How To Segment Buyers Into Their Own Email List

Once you get your new PLR product set up, have a email campaign setup to send traffic to your new offer and someone goes through your marketing and makes a purchase, how do you move them from your subscriber list to your buyers list?

I know that there is a way to track this info, especially since you are not sending your subscribers away to buy affiliate items, you are the owner and you can put code on any page and track who clicks what.

The trick is integrating the buy click with moving a subscriber to a new list or campaign.

Do I place a tag to put the buyer in a new campaign or do I completely remove the sub from one list and put her on a new list altogether?

I believe I am going to have them remain on my main list and also be tagged to receive an upsell or the next product I promote that is related to the first project.

For example, If someone buys Solo Ad Professor I will still keep them on my make money online list but I will automatically move them to the copywriting list, knowing how to write emails that sell is pretty important if you are running an email marketing business, especially if it is selling your own products.

Another question is about affiliates. How do I determine if they buy through my link or not?

I guess I could ask for a screenshot of their receipt and manually add them to a special buyers list once seeing that. I’d have to set up some sort of incentive for buying through my link. That’s lot’s of work for not having to do the work since supposedly, selling affiliate products is less work.

My goal for this PLR product buyers list is to put tracking code on the download page. Anyone getting to that page should go through the sales page and be directed to the download from the Paypal order page.

The course for $7 is a steal. I paid more, since I have the right to sell the product as my own I figures it’s worth it. If you like the concept of the site and would like to have a site like it send me an email to and I will make a deal with you. It isn’t cheap to spend time and effort setting up these sites but it is fun when it finally works and has all your info!

I know that with PLR you’re supposed to rebrand everything and sell it as a new product. Since I am more interested in learning more and adding more products to my income streams I am going to keep the price low on this as-is product.

I am still brainstorming in these blog posts that you get to see, so I am thinking about changing up the product, the graphics and the price, not the sales copy too much. I can then package this new stuff up on it’s own domain and sell the whole business for a premium.

Or, I could do it and sell it as a ready made done for you income stream or both!

Setting it up on a domain could lead to selling hosting and getting Namecheap commissions for sending them a paying customer.

I just need to figure out how to do this stuff in a tactful and helpful manner.

I am not very good at interacting with others. I am either too nice or too much of an A-Hole! That’s part of the reason I chose internet marketing as my way to earn a living.

Another reason I’m going into copywriting as my next product too, I need some training on how to write persuasively and not just whatever I feel right now.

You should start seeing a shift in my posts. I am going to implement more of what I learn to offer more products I am promoting and less about how I feel.

Now, back to the tasks for today…

I must put tracking on the download page to let me be able to convert buyers to a new campaign and take them off the one selling this PLR product, Solo Ad Professor.

I also must upload the videos so that they work properly on the download page.

Also, there is a place to put a promotion for my next product on the download page for Solo Ad Professor.

That means, I may pick out which PLR course I am going to choose for my next project.

That will be the topic of my next post I guess, so stay tuned for how to pick your next PLR product sale!

I do gotta say, this is exciting, having a workable plan, that belongs to me that I’m not dependent on a product vendor to come up with all the moving parts for me…



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