Under-Developed Fruit

My efforts and results have led me to this conclusion: I have to put more targeted content out there. I have to create more persuasive, targeted content that builds trust and inspires productive action!

How am I doing this?

I am using Ahrefs to find high search low competition keywords and then using ChatGPT to create content pertaining to those keywords.

My intention is to keep building on the blogs that I have. I can use the guidance of my keyword research and the content from ChatGPT to get lots of related relevant content out there and have it point to products I can make money from when sales are made.

This activity is a way to generate some buyer traffic so I can get back to buying solo ads and building my email list.

My 400-member email list is not generating sales and it is not cost-effective to continue building non buyer email lists.

I am studying how to get a better click through rate on the emails I’m sending out because I am getting around a .25% click through rate and that is not enough eyes to make a difference.

One coach is saying to give loads of free content and another is saying that just builds a list of freebie seekers.

Both of these guys are well-known email marketers that apparently have made millions of dollars as marketers.

It now comes down to me, how do I want to proceed?

What do I want?

I would like to send out an email and people just give me their money, but I don’t think that would be satisfying.

I do want to provide relevant information that is useable to my subscribers in a meaningful way. I want my information to be used and acted upon profitably.

I have multiple blogs in a few different niches.

I am creating content for each of them now. I am paying special attention to the blogs that have active email subscribers attached to them

Since I have had decent success building landing pages that convert visitors to subscribers I want to keep doing that but I also want to grow that subscriber base into customers that buy from me.

I keep flip-flopping on whether I should be building my own products or promoting affiliate products.

I keep expecting sales to start pouring in but I keep getting disappointed.

I am not sure what I need to do, exactly.

I need more eyes on my offers but I also need to be more persuasive and I need to bring great offers.

I have also found that a.i. is able to crank out content super fast. My plan is to put tons of a.i. content on my sites and see what starts getting traffic then start optimizing those pages for converting traffic.

I also want to do some more with traffic exchanges. I was able to convert a few visitors to subscribers using a free traffic exchange. It seemed to happen right away and then petered out.

What I think happened is my landing page was new and the “regulars” on the exchange actively surfing for traffic in exchange saw my landing page and signed up then it was just part of the rotation that they were shown over and over like I saw happen as I was surfing.

The only remedy I can figure is to rotate the traffic exchange I use more often. If I go through and use a new one everyday then I may be able to get new and different subscribers. After 10 or so times of finding a new source should allow me to go back through and do it again with a new audience, hopefully.

What I am also seeing is the other markets I may be able to capitalize on.

I have two methods of getting content for my site. Both use ChatGPT.

One way I just rely on the a.i. bot to give me ideas and content. The other way I find the keywords using Ahrefs and then use ChatGPT to generate the content, much faster than coming up with it on my own!

So far, my site WoofSecrets.com is pulling the most organic traffic. I don’t know how it is doing this but it is.

I am trying to recreate the effects on other sites based on content that interests me more but I am also aware that making money from the internet is my goal and I don’t have to be interested in what people buy from my sites’ suggestions.

I have 2 other sites, StudentLoanHacker.com and Top10Bankruptcyreviews.com that are based on credit, finance, and laws which are of huge interest to me.

That’s why I am excited about this content method using ChatGPT, it allows me to quickly and easily create content about topics that I know a little about but don’t know how to organize a coherent informational article on.

This blog is like a journal and I hope it finds the right people to help too!

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