offer
Here are the top 10 reasons to use solo ads to promote a home based business offer:
- Solo ads allow you to reach a targeted audience quickly and effectively.
- They are relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of paid advertising.
- Solo ads can be highly effective at driving traffic to your offer.
- You can test different solo ads to see which ones perform best.
- Solo ads are easy to set up and don’t require much technical expertise.
- They can be a good way to get started with paid advertising if you have a limited budget.
- Solo ads allow you to build your email list quickly.
- You can use solo ads to promote a wide range of offers, including home based business opportunities.
- Solo ads can be a good way to get your offer in front of a large number of people in a short amount of time.
- They can be a good way to generate leads and sales for your home based business.
It’s worth noting that solo ads are just one of many ways to promote a home based business offer, and they may not be the best option for every business or situation. As with any marketing strategy, it’s important to test and measure the results of your solo ad campaigns to see if they are delivering a good return on investment.