
It’s nearly impossible for me to help you do what I haven’t been able to do. But, I know it’s possible and I know it is helpful. Just think about sports coaches, they help world-class athletes achieve top-level performance even though they are not the ones in the match or in the competition.

How do I bring that to the make-money-online market?

Is it right for me to “coach” people on how to make money online from home if I am not making a living from it myself?

It is something I struggle with every day!

I just watched a Law of Attraction Youtube video that talked about focusing on what you want. The seeker asked the guru to help her get what she wants and the guru kept repeating to her, “focus on what you want.”

The seeker was responding with I want this BUT…

and she was prompted over and over again to focus on what she wants and she would get back to talking about how she wants to do something but this other something is in the way…

The conversation went on for a few minutes with the seeker and guru exchanging words. The seeker had great difficulty focusing on what she wanted because of all the BUTs in the way.

I, like the seeker in this story, find myself focusing on the buts and not the wants most of the time.

Even right now, I want to make money online. I want to make lots of money online. I want to make lots of money online easily. I want to make money online easily and be helpful to people who also want to make money online.

Now’s where my mind wanders into the dark side of this process and comes up with all the buts. What if I only focus on what I want?

At first it seems selfish. It is selfish, not just seems that way!

I question the fact that selfish is bad. We are told to be selfless and to do for others. Be thoughtful and be kind as if they are only acts for others and I would argue that all of our actions are self-fulfilling in nature. You are necessary in all your actions and without you, you have nothing.

You be kind to others so they will treat you kindly, it’s the “Golden Rule” you selflessly do kindness to others… so they do kind things to you… is that selfless? You get something for your actions whether you like it or not. There is a saying, “no good deed goes unpunished”

That’s my reasoning for acting selfishly.

And, that leads back to my desire to make lots of money online easily and effortlessly.

I want to make lots of money so I can have more freedom to do more for my happiness. I want to share the knowledge I’ve discovered that helps me, and you, make money online.

That thought brings back the thought of the Law of Attraction and thinking about what I want. Focus on what I want. What can I do to get closer to what I want?

If I stop and look at the obstacles then is my focus diverted from what I want or is it necessary in order to know what I am moving away from?

Uh-oh, I am losing focus…

I want to make money from the comfort of my home. I want to do things that I can share with others and it will make me money and help you make money.

I have studied the tools and tactics reportedly used by those who’ve gone before me that has, allegedly, created the sort of wealth I desire.

One of my websites,, is about using Solo Ads to market make money online products as an affiliate and as a product creator. The problem is that I haven’t been able to crack the code between finding prospects and converting leads into customers.

I know how to put the message out that I have the information prospects are seeking but I don’t have a powerful enough message that the info actually works.

Part of my problem is that I am using the info and its not producing the desired results which means that either my info is bad or I am doing it wrong.

Since I want to make money online and I know how to search for other markets and I know how to create content around those markets, like my info says to do, I can “branch out” into one of these markets and create that content and Monetize it.

There is tons of info available. There are innumerable markets and an even greater amount of angles to serve those markets.

I want to make money online. I am intent on accomplishing that task. My idea to do that is to find a search term that has thousands of monthly searches and low competition. I have tools to help me do that and I have studied methods to make that happen.

I know that people are being herded to to take digital courses on a huge number of topics. I know that information is a valuable commodity and if I could see what Udemy is getting visitors for then I may be able to create that content and serve it to the market.

While Youtube gurus are telling people to use ChatGPT to create content and sell it on I have decided to create the content in order to give it away.

I provide the content that people are searching for and Google send people to me to get that content.

I found something about how to talk to people. It is a searched topic that doesn’t have too much competition.

I can use ChatGPT to help me create some content that I have a good chance of ranking in the search engines for and I can put affiliate links to Amazon products people can buy and earn me a commission.

I want to add a lesson I can send out to my email subscribers documenting my process so I can establish my credibility and I can help them or inspire them to act similarly and also make money online!

How do I go about that?

I am glad you asked!

I will write a series of blog posts about the matter at hand and then I will send out an email that previews it and links to it. On the actual blog I will create a topic that I research and give a link to more in depth books written on the topic by professional authors.


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