Pie In The Sky

Today I received a marketing email and I knew that’s what it was. Being in internet marketing I wanted to see what it was all about. It immediately threw me off because I recognized the formula about selling the benefits. The guy tells his sob story and how his new revolutionary affiliate marketing system made him a millionaire almost overnight.

I know that the system he’s selling works but it is not at all glamorous or easy the way the sales letter wants you to believe.

I’ve bought into those systems before and I get immediately disappointed and let down because it is a foot in the door tactic that promises the world and delivers lack and scarcity.

It plays on our emotions to fix a problem we are having and it feels to me like it is robbing people of their hard earned cash by manipulating their emotions to buy a prduct that will not deliver the way the sale’s letter paints it out for you.

That’s why I am being open about what I’m doing and what I’m trying to convey to you. I am looking at concepts in this business that are what I consider fundamental and I’m trying to eliminate the need for cheap tricks for a more solid relationship based on quality.

I am using PLR products, products you can go out and buy the rights for yourself and change to your liking and sell just like I’m doing only you can upgrade the information to be updated for today’s current market. I mean some of the websites, programs and tools available just a couple of years ago have gone away or new tools that do a better job for less money have come out to replace the old. Placing referral links to products that do the same job as those in the PLR courses is a great way to create new content from old outdated content and sell that content just like the original creator of the product intended.

My first product was The Solo Ad Professor. It is a few years old. The info is still relevant. The industry is still unregulated and there is still room for you in it. You can still buy a set number of clicks from a list owner or reseller for a set amount of money up front. There are still cheats and crooks that you need to watch out for. People still try and sell you fake clicks and robot traffic.

You still need to have a follow up campaign to sell to your subscribers because they still don’t usually buy from first contact.

The info in that course is still very relevant but some of the vendors or autoresponders may no longer be online. I chose that industry as a starting place because of the enormous success I had building a list using solo ads.

Now, I didn’t have the follow ups in place. I didn’t have any clue about tracking, I needed to figure out how to integrate my Paypal buttons into the products I’m selling and I need to find a way to communicate my vision that the products I’m promoting are both relevant and valuable.

Anyone can use the info I’m selling, for CHEAP, and look at the structure pay attention to the message and its delivery. Take that same structure and reverse engineer it and do the same thing. Take any PLR course and turn it into your own product.

These products I am selling are products I am in need of the information from.

I need lots of help in the persuasive writing department and that’s why I purchased a bundle of PLR on copywriting.

After loading the first product Copywriting Influence onto my subdomain I was looking at the other products in the bundle and there are some gems.

Some of them I may be able to give away to my subscribers and if not I will be sharing the info in my blogs and in my emails. They are good ethical bribes to get eyes on my offers. One of the ebooks in the bundle actually appears higher quality than the one that is offered in the course I’m selling so be on the lookout for that book!

It was kind of fun putting together the website yesterday. I had some trouble but it came together and I’m learning how to deal with code. I can take it and make it work

I know that folks are raving about the coding abilities of chatGPT but I don’t know how to take advantage of those capabilities yet.

I do know that ChatGPT can help with email and content creation.

I am impressed with its copywriting abilities.

It wrote the follow up series for The Solo Ad Professor for me. I may have to add more emails or reword the ones I’ve already got but that comes a little later. I have to get more eyes on my offers and get more offers out there.

My segmenting of my list is still in its infancy. I am still learning how to put offers in front of the right people at the right time. According to the gurus I follow they say that your offer needs to be seen 7 times before someone buys from you. I don’t even have 7 follow ups for one of my products yet.

Using the knowledge from these copywriting courses I will add more follow ups to my campaigns and I will implement the strategies to ethically drive sales from my subscribers.

These blog posts are also a medium for selling my products and I use it more for spewing out my thoughts at unregulated speeds!

I let out my thought, trials and tribulations for you to see and I need to focus more on implementing what I learn.

I feel like copywriting has some sort of magical ability to turn random strangers into sudden fans of my work who are eager to wake up every morning to read my email and buy my products… Wouldn’t that be great?

The other wonderful part about it is that I am writing this stuff and setting it up in an autoresponder so I send traffic and my system does all the work for me in perpetuity.

So, I am happy about doing work that has the ability to help others because the information is relevant today and it will still be relevant in the next few years to come and the more I learn and refine the more my business grows and the more my income will grow too!

How do I convey that message to my subscribers?

How do I put that in persuasive language to get my products to sell?

That’s what this blog and my products are about so stay tuned…

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