Build A Buyers List

As an internet marketer you should be building a list of buyers to build a relationship that pays you well into the future.

How do you track which subscriber buys from your link? How do you move them from your prospect list to the known buyer list to market differently?

I am not sure if that is even possible or how you’d go about doing that.

You can track who’s bought from you though.

When you create your own product or sell a PLR product you can segregate that customer out of the prospect list and put them on a special buyers list.

Having a responsive list of these people is marketing gold!

These people trust you and like what you have to offer.

The problem as an affiliate is that you have to have a product to sell. And to be sure they will buy again and are getting the quality they bought from you already you have to vet the products you are promoting.

Recently I began selling Solo Ads on and I don’t have a personal list of ravenous buyers, yet.

I need to build a product that I can sell and build up a segregated list to help me profit more. I will also be catering to a specific group that want the niche products I am promoting.

I will also be giving my Solo Ad customers better quality leads that I know have bought and give them a better chance to make money too.

The folks on my list, if I vet the product I’m promoting properly, will be shown a product that complements what I’ve already sold to them.

Traffic generation is easy, it’s the targeted traffic that gets tricky.

The most recent program I’ve been promoting does most of the heavy lifting for you.

John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program has a webinar that explains the program. The follow up campaigns are in place to sell more products related to the original offer to help customers with the exact problems I’ve outlined here.

You don’t have to build a website, put together fancy landing pages, find affiliate products to promote and be an expert copywriter to sell the products you’re promoting. Those things are all built in.

You use his promotional materials to build your own buyers list and nurture them with personalized email campaigns curated to their interest and needs.

Here’s a link again for you to go and check out if this program may be a fit for you.

The best thing about this offer is that it comes with ClickBank’s unconditional 60 day money back guarantee. That means you get to try this out, start building a subscriber list, get all the follow up campaigns loaded into your autoresponder and if you decide that it doesn’t work you can cancel and get your money back.

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