
Almost there…

It’s been a few months since I first bought the PLR product, “Solo Ad Professor” and now I have it set up to sell.

I found a pdf from a few years ago about running an email marketing business. It is written with an emphasis on copywriting and it seems like it may have been a paid course at one time.

In the pdf was an outline for setting up and running a successful email marketing business and had really good advice for using your written words to make sales through email!

I took the advice and set up a sales funnel that uses Solo Ad Professor as a front-end offer and has an upsell for my 3-volume pdf called “Killer Web Copy”.

As of right now, I have the whole product along with a 10-part email follow-up sequence to sell Solo Ad Professor.

The Killer Web Copy course has about 6 follow-ups so far.

The third part of the advice is to have a mid to high-ticket offer on the back end – which I have yet to set up.

Once I come up with a good plan for a mid to high-ticket item that I believe myself able to create or provide I will be confident in starting my solo ad campaign for my own products and sales funnel.

As I study the Solo Ad Professor videos and follow the advice I’m selling I am getting excited about the possibilities and where this project is headed!

One of the services I am looking at charging a premium for is setting up a PLR product on a domain with a funnel on it like the one I’m creating here (one that follows the old pdf I found online) and charging a premium for it.

Here’s an idea for recurring:

I can offer access to my email campaigns for Clickbank and Digistore24 products for a monthly fee or charge a premium for access to a large amount of done-for-you email campaigns that can be accessed and implemented immediately.

It is possible to Make this into a service where I add a new campaign every month or every 2 weeks… what do you think? What would you like and what would something like this be worth to you?

Another idea is to buy a domain and set it up with a sales funnel that has a front-end offer, an upsell, and a high-ticket affiliate offer and sell it along with a squeeze page for collecting leads and a Rolodex of trusted (or at least reviewed) solo ad vendors they can use for a maximum probability of success.

As of now, my next step is to take the list of questions found in video 2 of Solo Ad Professor and actually ask them and record the answers for my Rolodex!

My intent with the questions is two-fold. I intend to buy a solo ad to sell my course and to build a list of solo ad vendors and their self proclaimed specialties.

I have asked some questions before when I bought solo ads but I haven’t really used the answers properly.

My swipe and my squeeze page are a little bit narrow. I expect that will affect my opt-in rates negatively. I expect my leads to be more qualified to review and buy my products based on my prequalifying questions to list owners and the substance of my squeeze page and swipe file.

Here’s my plan of attack:

  1. Ask 5 sellers and 5 sellers on Facebook my prequalifying questions
  2. Choose 1 seller everyday (depends on my results)
  3. Set up or plan out a tracking system that works easily for me
  4. Finish follow-up emails for Killer Web Copy pdf’s
  5. Decide on a high or mid ticket promotion for back-end profits

I have seen a few of the gurus create courses that are done for you email campaigns for affiliate products. They offer a whole years worth of follow-up campaigns so you have something working for you on autopilot.

My product may be for my subscribers to be able to choose which campaigns to swipe from me based upon my actual results.

I know that if everyone is doing the same thing the market quickly becomes saturated and your efforts are lost in the sea of sameness!

I don’t know, maybe there is a large enough market with enough newbies regularly added that this won’t happen too fast.

Another idea is to just keep pumping out PLR products and promoting them. I can offer to set up the same for my customers for a nominal fee.

For example:

I may setup the whole funnel from squeeze page to back end product for a customer and charge something like $197 so I can get some clients and some reviews of my services.

Also, just providing my follow-up campaigns with my squeeze pages for affiliate products along with the solo ad providers I use and the results I am getting could prove to be a valuable resource for other marketers, newb and pro alike.

Again, I must mention how much working this out in words adds clarity to what my plan should be.

I am leaning toward a results report with tools and resources utilized as a powerful product that should be able to command a decent monthly recurring product.

I have to come up with a layout for my report, what all data should be included and how to preserve privacy.

PLR, Solo Ads, and AWeber email Autoresponder to start a business.

I know that there are others out there in a similar situation to me that have been looking for a simple and easy to implement business that you can get into with little to no capital or experience and still stand a chance to earn an income online.

Using Solo Ads along with targeted email swipes and a specific sales page message I think I can find my audience and get them what they need to move up to the next level and finally see success in the make money online niche!


PLR And A Plan

I keep getting sidetracked…

My plan is coming together just not as fast or as neatly as I hoped.

Organization is not my strongest skill.

I have been mentioning for sometime now how I am using PLR products that I am setting up on subdomains of my sites to have products to sell.

I choose evergreen products so I can have something good to sell no matter if it’s today or 10 years from today.

I am in the marketing niche and selling products that have lasting value, not the latest & greatest scheme to make a quick buck!

It takes time to process the information and it takes more time to understand how to utilize the information in an effective manner.

I have read through a few courses on how to buy solo ads and they all mention how you should be asking the solo ad vendors a series of questions to qualify them before blindly buying their products and hoping it’s right.

I listened to one guy and decided to sell Solo Ads myself through and I followed his advice and sold a few solo ads. I made a few bucks.

I felt bad because I made no sales to the products I am marketing through this wholesale source and I didn’t get any reported sales from the customers I sold ads to.

After this fiasco…

I found a report that cautioned against buying these kinds of “cheap” ads because the experienced vendor selling these ads knows well that they don’t convert and that’s why they are willing to sell so cheap.

Now, as a new solo ad vendor, with no professional looking website of my own, how am I going to offer Solo Ads at a competitive rate with no results to show?

What I have to do is vet my sources and charge a premium for my services.

I have access to the right questions to ask the solo ad vendors to help get a higher likely hood of converting subscribers into customers.

As a “Solo Ad Middle Man” I can help ask vendors the right questions to see what they are best suited to market and who should buy from them for the highest chance of getting sales.

In order to get good at finding the right vendors for certain products offers I need to practice.

That all is part of my own testing and needs to be tracked too.

As I buy solos and get results I can rate the sellers and document my results.

I need to be careful not to give away too much but my testing is really my product right now.

I am testing an idea, a product and a technique.

My products are made up of experience and PLR products.

My idea is to set them up and then market them through Solo Ads.

I am learning to track everything and I need to build my own rolodex. I need to build a filing system to help me track everything and figure out the most important metrics to best help me improve.

I write these brainstorm blog posts to help me power through some ideas and issues.

I was battling with how to be better than before. I care about what I am doing and selling Solo Ads, although I was successful, I couldn’t do it in good conscience.

Now, I have a new idea where I can do what I was doing, charge more for it but probably not earn as high of a commission.

Since I have not yet implemented, or even planned out how exactly, my strategy I don’t have any true sense how it’s going to work.

I was testing a landing page and getting decent results but I was not getting any positive results from the offer I was actually promoting.

That is why I want to implement the next phase in my testing to be improved upon by 2 factors:

  1. Ask qualifying questions to solo ad vendors
  2. Split test landing pages

The 2 easiest sources I know of to find Solo Ad Vendors is and Facebook pages.

How do I track, test and report this info as a product plus sell my service as a solo ad seller?

Steps to take:

  1. get my questions ready
  2. compile answers in a report
  3. sell the report – or give it away – to attract customers
  4. continue setting up evergreen PLR products
  5. test traffic – report – rinse repeat!

What I hope to accomplish –

  1. By asking questions I should be able to get a good idea or sense of whether or not the vendor has the right audience for the offer I am promoting
  2. With a well constructed swipe file I can get a better – more pre-qualified – prospect
  3. Similar to segmenting my own list into buyers and leads I can also segment sellers
  4. I can both sell my own products as a information marketer and sell solo ads because I have an idea where to market certain products
  5. I can sell my curated solo ad vendor list
  6. I would have the ability to sell coaching to teach or done for you ad campaigns to earn a premium

Here I find myself again with a great idea and tons of work to make it happen.

This is a must have topic for me to research and offer a product on because it is a difficult concept to overcome and that is focus.

So, in order to focus on one thing I am sticking with Solo Ads.

But, there are so many ways to use solo ads that I have to make more distinctions and decide on a clearer path.

I am going to use solo ads to sell my own PLR products or affiliate products. – I have to decide.

I have to sell something in order to test out the process I am going through.

I am excited and I want to see the numbers in my bank accounts get bigger!

In order to get better numbers in my accounts I have to do something that someone finds useful enough to give me money.

By offering my services to communicate with and purchase solo ads from certain vendors, with the right kind of customers for my customers’ promotions, I will be providing value for both newbs and experienced marketers.

Experienced marketers that don’t already have their own list of quality ad vendors understand the value of having a buyer for their product ready to go and will pay a premium if they are going to grow their list and pick up qualified leads in the process – probably make more front end sales too!

At first, I had this notion that I would easily buy solo ads to build my list then sell solo ads to generate a consistent positive cash flow.

It isn’t that easy, unfortunately.

Less than half the clicks you buy end up converting into subscribers and even less of those are converted into paying customers.

The math ends up with you spending lots of money on a list of freebie seekers who don’t want to buy anything.

Now, I’ve armed myself with information and I have lots more experience.

What I lack is experience in consistent success. I have been able to find buyers and I have been able to build a subscriber list with relative ease. I have very low success rates in creating a self liquidating offer.

That is the goal of a solo ad for me. I buy it, build up a subscriber list and my front end offer converts at a high enough rate that my ad pays for itself and I have a list of subscribers that I can follow up with and, eventually, convert them into customers.


Offer A Service For Fast Income

This morning I am editing a PLR ebook I bought and the author wrote (or story is) about a newbie who found success by offering a service while building up passive income streams. That is something I am also working on but I want to provide a service with a clear conscience.

What I mean is that I wanted to sell solo ads because I know that there is money there. I know that there are people out there making a killing buying solo ads. The problem is that I am not making sales with the signups I get from the solo ad traffic I am buying. I am getting tons of email subscribers but I am still working on converting subs to customers.

Meanwhile, I have been learning more and more about copywriting effectively and product creation. That’s why I am editing this ebook to match my voice and as a secondary benefit from creating my own product by editing/rewriting a PLR ebook is that I learn different methods, and techniques and get ideas on how to implement what I am learning.

The author speaks about getting a copywriting gig because of her skill as a writer that she has been developing in an enjoyable manner since grade school. I am not a gifted writer. I have to work hard at it.

That’s probably the problem, I have been sold the idea that making money online is easy when in reality it is simple, but not very easy! You choose your market then you figure out how to bring that market what it needs and make money! Simple.

How do you find the market? How do you get the product for less than you can sell it for? How do you promote to the market? Where is the market? Do I feel ok being in this market? (you could make a killin’ selling illicit drugs to teenagers, but would you feel good about it?)

I have a few services I could offer, that meet my criteria. One idea is to create a guide with affiliate links that shows how to create your own landing page and sell those cheap solo ad clicks I have access to – not my favorite anymore – Another idea is to sell a guide – rewritten PLR – and promote an upsell on the thank you page and place a link to a product that pays me an affiliate commission. The third idea is to copy some of the ideas I see other doing which is to give a “just add traffic” DFY business that has affiliate campaigns done for you and a landing page that requires you to send traffic to it and it sends subscribers into your sales funnel that is automated to sort and sell your funnel products plus promote affiliate products to them.

I can pay someone a monthly fee and they give me access to squeeze pages that convert and email campaigns that promote your affiliate products for you on autopilot. Sounds like a good deal.

Another service I’ve considered is a PLR type business. I can do it a few ways too. I can do lots if I can get on with a good host that will accept me into their affiliate program. I can try HostGator again or BlueHost…

This idea ties back into the free guide that has affiliate products promoted in it. I can promote a free domain and I will build your website for you give you my squeeze page that gets a 35%+  opt-in rate plus a follow-up campaign for a PLR product and the same deal as above where you get DFY email campaigns to promote affiliate products.

I mostly want to get a solid system going for myself first but then I read ebooks like the one I’m revising now, I feel like making a couple sales a month could really help get my business moving in the right direction.

I like the idea of the self liquidating offer that you create to build an email list. The problem is I can’t find the right combination of product and traffic source to allow me to generate any self liquidating offers that I could immediately start scaling to maximize my list now.

That brings me back to where I’ve been for awhile now… How do I convert opt-ins to customers? I have to test more offers. The cool thing about affiliate offers is that they are all done for you.

I need a better offer I guess.

I keep building these ideas but I can’t seem to get enough momentum to get through the roadblocks. It’s too much work, It’s too expensive, I don’t understand it well enough to teach it, I can’t compete against these pros…

If I am facing these obstacle then so are others, I keep seeing opportunities pop up now I need a way to maintain the energy long enough to get them to market, even if I get in my own way!

I have other projects trying to steal away my attention and I am going to get back to them soon because of ChatGPT. I think an Adsense site may be a good idea. Now that I understand SEO a little more I can use ChatGPT to create content around easy to rank for – high paying – keywords. If I can’t get Adsense I can get CPA offers, affiliate offers or maybe even build up sites and sell them to my competitors.

I have too many options sometimes.

This post has revealed to me what I need to do.

  1. Stay Focused
  2. Finish My Projects
  3. Promote My Products
  4. Get Test Results, Analyze, Optimize and Repeat
  5. Create More Products
  6. Automate Email Marketing


What about ChatGPT?

If you haven’t heard yet A.I. – ChatGPT – is now available to the public for experimentation. Content creators are all nervous about their jobs because of the power of this A.I. program.

It can write code for you.

It can come up with outlines for articles or even books for you.

It will take on the “voice” you command it.

It can help you come up with ideas for ad copy.

It can do much more and what I mentioned is just what I understand about it… It is huge right now!

I just finished up a post about my struggle coming up with a definite plan using my knowledge and experience to make money online. That post and this one are being created by me not a.i. at all.

What I am using ChatGPT for is to come up with ideas for different subjects such as book outlines and persuasive email subject lines to get open rates up. I also use it to help generate headlines that capture reader’s attention.

In other words, I am using ChatGPT to help me with copywriting.

I am also going to use it to help me put together this guide that will help me organize my business and help my subscribers start their own.

I have been watching Youtube videos about list segmentation. There are about as many ways to do it as there are people using the internet.

It seems that a popular method or segmentation is to simply divide prospects and customers.

There is automation that I can add in my AWeber that will help me create a segment of customers and those who are just prospects.

But… Let’s focus on using ChatGPT to help me create and market a product that teaches how to create a landing page that converts solo ad clicks into subscribers and how to test and optimize it.

I am also going to do some brainstorming here.

The prompt I am going to use to get this project started:

“What is a solo ad, a squeeze page and how do I use solo ad traffic to optimize my squeeze page?”

And here’s the response I received:

“A solo ad is a form of advertising where you pay another email marketer to send an email promoting your product or service to their list of subscribers. The email will typically include a link to your website, and the goal is to drive traffic to your site and convert that traffic into leads or sales.

A squeeze page is a standalone web page that is designed to convert visitors into leads by collecting their contact information. A squeeze page typically includes a form where visitors can enter their email address and other contact information in exchange for a freebie or other incentive. The goal of a squeeze page is to capture leads and build your email list.

To optimize your squeeze page for solo ad traffic, you should make sure that your page is designed to convert visitors into leads. Here are some tips to help you do that:

    1. Use a clear and compelling headline: Your headline should grab the attention of your visitors and clearly communicate the value of your freebie or incentive.
    2. Include a persuasive copy: Your copy should explain the benefits of your freebie or incentive and why visitors should sign up for it.
    3. Make it easy to opt-in: Make sure your opt-in form is easy to find and fill out.
    4. Use a clear call-to-action: Your call-to-action should be clear and obvious, and encourage visitors to sign up for your freebie or incentive.
    5. Optimize for mobile: Make sure your squeeze page is optimized for mobile devices, as more and more people are using their smartphones to browse the web.
    6. Use images and videos: Use images and videos to help explain your freebie or incentive and make your page more engaging.
    7. Use social proof: Use testimonials, customer logos, or other forms of social proof to build trust and credibility with your visitors.
    8. Use A/B testing: Use A/B testing to test different versions of your squeeze page and see which one is more effective.
    9. Track and analyze your data: Use tools like Google Analytics to track the performance of your squeeze page and see which areas need improvement.

By following these tips, you can optimize your squeeze page to convert the solo ad traffic into leads and build your email list.”

It’s pretty good!

There are some points that I have found differing opinions on how to structure a squeeze page as far as incentive is concerned. Some say to give away a freebie and others say that just attracts freebie seekers.

That is something I can test myself. First, I need to set up a product that I can start making money with so that I will be able to afford more testing.

I need to have a clear path to what I am doing or else I get confused or distracted and end up where I started. But, I have a place to start now, again!

Let’s go into the product a little deeper, but first let’s look at how this will transpire…

This project will use my product, a guide to creating and implementing a high converting landing page that works by converting solo ad clicks into subscribers to build an email list – fast.

That will lead into my PLR product I’ve set up for $27 that teaches copywriting. In that guide there is space to promote an affiliate product or to create another product that I can sell.

So, to get this off the ground I still need a product that teaches about the landing page build and where to get cheap solo ads.

I have other guides that go into greater detail about how to optimize your solo ad buys too. That could be an upgrade to my freebie guide to getting a high converting squeeze page.

As I go through this I am pulled back to PLR products that are already made and just need to be set up to be sold.

That leads me to another possible product where I buy a PLR product, set it up on a website for someone and give them my guides to getting high converting squeeze pages and how to test using AWeber.

Testing keeps coming up in my focus today too.

How do I get paid for doing all this testing when I don’t have any good results to report yet? Should I sell the report about 1,000 ways not to make money online? I’m pretty sure I’ve tried at least 1,000 things that haven’t worked.

While I conduct this research I need to find something that works, like a recipe, so I can be certain to have an income. That is what the past decade+ has been while figuring out the stuff that doesn’t work.

The number one thing guaranteed to not make you money online is to do NOTHING! No action creates NOthing.

I’m off to create this report about creating a squeeze page that converts wholesale solo ad clicks into email list subscribers. Somewhere I need to be tracking all I do in an organized manner.

A couple more things, 1. I am working on setting up a split test on AWeber. I want to test 2 landing pages.

In order to do the test I need to have a funnel to send subscribers into.

That means I have to have a front end or lead magnet offer.

I need my landing page.

I need the upsell product, sales page and download page setup.

I need a high or mid ticket product to promote.

I need email campaigns setup for sending to my lists as a solo ad.

I have to set up an email campaign for the upsell and the high/mid ticket item.

Plus I have to start putting more campaigns together for customers and for the prospects lists.

There is lots of work to get this going. That is the benefit of the DFY products like the Ambassador Program or the Easiest System Ever that you set up your autoresponder and load it with their email campaigns and then add traffic and you have a business ready to build your email list.

Having used and promoted both of those programs I have to say, be ready to spend money while you learn and while you build your subscriber list.

As a do it yourselfer I have run into plenty of difficulties too. When you see what they are charging you to do something simple it makes you cringe but when you try to do it all yourself you also see why the charge is fair for what you get. Especially if you consider all the time and testing that they have to do to get you something that works.

Would you be interested in a program where I set up a squeeze page, tell you where to get cheap traffic and set up affiliate email campaigns you can copy too?

Would you pay $20/month for 2 new campaigns for mid to high ticket Clickbank products in the affiliate marketing niche?

I was going to and even set up a stripe account to accept payments to sell solo ads. I don’t have a curated list and I am still struggling on getting a conversion rate above 1% so I don’t feel like it’s the right thing to do. I am still going to run some tests using this traffic source and I will give the link out in my report but I don’t really want to sell solo ads this way.

I just recently discovered that I can allow others to copy my campaigns and my landing pages with a share link from my AWeber account.

I really want to promote hostgator because I use them and have been for many years now. They didn’t accept me into their affiliate program.

I can’t recommend any other host because I haven’t used any others. That could be one of my tests, see if another host is good and if they will accept me into their affiliate program. That brings up some ethical concerns now too… Am I recommending products that pay me the most or the ones that help you the most if they are not the same product?

That’s what the affiliate disclaimer is for I guess.

So, my guide will recommend AWeber for your autoresponder service, HostGator as a webhost (until I try and can recommend another host or just become an affiliate and add it as an option), and will provide a guide to where to get low cost solo ad clicks, copy of my squeeze page and access to copy my email campaigns. The campaign will be from the vendors affiliate tools webpage and may be edited for personalization by me.

I can add a review of different Solo Ads sellers too, as I get more solo ads done.

My current solo ad provider doesn’t use my solo swipe, they use their own. I will use some other sellers and use my own swipe and that could be another product or feature of my products or services.

All this is inspired by ChatGPT, I can easily create reliable informative content now and just need to find a way to monetize that content.

As I write this stuff down I am reminded of product that are out there or can easily be created and sold and it feeds that loop of what should I do? There’s so much to choose from. I need to focus on one method and angle and get results, record them, make adjustments and repeat the process.

Just thought of another product – how to split test effectively.

Stick around here and ask questions and you’re sure to get useful feedback.

Here’s how I’m planning on running my first test – create 2 slightly different squeeze pages and run a split test on them with Solo Ad traffic.

Do I give something away as a lead magnet or do I pre-sell the report to attract “buyers” instead?

I am having difficulty wrapping my head around how to test 2 squeeze pages against each other and now I am dipping into testing 2 different philosophies?

This is starting to be a run on blog so come back for more tips and tricks and for an update on my progress.

The Struggle Is Real!

Staying focused is extremely difficult sometimes. When building a business to make money online there are not only a massive amount of opportunities available but also so many nuances and methods within each opportunity that it makes taking meaningful action a difficult task!

Here’s an example:

I recently found out that getting subscribers on my email list is easy using a high converting – generic offer – squeeze page and cheap solo ad traffic – @$0.25 per click. Now I am tasked with converting these subscribers into paying customers and I am stumped!

I am convinced that selling my products, a PLR product or my creation, is the way to go. If I create a product it has to be about something that I can do and since I am not making tons of sales I can’t honestly talk or teach about how to make money online. 

The issue of being insincere when trying to sell people something to do something that I haven’t already done is amplified when acting as an affiliate for some make-money online system or coaching program.

How do you avoid the “fake it til you make it” path?

Here’s where this has led me – Do I focus on creating a guide that helps my subscribers create a landing page that converts solo ad clicks into subscribers or do I try and “teach” or sell courses on how to write great sales copy (copywriting in general)?

Should I do a study on different landing pages and publish my results? Where is the money in that?

Do I just write the guide on how to build an email list using solo ads – plug in affiliate links to the tools I use and give away the report?

There is a formula I recently found that goes into the upsell, down-sell, and how to offer high ticket items to my subscribers. Which brings me to my next problem – How do you decide which path to follow and when do you decide it isn’t going where you want and need to switch directions?

Here’s another angle that may be leading me where I need to go – Because my landing pages convert well I know that the information I am giving for it is valid. If I continue to perfect it and improve its already high conversions using the copywriting advice from the ebook I am selling then it might do the trick of convincing my mind that I am not a fraud. I am doing my best to follow the advice of those who’ve gone this path before me and I want to be sure I don’t lead my subscribers astray or misrepresent myself as an expert at something I am not.

Now I have to come up with an implementation strategy. That’s where the copywriting advice comes in. I need to be assertive, honest, and helpful. That means I am going back to my plan of giving away my landing page templates. That gives me a good opportunity to get sign-ups for AWeber as an affiliate. I may be able to get into some hosting affiliate programs too. Also, I will have ample opportunity to release more guides as I gain experience and sales and will be able to offer more helpful advice too.

Next, I need a way to segment my subscribers so I can market something different to people who have already bought from me. It’s something I need to study and understand because, at this very moment, I am lost in this endeavor.

There is a PLR seller who has these products that are spread out over weeks if you buy the whole product line. He has an offer for about 30 products or more that you can market to your list in an ongoing manner. I don’t know if it is a membership type of deal or if you just market a new product every few weeks or how exactly it works but it is a neat product that takes care of either customers who are also members or it takes care of my need for coming up with new products every few weeks myself.

If only there was an easy way to make decisions with confidence that your plan will work as out and all will be good.

That’s where my mind is wandering this morning. My plan now is to take what I know and parlay it into a massive – mostly passive – monthly income!


I keep reworking things in my own head without actually testing things out the way I’d like to. I get info from internet sources and they are compelling enough to make me take notice and rethink my strategy.

I am sticking with the PLR products. I may end up using PLR as a Front End product, the upsell and have a membership site with all my courses available while you’re a member for a monthly fee.

I really like PLR because it allows me a quality product that is easy to set up and sell.

That allows me to focus on marketing.

It seems like the same or nearly the same amount of effort is needed to sell an affiliate product as it is to set up and sell a PLR product. The difference is you keep all you generate and you build a buyers email list!

Now, with ChatGPT there is no reason not to have an email campaign set up for selling your products. It will help you to develop an email autoresponder to help follow up with leads and get your sale.

I tried to create my own product to offer for sale to my subscribers but I did like I always do and hurried through and created a less than stellar product.

What I did find out though is that there are some really good PLR products that help me to see things clearly and get ideas from them. I follow the advice or get inspired by the substance of the products so I know they are worthwhile. I also choose niches or topics that don’t go out of style.

Email marketing is here to stay. Copywriting is a necessity in sales online and in print. Building a list of email subscribers is something that people need to learn how to do in order to keep in touch with their customer base.

There are software that need tutorials, tactics that need explaining, and techniques that need to be shown so there are plenty of products that have alternate angles to be explored, deeper explanations or new angles so there is plenty to explore and share and make money from.

I can finally see the machine and how the pieces work together. Now I just need to build mine with quality parts.

I also have to learn how to think differently about the information I have and have an offer out to you to buy it from me.


Best Font for Email Signature

The best font for an email signature is one that is easy to read, professional-looking, and consistent with the overall design of your email. Some of the most commonly used and recommended fonts for email signatures are:

  1. Arial: This font is a popular choice for email signatures because it is clean, easy to read, and widely available on most devices.
  2. Calibri: This font was designed to be highly legible and is the default font for many email clients. It is a clean, modern-looking font that is easy to read in small sizes.
  3. Times New Roman: This font is a classic serif font that has been used for many years in print design. It is also a popular choice for email signatures because it is easy to read and gives a sense of professionalism.
  4. Verdana: This font is a popular choice for email signatures because it is easy to read on a variety of devices, including mobile devices and desktop computers.
  5. Georgia: This font is another classic serif font that has been used in print design for many years. It is also a popular choice for email signatures because it is easy to read and gives a sense of professionalism.

Ultimately, the best font for an email signature is one that is easy to read, professional-looking, and consistent with the overall design of your email. Try different options and see which one works best for you and your audience.

Here are some best practices for font size, italics, and bold in an email signature:
  1. Font size: A font size of 10-12 points is recommended for email signatures. This size is easy to read and professional-looking.
  2. Italics: Italics can be used to add emphasis to specific words or phrases in your email signature. For example, you can use italics to highlight a specific title or a specific service you offer. However, be careful not to overuse italics, as it can make the signature hard to read.
  3. Bold: Bold can be used to make specific text in the signature stand out, such as the name of your company or your title. As with italics, use bold sparingly, as it can make the signature hard to read.
  4. P.S: P.S can be used to add a postscript to the signature, for example, to remind the recipient of an upcoming event or to add a special offer or promotion. It can also be used to add a personal touch, for example, a thank you or a sincere message.

It’s important to keep in mind that the main purpose of an email signature is to provide contact information and should be easy to read, simple, and not too busy. Avoid using too many colors, too many different font sizes, or too many different types of formatting, as it can make the signature difficult to read and unprofessional.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the email signature should be consistent across all your emails, and also with your overall branding and design.

Test Run

I have Stripe set up but not sure yet how exactly to make it all work together. I am placing the order form below to offer Solo Ads for sale. You get the copywriting course, “Killer Web Copy” with any purchase. I just have to figure out how to deliver the ebook and the clicks when you order and make it more automated but let’s see what I’ve got so far:

“Figuring It Out” Takes Time

When you’re researching how to make money online you quickly get bombarded with hyped up claims of making millions with push button ease.

Inreality, the methods are simple, but that simplicity doesn’t make them easy.

I have recently come up with an idea for a market I would be comfortable entering.

Over the years I have become proficient at building websites.

I am not good at building tracking systems or knowing how to easily put ecommerce order buttons on any old page and then make sure everything is running smooth and is protected against cyber attacks…

I recently became proficient at getting subscribers on my email list using solo ads.

I also recently found a reliable source of wholesale-priced solo ads.

I had some success selling on and I want to break out and sell solo ads independently from a platform.

It is not easy to just put some PayPal buttons on a webpage and sell solo ads.

I have lots of parts that still need manual maintenance.

Short term I am planning to set up a system to sell solo ads and sell PLR products to help my customers learn how to be effective marketers using solo ads.

I feel like I need to have a better offer or a better package in order to get customers to trust me and spend money on my products.

I can give away a guide or solo ad clicks but not both.

I keep going back and forth in my head on what direction to take.

I can’t seem to get a clear path mapped out on what to do next.

It seems like I must put together a stripe account in order to offer subscribers the opportunity to place orders directly from the emails I send out.

It is a big headache because I don’t use stripe and if you use anything to get money, as a business, then you have to jump through all sorts of hoops and it takes a long time and lots of boring reading.

For now, that’s where I’m going to focus. I am going to get set up on stripe, figure out how to create an offer that sends subscribers directly to the order form from their email.



Starting with the Headline

The Extreme Importance of a Headline in

taken from Killer Web Copy, VOL. II Chapter 7

The headline of a sales copy is perhaps the most important part of the whole
piece. The headline is what grabs the reader’s attention and gets them to read
the rest of the copy. It is the first thing they see and can be the key to the whole

It is essential for every copywriter to fully understand what it takes to write a good
headline. It is also important for a copywriter to understand why the headline is
so important.

The headline should be so compelling that it makes the reader want to read more.
The headline serves the purpose of drawing in the reader and piquing their

Everyone has heard that first impressions are very important. You should think of
your headline is the first impression you give off about your business and your

You want that first impression to be compelling, interesting and intriguing. You
want the reader to be impressed. You want them to want more.

Your headline should do three things. It should grab attention, communicate a
message and entice the reader to read on.

There are many different ways to write a headline. In fact, there are eight main
ways to write a headline. You can use any of these ways that works for what you
are trying to sell.

The first type of headline is a direct headline. This type of headline is blunt and
straight to the point. The reader should clearly know what is being sold and what
the great offer in just by reading the headline.

The second type of headline is an indirect headline. Unlike a direct headline, this
type of headline uses a subtle manner. Its main goal is to make the reader
curious so they feel they must read more. Commonly indirect headlines use
words with double meanings.

Killer Web Copy

The third type of headline is a news headline. This type of headline is an
announcement. It is something newsworthy. The idea is to be compelling.
The forth type of headline is a ‘how-to’ headline. This type of headline is very
popular. It works very well at selling almost anything. Basically, the headline
starts with the words ‘how to’ and goes from there.

The fifth type of headline is a question headline. It asks a question that is
something a reader will want to find the answer to.

The sixth type of headline is the command headline. This type of headline
basically tells the reader to do something. The trick to this type of headline is to
use strong words that will trigger action in the reader.

The seventh type of headline is the reason why headline. This type of headline
does not need to have the words ‘reason why’, but will usually contain a number.
It is going to highlight a certain number of things the reader will learn if they read
on, for example: ‘5 Ways to Lose Belly Fat.’

The eighth type of headline is the testimonial headline. The testimonial headline
is just like it sounds; you take something someone has said about your product
and turn it into a headline.

Once you figure out what style of headline you want to use, then it is time to get
writing. You have to make sure it is clear and well written.

No matter what style you choose, you have to use strong words and make sure
your point is getting across. Your headline has to have the following

It must offer something useful to the reader.
It has to make the reader feel as if they must read more.
It has to include something that tells the main point of the copy.
It should be specific.

Killer Web Copy

It is also important to not get carried away with a headline. If a headline is too
wordy, then a reader may avoid reading it at all. In general, headlines should
stick to a maximum of eight words.

The headline is so important to the success of copywriting that you should plan
on spending as much time writing it as you do writing the rest of the copy.
The biggest mistake a copywriter can make is to simply throw together a
headline. Good headlines require work.

You should be very dedicated to writing your headline. It is, after all, going to be
almost as important as the rest of your copy. It makes no sense to write a great
copy and have a terrible headline because the chances of your readers reading
the rest of the copy are slim to none if your headline doesn’t reel them in.