A Simple “Funnel”, I Mean Mindmap, I Mean Business Plan, I mean Template…

The past few days have been all about PLR product base business. All the different methods and directions you can go and how each way has its own nuances and names (niches?) that can quickly slap you back into indecision/analysis paralysis!

The product I found and setup over at SoloAdsProfit.com/solo-ad-professor has these 5 different “Mind Maps” that come with it. These maps give a good overview of your marketing “funnel” so you can have a guide on where you are sending people who visit your site.

The templates are each designed with the level of marketer implementing them in mind. This is something that I need. When I am setting up landing pages and trying to figure out where in the process I am and to who I am directing each message and what they have and what they need, and, and …

It gets to be a giant cluster real quick!

When I am writing these planning/update posts I am going through exactly what I am thinking and doing right now and I often forget to or just straight up fail to go and look at these business plans to help me get from point “A” to point “B” without getting lost. It causes me to toil about for hours just lost and directionless.

I also get flustered by the idea of rewriting a whole course! Especially one about something that I haven’t actually done… You know the drill, I am not good at the whole fake it til you make it thing.

With all this “Wheel Spinning” going on in my brain as I navigate my way through this online money making game, I am putting together a way for me to put my offers up, to bring me residual/autopilot income even while I sleep.

The folks putting out the PLR content want you to sell their products so they show how to set up a content based business like they run. The idea is to have you, or me since I am the one that’s finding this out, go out and set up a membership site where you offer these products to your subscribers for a monthly membership fee.

It sounds nice but I don’t want to have the obligation of finding new fresh content every month for others who can easily do it themselves.

Here I am again, I have “work” to do and I don’t want to do it, because I don’t know for sure if I am going to do it right and even if I do, will it end up being profitable?

The other thing is it is not easy to see where to go next, even with the mind maps there isn’t a clear path. You still have to put all the pieces on the map and tell the people how to get from one part to the next.

I keep going over and over in my head how I can profit the most in the easiest way possible?

I also keep going back to my own head and skill level. What do I know and what can I do with it to make some money, NOW!

A good offer in front of someone who wants the goods should be easy to convert and make me some money.

Solo Ads are fast and they reach a broad audience, at least in my experience with the make money online market.

My angle and my understanding level are saying that selling the PLR products that I have found to a list I put together through a solo ad is the path I need to follow. Below I have put together my own graphic as to how I want my traffic to flow.


Now I have to put it together and write all the messages or at least figure out how to use the PLR emails I have to send out as part of my funnel system.

My messages will be to sell Solo Ad Professor, the PLR product that teaches how to use solo ads to sell your offers.

The funnel I outlined above will be expanded to include some secondary products I am going to get that include a squeeze page course, an email list management course and a copywriting course. There’s also a content marketing PLR program that I have been eyeballing.

I really like the idea of getting SEO traffic, for free, but it takes a long time to get ranked or it takes lots of time studying the market you are in to be able to find the proper medium to interact with your audience.

What I am getting at is I will be setting up offer pages that sell the particular PLR product I am studying and I will be implementing the ideas contained in them and documenting it on this blog for you so you can see what mistakes I am making and you will know how to avoid them and make money yourself with the same products or at least the same tactics.

The landing pages I used in the past were good at converting solo ad viewers into subscribers to my list. That’s why I am going into email marketing. List building is important to being successful in that arena. In order to build a list you need an email capture squeeze page and in order to make it effective you need copywriting skills.

There are 3 subjects or niches there for me to tackle in one market. They go together and I have products available to sell right away. I don’t have to do any faking before making and it all makes sense to me now.

Get ready for the emails and the offers to start flowing. Leave any comments below and please ask questions. I can help because I have been going through all this info for so long I have a good idea what to say to you or I know where to find the answer to your question.

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