10 Steps To PLR Profits

Manage Your Own Online Marketing Business Making money online is simple but it ain’t easy!

Below is a simple step by step to get a small manageable business up and running using simple websites and emails to market your business. I put this together from a PLR website that tells you how to set up a business to sell their stuff. Of course you can expand the idea and sell your own stuff too.

I am putting the steps I am focusing on with an explanation of what I am doing for each step.


Choose a niche with plenty of Private Label Rights (PLR) Products available for you to use to promote your business and sell your own products. – I chose email marketing.


Create a free give away from the PLR products you’ve found. I have 2 of these I already set up which is what you do in the next step. Both are email marketing books and info.


Put together a squeeze page to gather names and emails of your potential customers. – Check out my 5 Ways To Nurture Your New Email Subscribers and Email Marketing Cheat Sheet


Set up one of the PLR products as a special offer for your subscribers.


Take 2 more of your PLR products and set them up also for sale also.


Write up a welcome email to give your new subscribers their free download and also puts your special offer in front of their eyes.


Put together 3 or more emails to introduce yourself and get your subscribers to know you and like you so they can come to trust you.


Write 3 emails for each of the products you set up for sale. 2 emails educate about the topic of your product and third email is a direct sales letter.


Drive traffic


Repeat step 9 again and again!

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