A Little Update
There is an internet marketer, Anik Singal, who’s been around for quite some time. I recently saw a Youtube Shorts video he made where he talked about his interaction with Mark Cuban. He talked about sending Mark a message asking for advice about the 5 projects he’s trying to run.
Cuban wrote back that he advises Anik drop 4 of the projects and focus on one.
That’s the advice I am taking to heart.
I have so many projects going, poorly, and one starting to pick up some momentum.
I keep myself busy all day switching focus from one thing to the next.
I am getting burnt out!
My solo ad idea is still in the works. Learning how to write better sales copy is a high priority.
Learning how to organize my sites to generate SEO traffic is another top priority on my huge list of concepts to master.
Recently I purchased a domain and I paid someone to build a wordpress site on it and it is getting ranked for some keywords. The rankings are not first page, yet.
Getting better rankings and building up the site go hand in hand.
My top priority should be to use what works and do more of it. Since I don’t currently have the funds to continue to buy domains and have the same guy build them up for me I have to reverse engineer what he is showing me and build up my sites like he did for me and improve my habits and focus to get more traffic and convert them into buyers.
Another improvement I can make is to implement what I learn and I learned something yesterday that should help me improve myself.
I learned about “Analysis Paralysis” and how to overcome it.
Here’s the caveat, I watch too much Youtube about how to make money online ideas and I get too many ideas without ever profitably executing what I learn. This one bit of advice I learned, last night, to overcome analysis paralysis is to set deadlines for myself. The youtuber equated analysis paralysis with having too much time to do things.
She said that setting a deadline forces you to take action and I agree with her. The only problem is that I have too much time and I know that the deadline means nothing except that it is a goal to do something in a set amount of time or there will be no consequence except I don’t meet the deadline.
Now I am faced with another dilemma, do I research how to set a real deadline with real consequences to force myself to take action, find out more about how to write better sales copy or work on adding content and improving a website that’s starting to get ranking in the search engines?
How do I measure which of these activities will be the most profitable to me?
Whatever I choose to do I need to work on it until I get measurable results.
All these things I struggle with and talk about are topics for other posts and could be made into their own blog, time management, how to get SEO traffic to a new blog, how to set up a new blog and drive traffic to it, how to write emails that convert and how to write ads that sell.
There are so many topics and so many ways to approach them and lots of ways people are having success with these methods. How do I tap into at least one way, stick with it and make money?
This is the place where I am investigating these things and bringing you a real world experience of what’s working, what’s keeping me up at night and what’s getting positive results.
Please leave a comment on what is working for you, what you’d like to know more about and what you are struggling with too.
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