Are You Using ChatGPT Yet?

By now you’ve probably heard of the new A.I. Tool ChatGPT and how it’s taking over the world…

Are you putting it to good use?

It seems like it is able to do lots of stuff for you that used to take lots of time.

It has taken lots of the technical time suckers away and left me to create more sales related content and products.

In this post I am just going over a few of the things I am using it for. It can write blog posts, make checklists, and write up business plans. It can also write code for creating apps or other programs. It seems that knowing how to ask it is the only object standing between you and what you want it to do for you.

Recently, I came to the conclusion that I would sell Solo Ads because everyone running an online business needs traffic and Solo Ads are a source of inexpensive traffic that can be scaled and can be tested & optimized without breaking the bank.

I am using ChatGPT to help me write sales copy, outline a business plan and write landing page copy. It also comes up with fill in the blank email follow up and sales copy for putting in my AWeber autoresponder.

I am organizing the info it has created for me into a squeeze page, lead capture offer along with the follow up emails to generate a product I can offer that builds my email list and makes me sales.

There are multiple directions I can take and there are customers available in both directions. Now that I have ChatGPT to help with the work load I can organize a campaign to target both sets of customers I am planning on marketing to.

What I’ve noticed from certain “Done-For-You” product vendors is that they come up with this elaborate funnel that pitches their revolutionary system that is all done for you and sells on autopilot for a “low” monthly fee of just$197 and it seems a bit too much to me.

I am going to set up a system that can be easily copied and set up to do the same without charging that “low” monthly fee.

I will charge a small fee and provide traffic to their offers that I will help them set up for free. I have to use what I have available to me to do it and my lead magnet will be full of my affiliate links including these DFY guru products. The DFY products are great if you are brand new and have no clue what to do. They even have services they charge a “small” one time set up fee of only $47 and they’ll do what they are telling you to do. It isn’t much if the product actually sells the way they let you believe it will in the sales letter.

As a subscriber to this blog you get to see the “behind the scenes” look at what I am planning and what is going on as I get this product ready for market. It is 11:30 a.m. here in San Diego on Friday January 6, 2023. I am going over to my WordPress created website:


By the time you read this I should have it set up to offer a lead magnet and collect prospective leads.

The lead magnet will have links to Namecheap, HostGator and AWeber as well as some minor tools such as ChatGPT and SnagIt. Most of them will be my affiliate links. I will also set up a product, maybe the product will be what I just mentioned was the lead magnet, but the product will be mine alone, no selling other people’s products.

Part of setting up your own product is figuring out what exactly to sell and what to give away. I put time and effort into learning about this stuff in an organized manner. Part of that work I expect to be compensated for. I know that anyone with some time on their hands could go out and find all the info I give, paid or free, on the internet themselves. You can learn to use ChatGPT, SnagIt, AWeber and any other program however you want but it will take time. My product intends to curb that timeframe by supplying you with a definite plan to achieve a specific outcome by using the tools laid out in the specific way I mention in my product!

I kind of went in a few directions in this post because I’m thinking of stuff as I go. This is more of a brainstorm than a well planned out blog post set up to sell you something.

Here’s some more:

I paid to promote me as a Solo Ad seller and it paid for itself and for the traffic I had to buy to fulfill the orders I received.

My recent research into selling solo ads has uncovered some perspectives for me that were unknown to me before.

All these programs that tell you to get paid to send out a solo ad, as an affiliate marketer are rather misleading. My eyes have been opened to the fact that your first contact with new leads from your solo ad are people who have most likely never heard of you, have no idea if they should trust you and don’t really know what you’re all about so they are not likely to buy your outlandish offer from a Sales email from some other marketer.

The money is in the follow up.

Armed with this new found wisdom and adding in my experience with DFY systems and seeing good conversions from certain lead capture Squeeze pages I believe I can offer a solid business plan that may work if implemented with the right expectations. I also get to sell Solo Ads as a business which should pay me to build my list.

While I work on this watch how things develop, for free by signing up for my lead magnet and get on my email subscriber list. Once I get that setup I plan on creating an advertisement, “Johnson Box” to send traffic from this post to my squeeze page.

My plan needs more development in the testing and implementation stages but for now stay tuned and see how well this works.

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