Another Mental Roadblock

I have found more PLR products I can use to make articles, ebooks, blog posts, courses and email autoresponder messages. The new issue clogging up my productivity is to post this stuff as my own, to sell stuff that I also didn’t create or use the way it claims in the product.

I was starting to feel this yesterday and I convinced myself that I do know that solo ads work to build an email list but I haven’t made tons of money selling products using solo ads.

My mind began to drift back to PLR and SEO used to create adsense sites. I can rewrite articles about topics I know about and eventually get traffic from SEO. I can also use the articles and pay someone to rewrite them.

I can do keyword research and find a way to get an article ranked using a press release or by posting on medium or blogspot, etc. …

That could drive traffic to my website.

I could possibly get clicks on my adsense ads.

I don’t know how to word my sales page that is set up to make money off solo ads telling people how to make money with solo ads when I haven’t actually made money with solo ads!

I saw a video last night where a lady spoke about how she was buying traffic and sending it to her adsense sites. I don’t know if she was sending solos or something else. My mind is starting to pick something up there too, now.

Can I use PLR to put on a website,  have that PLR optimized for showing high dollar CPC adsense ads, then I find a way to send traffic to a sign up page that collects email then sends visitor to optimized adsense page that is also relevant to the list they just signed up for?

What can I make the sign up for?

What do I make the article about to keep visitors interested and clicking on my ads?

What if I can put up my free offer that tells people how to build an email list using solo ads then sell them a program for landing pages that convert?

Can I find a course that will make me enough money to pay for the solo ads to advertise it?

It’s All Coming Together

Thinking out the issues I am facing with my marketing business, on this blog, helps me to decide which direction to take. Sometimes I get an idea and start going with it and just like I mentioned above, I get stuck.

My idea about selling my research so you can make a site to make money based on my research didn’t spark anyone’s interest. I didn’t push it either because I think it is a lot of work for not much pay.

What I am aiming for is a business that is as hands off as possible and still pays the bills.

I have got to wrap my mind around the fact that Adsense is not the only way to place an ad on my site to make money. Affiliate products that I write the ads for myself, also can make money for me. Some ads can make me money if the person ends up simply leaving their zip code.

The thing with adsense though is that they will always find the ads for the highest paying advertisers so they make the most money too and I don’t have to go through and rewrite everything when a new advertiser who is paying more comes on the scene.

As I am writing I am starting to lean more to using the adsense idea.

How am I going to put it all together though? What direction should I go in?

Which PLR articles should I buy and start creating content for or have someone cerate for me?

What sort of offer or give away am I going to use to get subscribers and what am I going to do to get them to buy from me?

This happens to me too often, I come up with an idea, come to a point where it gets tough and I move on to do something easier.

I know with PLR and solo ads there is money to be made!

I know that making a list is not difficult.

I know that there are lots of people trying to make a living online.

I know how to do keyword research.

I know how to get content produced for me.

I get the concept just can’t get the method that works for me, yet!

What’s The Plan Then?

What to do, what to do, what to do….?

If I start another blog to post the PLR article on then I have to do keyword research to find the keywords that pay the most. I then have to find relevant keywords I can rank for using SEO, use cheap PPC on, or can get a good conversion rate on when sending solo ad traffic to it.

I could also look at it as long term or as an experiment…

Let’s get back, again, to the fact that I know that solo ads are good for building an email subscriber list…

Subscribers that want to make money online using an email list want to know how to get an email list. I don’t know how to track sales and visitor activity effectively. I don’t know how to segment my email list. I can get PLR that talks about that, send my list an offer to build high converting squeeze pages and then how to use aweber and segmenting to optimize the power of my list.

Ok, ok, ok… I think I see some light now.

I set up a site on this domain to sell an ebook about how to build an email list and it sells for $7.

It’s another PLR product that I need to re-do but I can sell that and I can use the give away that comes with it to entice subscribers.

I can also get the squeeze page builder program as a supplement, give away or to sell it will be beneficial to me and to my subscribers.

I have to organize all this into a funnel type of system to keep everyone organized and going in the right direction.

Let’s Recap:

  1. set up an offer to find out how to use solo ads to build an email list
  2. set up an offer for effective squeeze pages
  3. set up an offer to find out how to optimize your email list
  4. set up a program for effective copywriting
  5. research adsense and PLR sites

The Solo Ad Professor PLR product I purchased and set up on my has some videos that came with it and there are some awesome ideas on there that made the investment worth it even if I can’t sell the info myself.

The other thing in the Solo Ad Professor is the mind maps. These maps show how to set up your whole email marketing campaign. That ties in with the idea of segmenting your list.

The mouth of the funnel is wide. As the list owner you have to give your subscribers some value to retain them. You have to keep different tastes satisfied.

When I first started I didn’t really see the value in segmenting my list and I haven’t done it yet.

That is another topic for a blog post and experiment. I will discuss how I am segmenting my list.

I actually did two things for my list. One time I asked a question to see if I could get a response and I did. The other time I added a tag to people that opened a certain email. The second act has more people coming to my website and reading these posts.

All this tracking and segmenting and selling gets complicated fast. On the surface it is simple but when you try and do it it is now a simple concept that is not easy to implement.


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