PLR – Done For You – Still Lots of Work!

PLR – Private Label Rights products – Just copy and paste on your site and start making money – HA!

In a few of my previous posts I mentioned how I was going to set up a PLR product on a website and drive Solo Ad traffic to it and make money. It is a simple concept and it is not too difficult but it is not easy to do the first time you try, at least not for me.

The older products are all websites written in html and I am using WordPress. The site has different folders with graphics and tables and paypal button codes and it doesn’t all just easily copy & paste onto a wordpress page or post.

I have a functional sales page for Solo Ad Professor with a few aesthetic problems I haven’t solved yet.

What I am noticing is what all the old programs tried to get through to me but I couldn’t see because I was too busy trying to get just the easy stuff to work and make me rich fast!

These PLR products have tons of relevant information that remains viable but it also has links and references to products that are outdated and obsolete. This gives you and me an opportunity with PLR.

Now that I’ve got the structure of the program on my website I can now begin to update the product and repackage it with my affiliate links to the now relevant products and put my words to the concepts and I have a brand new product to sell or give away.

This is, in my mind, very similar to having a writer produce content, that they researched, for you. You have to proofread the content and edit it for your use anyway. These plr products are fully functional digital books and video courses that you can use to either put up as is or rebrand and sell as your own.

It is time consuming to build a product, design a website and then advertise it. Just the building of the product takes time. Then designing the site and putting it together so all the graphics line up and all the buttons and links go to the right places.

The PLR is about Solo Ads and how to set them up, what to say in the solo ad, what kind of offer to put up on the landing page and how to get to know the solo ad vendor and if they are even a match for your product.

The product is from 2014 or something like that. At first that is a turn off but then I realized the underlying motivations for using solo ads, or advertising at all doesn’t change much. The videos talk about using some products that I couldn’t find and they mention sites and tools that are no longer around. The realization is that I can do many things with this information.

The website is already set up in a nice appearing manner. The words and story are good. It is almost my story already. Now I just need to make my own videos or pdf’s to update the content to the current products that I can recommend through affiliate links. This allows me multiple possibilities to earn commissions and to earn income by selling the new product I create from the old template of the PLR product!

When I started this experiment/project I intended to slap up a PLR product on a new website and sell it to put tons of cash in my bank account overnight! What I’ve realized is that I need to spend some time doing the revamping of the old ideas to sell the updated products and services and I have a product that people need and can use.

I really like the idea of getting paid to send out email messages. I really like the idea of having my own list of subscribers who will be ready to buy from me when I recommend new, useful products. I also realize that there is power in the lists of others who’ve already put together lists of people interested in my niche that will sell me advertising space in their emails to get me sales and subscribers.

As I learn about it and figure out ways to put together this information in a coherent and profitable way I can share my findings and experience in a valuable way too!

Please check out the PLR product I have as a functional product on my site:

Leave comments below and let me know if you would like to buy the whole PLR package and make your own site/product to sell like me!


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