Getting Stuff Done

I’ve had a PLR product on my site for some time now but I didn’t really do a solid promotion on it. I had some struggle with some previous promotions so fear of failure was holding me back along with procrastination and analysis paralysis.

Today I reworded a few things and reworked some landing pages, set up a better delivery system and now I have what I believe to be a decent landing page to collect email when I send traffic to it.

I had to re-direct some links in PayPal to help me protect my work a little better, and by my work I mean my effort not that I wrote any ebooks or anything like that. I only have so much time.

Here’s a breakdown of what I did:

  1. Acquired a PLR product with a lead magnet
  2. Built the sales page for Email Marketing Success ebook and checklist onto this blog
  3. Created a download page in Google Drive
  4. Made a folder with the ebook and checklist also in Google Drive
  5. Created a PayPal Button to collect payment and send customers to that product download page
  6. Put together the Squeeze page that gives away the Lead Magnet – 5 Ways to Nurture Your New Email Subscribers – to collect subscriber emails
  7. Made an autoresponder message in AWeber to send subscribers the Lead Magnet
  8. Created a thank you page to promote Email Marketing Success ebook and checklist
  9. Also uploaded the Lead Magnet to my site

The last thing I plan on doing today is editing the pdf of the lead magnet (special file) that is used to send to my current subscribers to promote the Email Marketing Success ebook.

It takes some planning and “work” and rework to make sure everything loads right on your site, links go to the right place and the product stays hidden rather than on a page that anyone could go to and just download the product, like I had it for the past few months.

I have been researching copywriting but I didn’t edit the sales page to reflect what I’ve learned, yet.

The work I did took me a few hours and it took lots of concentration. It’s a little exhausting and I didn’t swing one hammer or dig any ditches!

I like building like this. It is kind of fun putting this together kind of like a puzzle. If I had to write the whole ebook and create the lead magnet too I would have to go on vacation!

Please check out the links to my work and let me know what you think. Send me an email @ or just post in the comments what you think.

If you like this information and want more like it let me know.

These PLR products are decent. I acquired them because I am learning this stuff myself. I have a few other PLR products on another site, that show how to use Solo Ads to earn a profit while you build your list.

The other product, AWeber Crash Course 3.0, is a FREE video course that shows how to use AWeber to handle your email list autoresponder, build landing pages and manage your subscribers.

Once I have some results from a Solo Ad that is promoting the Email Marketing Success course I will most likely put together a copywriting product promotion using PLR.

I am going to double check my product licenses and see if I can adjust the price on the AWeber and Solo Ad Professor courses down to $7 like this Email course I put the promotion together for today.

Like I said, the info seems solid and the squeeze page looks decent. to me, so I expect decent opt in rates and the low price should allow for at least a few conversions.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot what I learned in the Solo Ad course, I have to learn how to track my results and how to segment my list so the buyers won’t keep getting follow up emails to buy the product they already purchased.

I don’t have any outlandish earnings claims to report but I feel like it is important to mention that there are no guarantees that you will make any money online and most people who try to make money online make nothing and can even lose money. Please do your own research because there is risk in any business and this is a business. The products I am promoting through the links on this page may be affiliate links that pay me a commission if you click on them and make a purchase.

There will be another part to this post because I still have lots of work to do so be on the look out for the Solo Ad, autoresponder follow up, list segmentation and new product promotions to learn how to make money online with PLR and email marketing.

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