More Thinking…

Yesterday I came to the conclusion that I would start with affiliate products to promote through solo ads. That means I still have to build a squeeze page and an email follow-up campaign and I may end up sending buyers through the whole follow-up because I don’t know if they buy or not.

So, I thought about it and decided to finish setting up what I have and make the affiliate products side campaigns for when I don’t have a new offer for my list ready.

That sort of messes up my idea of sending my campaigns to my customers for as a service since all my campaigns are for my own products.

That means I have to come up with another way to promote affiliate offers and organize the way my list gets them.

It came to me that since I am going to be sending out questions to my potential solo ad vendors asking them for info on their list’s interests and the products they buy gives me insight on what to promote to that list.

If the campaign is in the make-money-online niche and there is a solo ad vendor whose list likes these offers and responds well to them it is a no-brainer for me to promote that type of offer to them and record my results.

What I will do is set up a campaign and broadcast it, one by one, to my list and then build a squeeze page that will automatically put new opt-ins into the new campaign I just sent to my list.

On AWeber, I will set it up so that the new subscribers will get the usual intro to my list campaign and the current one I just broadcast to my list.

My next campaign will be sent again to my original list plus all the new members just recently signed on. Once I have it set up for my current subscribers to receive it I will set up a campaign to get new subscribers who will automatically be sent the current campaign and be put on my autoresponder that will send out the other 2 campaigns, in the order they were sent to my other subscribers, then get on to receive the new campaigns as I release them.

This takes some planning…

I have to set it up for them to not get the same campaign twice. Also, the swipe that I send to my list will be the swipe I plan on sending out to the solo ad vendor’s list and those who open or click the link will be added to the new campaign.

That leads me to another topic, do I send the follow-up series of emails to all whether or not they open the first promo email or just put them in the campaign once they show interest? – And can I send it out more than once to try for more sales?

Anyway, the whole point of this post is to announce that I am changing my plan again, before even implementing anything. I think it is more that I am working out what I think is best and most practical in my situation.

So, this is my plan:

  1. Finish setting up my current funnel with all the follow-up emails in place and the upsell placed in my Killer Web Copy pdf’s
  2. Create automation that takes subscribers off the promo list for products they’ve already bought
  3. Get my questions out to some vendors and start segmenting them too!

Once I’ve got a list of 10 vendors with answers to my questions it will be time to start sending solo ads out…

My Rolodex of vendors, segmented by list likes, will be a valuable commodity for other solo ad buyers.

As a Solo Ad reseller I can charge a premium to my clients for sending their campaigns to the right solo ad vendors. I can also send their offer to more than one vendor.

My lists will be curated and that is way better than what I am working with by questioning them and figuring things out on my own. I will be able to offer clients a quick match to the right vendor for their offers.

The other side is that I can sell or give away my list to get subscribers or to create an income stream.

Here’s another product I can sell now and offer free updates every time I update my guide, my Rolodex with my questionnaire filled out by many solo ad vendors along with the stats, promotion, squeeze page and swipe used with each vendor.

I need that info for myself!

How much would that be worth to other buyers of solo ads?

I sure do lots of what-if scenarios in my head and not a whole lot of finishing up what I’ve already planned.

I just want to create an income stream that I can tap into and not have to spend all my time and attention to nurturing and growing it. I want to spend time playing with my kids and not worrying about making a living by working for someone else.

I am tired of being sold on these easy ideas then being lazy and not doing the tough stuff that it takes to get the ball rolling. It is easy to buy into the idea of making money online but it’s not that easy to actually make it happen! The push button pay day systems require loads of time and effort to set up and run properly and they forget to mention that it will be months before you will be able to actually get things moving and start seeing any income from your efforts.

My own plan is coming together in a nice way. I am seeing results, getting ideas and finding out that there is a way to make money for myself, help others make money and pay for the services I need to keep my business afloat.

If you’ve been following along then you know that my most recent products are about copywriting. Copywriting is a fascinating subject with some “magical” properties.

It is a skill that permeates many markets. I am learning this art and practicing it too.

ChatGPT and PLR are helping me create the content that I needed when I was first starting out and this blog is helping me workout what I need to do while I create content.

I created a spreadsheet to track some data check it out here.

Keep coming back here for updates, previews and tips on making money online!

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